AEW Dynamite results 03/27/24: Swerve stomps his way to No. 1 contender status

Also on AEW Dynamite, Willow Nightingale earned a TBS Championship shot at Dynasty.

Though he’s not the only big name recent addition to the roster, it’s hard not to get swept up in the pure enthusiasm that Will Ospreay has brought with him to AEW. In the ring? Of course, that’s a given, and we should see it again tonight in Quebec City when he takes on Konosuke Takeshita.

It’s more than that, though. Ospreay was rarely a straightforward babyface during his time in New Japan, but he’s embraced that role wholeheartedly since he made the jump. He speaks about AEW as an ideal in a way that we have rarely heard (though stalwarts like Jon Moxley and Britt Baker have expressed similar feelings through the years), and in a manner that makes you want to buy whatever he’s selling.

And that’s great. Having two strong national wrestling promotions in the U.S. is a boon for the talent and for fans. Yet it’s even better when someone like Ospreay is where he truly wants to be, not just because one company paid him more or the like.

It’s no doubt easier for Ospreay to feel this pumped since he already has a juicy match set for AEW Dynasty next month. In fact, Ospreay vs. Bryan Danielson is the only match finalized for that event so far, which makes one wonder if we might see more movement on that end tonight on Dynamite.

Certainly, the four-way women’s match slated for tonight will do that, as the winner gets a TBS Championship shot. Two tag team matches are part of a tournament for the vacant titles at Dynasty as well, though the winners won’t be able to say “meet me in St. Louis” just yet since these are only the quarterfinals.

Anyway, we’re ready to recap all the action, so let’s light the fuse (RIP original Dynamite theme).

AEW Dynamite results from Quebec City:

(please scroll down for more details on any match or segment in bold)

  • Will Ospreay def. Katsuyori Shibata by pinfall
  • A hype video is shown for Bryan Danielson, narrated by Excalibur

  • Matthew and Nicholas Jackson don’t like Renee Paquette’s “ambush journalism,” but they talk about their biggest goal, which is getting their AEW Tag Team Championship belts back

  • Kazuchika Okada pulls up in an expensive sports car, as one does if one is the Rainmaker
  • Young Bucks def. Private Party by pinfall in an AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament Quarterfinal; the finish was a little strange and both teams attempted to cheat to win
  • Don Callis appears to talk up Konosuke Takeshita, who is facing Swerve Strickland in tonight’s main event
  • Mercedes Moné rolls up, ready to do guest commentary
  • Darby Allin and Tony Hawk talk about the charity he was going to climb Mount Everest to support, The Skatepark Project
  • Paquette gets Chris Jericho and Hook together, and it sounds like Jericho is offering to mentor or manage him, though Hook is understandably a little wary
  • Willow Nightingale def. Anna Jay, Kris Statlander and Skye Blue in a 4-Way match for a TBS Championship shot; Julia Hart attacks Willow from behind after the bell but backs off when Mercedes gets up from the announce table
  • Dustin Rhodes says nothing’s different even at age 55, and he’s as passionate as ever; The Butcher shows up and challenges him to a Bunkhouse Brawl on Rampage

  • Ben Mankiewicz appears with “Timeless” Toni Storm and ends up completely befuddled by her catchphrases

  • Best Friends def. Undisputed Kingdom by pinfall in an AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament Quarterfinal, as Chuck Taylor was able to neutralize Roderick Strong’s attempt to interfere; the Bucks make a brief appearance afterward to stare down Best Friends
  • Kyle O’Reilly talks to Paquette about getting a win under his belt to kick off his comeback, and he says he’s going to go it alone again on Collision to keep proving he doesn’t need Undisputed Kingdom backing him
  • An Adam Copeland video goes back through his TNT Championship victory, which he will defend for the first time Saturday on Collision
  • Swerve Strickland def. Konosuke Takeshita by pinfall in a No. 1 Contenders Match
  • Samoa Joe appears briefly with Paquette to menacingly say Swerve is not the man he thinks he is, and he’ll prove it next week

Will Ospreay gets a fun victory over Katsuyori Shibata

Courtesy of NJPW, we see footage from these two gents wrestling each other seven years ago. Ospreay looks like he’s a teenager, and Shibata was victorious on that night.

The question about this matchup was whether Ospreay would wrestle something more akin to Shibata’s style and pace, and he does … for a bit. He eventually takes to the air, however, and takes the bigger of the bumps when Shibata nails him with a big boot from the apron to the floor.

Oh, and he gets suplexed and kicked on the floor too.

Shibata gets to show off his striking game as well, plus they trade submissions. Yes, Ospreay can do those as well as the fancier stuff.

Ospreay has to fight out of several submission holds, and he eventually hits an Oscutter. Both men escape some close calls before Ospreay hits the Hidden Blade, but it’s still not enough to end it.

You know what is? A Tiger Driver followed by a second Hidden Blade. Good stuff.

Willow Nightingale earns a TBS Championship opportunity

Mercedes Moné is on guest commentary for this, and there’s plenty of intrigue involved. Skye would be going up against her own friend, Julia Hart, if she wins, and Willow and Stat are tag team partners most of the time.

There’s an awesome sequence after the commercial break with a Code Blue by Skye, people getting dropped onto each other, and more. Willow and Stat finally end up facing each other, but Skye barges in and they join forces against her (though also get knocked together).

Willow DVDs Skye on the apron, leading to amazing reactions from both Mercedes and Stokely. Eventually, Nightingale ends up isolated with Anna Jay, hitting a pumphandle sitout powerbomb that wins it.

Right after the bell, Julia Hart attacks Nightingale from behind, which gets Mercedes up from her seat … but only for a staredown.

Swerve Strickland stomps his way past Konosuke Takeshita to become No. 1 contender to Samoa Joe

Strickland offers a handshake, which Takeshita accepts but turns into the beginning of the grappling. Swerve has the upper hand early on, controlling the action and the pace.

Does he hit the Griddy? Yes, yes he does.

Takeshita fires himself up by hitting a sheer drop brainbuster, which actually is a good motivator. Or I’d imagine, I’ve never hit one.

It’s also fair to wonder if there’s an overrun tonight as we head toward six minutes left in the show. Strickland hits his somersault to the apron into a hurricanrana, which is wild.

Swerve is selling the heck out of his neck/shoulder region. Takeshita finds him with a tope con hilo on the floor, also outstanding.

Strickland fires back with a nasty DDT out of the corner and a corkscrew senton, earning both a near fall and a “this is awesome” chant from the Quebec City crowd.

Takeshita pulls off a nasty poison rana and a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. We’re going past 10 p.m. and into “what will it take to win this” territory.

Maybe a Swerve Stomp on the apron? That sets off a series of counters and reversals, plus a nasty knee strike that gets Takeshita a two count.

Another Swerve Stomp after a House Call? No, but a standing Swerve Stomp and a JML Driver finally do it. Hot damn.

AEW Rampage results 03/08/24: Top Flight soars

A look at the results from the post-Revolution episode of AEW Rampage.

It’s Friday night, and as usual, you know what that means. AEW Rampage presents the latest episode of Rampage, following another newsmaking Dynamite and a particularly eventful week, highlighted by Sting’s retirement match at Revolution.

The March 8 edition of Rampage is mostly wall-to-wall in-ring action, with minimal two backstage segments highlighting the ongoing feud between Ruby Soho and Saraya.

In featured matches, Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta take on Kip Sabian and Butcher, and Julia Hart defends the AEW TBS Championship in an Open House Rules match. The question remains: who will step up to answer the challenge?

In the main event, Private Party, Top Flight, and Bryan Keith and Komander compete in a high-flying match, vying to potentially compete in the AEW Tag Team Championship Tournament.

It’s all part of a fun way to start a full weekend of AEW action. Let’s dive into the results from the Mar. 8 episode of Rampage:

  • Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta def. Kip Sabian and Butcher by pinfall
  • A video package showcases The Infantry (Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo)
  • Ruby Soho says Angelo Parker is “really hurt” after last week’s attack from Saraya’s brother; Soho blames herself and says she hates Saraya, calling her “ugly” and a “bad person”
  • Julia Hart (c) def. Robyn Renegade by submission in an Open House Rules match to retain the AEW TBS Championship
  • Saraya, Zac Knight and Harley Cameron interrupt Renee Paquette recording a video backstage; Saraya calls Ruby “pure filth” and teases what she’ll do next to Angelo after injuring him last week; An angry Knight then viciously attacks someone watching them
  • Penta El Zero Miedo def. Action Andretti by pinfall
  • A video package showcases Titan, who will face Chris Jericho tomorrow on Collision
  • Top Flight def. Private Party and Komander and Bryan Keith by pinfall

AEW Collision results 03/02/24: Revolution Eve in Huntsville

AEW Collision filled in the final spot on the Revolution card and added a match to the pre-show as well.

We’re so, so close to AEW Revolution now. In fact, we’re so close that AEW Collision isn’t live tonight, having been taped earlier this week in Huntsville, Ala.

It’s a go home show for sure, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing important happening. For one, there’s a three-way match that will fill the final spot in the

AEW Collision results:

  • Buddy Matthews was supposed to wrestle an unknown opponent when he was attacked by Mark Briscoe; a wild brawl ensued that also drew in other members of the House of Black, but Briscoe was able to fight them all off and nearly managed to burn Matthews with the pyro and flame jests before the House retreated
  • Swerve Strickland admits that Hangman Adam Page tricked him good on Dynamite, but also says it won’t happen again and that he’ll take the AEW World Championship from Samoa Joe at Revolution
  • Dante Martin def. Bryan Keith and Penta El Zero Miedo by pinning Keith to win a spot in the All-Star 8-Man Scramble at Revolution
  • Page is shown angrily explaining that he isn’t proud of the deception he pulled off but insists “I had to do it”
  • Mariah May def. Angelica Risk by pinfall; afterward, “Timeless” Toni Storm blows by May right after the bell and calls for Deonna Purrazzo to join her in the ring, and the two friends turned rivals exchange one last set of threats, then some blows after Storm kisses Purrazzo on the cheek; May tries to help Storm but gets beaten up for her efforts
  • Bang Bang Scissor Gang (Anthony Bowens, Colten Gunn and Max Caster) def. Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno and John Silver) by pinfall
  • Lexy Nair talks with Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale and Stokely Hathaway, and while Stoke apologizes, a fired up Willow says she and Stat are going to kick the asses of Julia Hart and Skye Blue on Sunday night
  • Tony Schiavone has an in-ring conversation with Wardlow, who says he finally got someone’s attention, and that he’ll finally get his world championship shot after he beats the other all-stars in the Scramble at Revolution; he ponders who he’ll be facing for the title but is eventually interrupted by Chris Jericho, and their verbal sparring is in turn interrupted by Powerhouse Hobbs, who lays out Jericho and threatens Wardlow
  • Lexy talks to Serena Deeb, who says she’s been putting on clinics week after week; she says anyone watching who thinks they’re the best should step up and prove it against her
  • Private Party def. Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal by pinfall, thanks in large part to assistance from Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett, and the two groups teased a new alliance after the win
  • A video package hypes the Revolution match between Eddie Kingston and Bryan Danielson, with some additional words from both men
  • Thunder Rosa def. Cassandra Golden by submission
  • A video package shows Matthew and Nicholas Jackson trying to give Sting his “exit interview,” after which we get a rundown of the full Revolution card
  • Christian Cage, Brian Cage, Roderick Strong and Killswitch def. Orange Cassidy, Hook, Daniel Garcia and Trent Beretta by pinfall when Killswitch pins Beretta; after the bell, the two teams continue to fight, and Matt Menard ends up getting chokeslammed onto a steel chair by Killswitch before the show simply fades out with fighting still very much going on

AEW Dynamite results 01/17/24: Hook gives his all but Samoa Joe retains

Samoa Joe is still the champ after AEW Dynamite, but more than one challenger is lurking in the wings.

We have arrived at The Moment. Wrestling has lots of those, and in fact it’s generally a bummer when we go a week without one. But the one we’re talking about has been the subject of much chatter over the past week, and it’s here and in front of us tonight at AEW Dynamite in North Charleston.

Samoa Joe will make his first defense of the AEW World Championship he won from MJF at Worlds End, and he’ll do it against Hook. Joe, of course, has been in many spots like this over a well decorated career. Hook has not.

There’s no denying that Hook is a bright prospect for the future, maybe one of AEW’s best. He’s a stud athlete, able to pull off impressive offense, and he’s improving at selling. He isn’t the greatest on the mic yet, but he’s getting more comfortable there and AEW has played into his silent tough guy persona in a helpful way.

As Hook himself pointed out this week, there’s no pressure on him. There’s basically nothing to lose (his FTW title isn’t even on the line) and everything to gain. No one expects him to win, so this is a classic opportunity to look good in a heroic losing effort, assuming Joe doesn’t just steamroll him.

For AEW, though, the stakes are a little higher. If this match isn’t good, it gives ammo to those who don’t feel Hook “deserved” a world championship match, even if they came at it from a different direction.

We think it’s going to be really good, and AEW is presenting it without commercial interruption, which is nice. Let’s see how this plays out.

AEW Dynamite results from North Charleston:

(please scroll down for full details on any match or segment in bold)

  • Samoa Joe is shown entering the building earlier tonight, as is Hook
  • Christian Cage def. Dustin Rhodes by pinfall to retain the TNT Championship
  • Swerve Strickland says he came out of the Continental Classic as the man everyone was talking about, so he’ll certainly be keeping a close eye on the world title match tonight, and he doesn’t fear Hangman Adam Page chasing that title at the same time as he’s already beaten Page twice

  • Renee Paquette talks to Chris Jericho about the tag team title loss he and Sammy Guevara suffered on Collision, but he points the blame squarely at the interfering Don Callis Family; Matt Sydal stops by and challenges Jericho to a match to get him back on his game, which Jericho accepts though with a warning that he has a lot of pent up aggression to get out

  • Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta def. Komander and Penta El Zero Miedo by pinfall
  • After the match, Roderick Strong and The Kingdom confront them, with Strong warning that he’s coming for Cassidy’s International Championship and Orange Cassidy proposing a title match right now; Strong says Cassidy will have to wait until Revolution so that Orange has to live with the idea that he’s keeping the title warm for him

  • Paquette gets a word with Hangman Adam Page, who says he’s not only going to win the AEW World Championship in 2024, he’ll make it his own; Hangman also suggests he isn’t thinking about Swerve at all since he isn’t the champ

  • An emotional Mark Briscoe discusses the passing of his brother Jay a year ago and the amazing recovery of his niece, who he says doctors felt may never walk again; a tribute video to Jay Briscoe is shown afterward

  • Paquette talks to the Young Bucks, who now want to be called Nicholas and Matthew Jackson, and Matthew reacts angrily to all the false rumors swirling around them; they also say they’ll have to say goodbye to Sting and everybody like him since the idea behind AEW was to change the world, and they walk away from the interview as they have a meeting to attend

  • Bullet Club Gold (Jay White and The Gunns) def. Brian Cage and Gates of Agony by pinfall to become the new ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions
  • Adam Cole says Wardlow will go down as the most dominant AEW wrestler of all time and will continue to run through the competition until he acquires the world title

  • Deonna Purrazzo def. Anna Jay by submission; after the match, Paquette talks to the Virtuosa, who says that while Toni Storm has changed, so has she, but that earns an angry rebuke from the champ and they throw a show back and forth at each other

  • Private Party def. Top Flight by pinfall, albeit with a little shortcut taken by the victors
  • A video package shows highlights of Darby Allin and Sting
  • Samoa Joe def. Hook by submission to retain the AEW World Championship
  • After the bell, Hook remains defiant, asking Joe if that’s all he’s got; Joe hits another Muscle Buster but ends up heading for the hills as Hangman Page hustles to the ring to check on Hook even as Swerve and Prince Nana are shown watching from the crowd

Image credit: All Elite Wrestling

Christian Cage fends off a very game Dustin Rhodes

The fans have no problem booing and chanting “Christian sucks” as a greeting for the champ. Cage stays away from a direct confrontation with Rhodes in the early going, forcing referee Aubrey Edwards to call for several breaks in the corner or ropes.

After kicking out of an early cover, Cage lures Rhodes into the corner, but The Natural drags the champ out to the floor and batters him over to the announce table. Christian’s knees taste the steel steps, which also make a good launching pad for a leaping clothesline.

They battle over in the corner, where Cage gets the best of it before delivering a cross body from the top rope to the floor. After some side-by-side ads, the champ tries a dive from the top rope into the ring, but he crashes and burns when Rhodes rolls away.

On their knees, the two combatants trade slaps and right hands. Rhodes is up for a Manhattan Drop before hurling Cage from one corner to another and dropping Christian down for a near fall.

Cage is catapulted into the top turnbuckle and ends up legs spread, but he frees himself before his globes can suffer. You know what we mean.

Rhodes earns another near fall and pounds the mat to get the fans clapping. But Cage gets him in-between the ropes and stands on his back, then prevents a tope with a well-timed right hand.

Cage’s Frog Splash is on target, and he hooks the leg only to see his foe kick out at two. Christian’s title belt is thrown in and occupies Edwards, giving Wayne a chance to assist with a roll-up that nearly gets the three count.

Rhodes fights Cage back into a corner, and Christian is set up for the Golden Globes again … or the Unnatural Kick we suppose it’s called in AEW. A big superplex is followed by Cross Rhodes, and Cage barely kicks out in time.

Both Wayne and Killswitch get involved, though Wayne pays for it by taking a Destroyer on the floor. But Rhodes turns and is laid out by a spear, and the Killswitch ends … no it doesn’t! The fans come to life again after the kickout by Dustin.

A second Killswitch also finds the mark, however, and The Natural is down for the count this time as Cage retains.

Image credit: All Elite Wrestling

Deonna Purrazzo makes Anna Jay submit

Toni Storm is on guest commentary and immediately mistakes Ian Riccaboni for a clean-shaven Tony Schiavone: “You look great!”

The AEW Women’s World Champion is asked about Purrazzo and is still somewhat dismissive even as she bosses the early action. Anna rallies for a two count right before picture-in-picture.

Deonna is back in command after we return to full picture, using a Russian leg sweep to set up a submission attempt but then trading two counts with Anna. Jay hits a backstabber and grabs another near fall.

Purrazzo avoids the Queenslayer and tries for a cross armbreaker, forcing her foe to work for a rope break. They trade shots until Purrazzo catches Anna coming in and applies the Venus de Milo, and Anna doesn’t last long before she submits.

Image credit: All Elite Wrestling

Hook survives but Samoa Joe retains

The challenger stays poised over the top turnbuckle and doesn’t even look at the champ during ring intros, and he explodes out of the gate when the bell rings. Joe weathers the storm and sends Hook to the floor, where the two men trade furious shots.

Back in the ring, Joe runs over the challenger with a running back elbow as the fans chant his name. Hook gets punched back into a corner and takes more of a beating out in the middle of the ring. He finally gets some momentum back with a leaping shot off the apron, but Joe responds with a uranage off the announce table. Ouch.

Hook gets powerbombed on the apron as well, and the ringside doctor checks on him while Taz takes his headset off too. The challenger slowly rises as the ref makes his count, but Hook beats the count and returns to the ring.

Joe quickly treats Hook to a powerslam, which is good only for two. The announcers are putting over Hook’s never say die attitude, which he displays again by kicking out after a Death Valley Driver.

Out of the corner, Joe delivers a Muscle Buster, and this time Hook kicks out at one. A flying clothesline turns into three by Hook, who peppers Joe with body shots and gets the big man up for a t-bone suplex but can’t make the cover.

Joe blocks Redrum and applies the Coquina Clutch. Hook tries to sink in his fingertips to break the hold, but he’s unsuccessful and eventually put to sleep. Joe retains, but Hook gave it his all.

AEW Rampage results 01/12/24: Homecoming rolls on for Eddie Kingston

Among other things, Cool Hand Ang’s love life took a turn for the worse on AEW Rampage Homecoming.

After a fun night of Homecoming action at Daily’s Place on AEW Dynamite on Wednesday, it’s time to keep things rolling with Rampage from the same venue. There’s definitely something comforting about seeing AEW back in the place where it spent so much of its formative first few years, even if said years were under less than ideal circumstances.

It might be a bit chilly (at least for Florida) for Rampage, but perhaps the action in the ring will keep the fans warm. An Eddie Kingston title defense is a great place to start, so let’s just get right to the ring for this hour of Friday night wrestling.

AEW Rampage Homecoming results:

  • Eddie Kingston def. Wheeler Yuta by pinfall to retain the AEW Continental Crown Championship
  • Renee Paquette says fans loved seeing The Hardys and Mark Briscoe together, and they all seem fired up to remain a trio since they’re good in the ring and for ratings
  • Swerve Strickland def. Matt Sydal by pinfall
  • Paquette talks to Top Flight and Action Andretti, who get interrupted by Private Party again, this time with a challenge for any two of the three of them; also Andretti guzzles and crushes a bottled water for some reason
  • Hikaru Shida def. Queen Aminata by pinfall; Shida shows her opponent respect afterward and they smile as they hug
  • Video highlights are shown to shine a highlight on the feud between FTR and House of Black that has recently drawn in Daniel Garcia as well
  • Just like we all suspected, Saraya got Harley Cameron to hit on Cool Hand Ang, framing him to drive a wedge between him and Ruby Soho
  • Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno and John Silver) def. Angelo Parker, Jake Hager and Matt Menard by pinfall, and Negative One makes off with Hager’s beloved hat

AEW Rampage results 01/05/24: Wheeler Yuta keeps it Pure

More developments in the ongoing Kris Statlander-Stokely Hathaway saga also unfolded on AEW Rampage.

While some people question the need for ROH when it is a sub-brand of AEW these days, here’s an even more pertinent question for tonight’s episode of AEW Rampage: Does there need to be a ROH Pure Championship?

We say yes. There’s something cool about a title having its own specific set of rules in a day and age when there are so many championships overall with very little to distinguish between them in many cases.

It’s even good when a heel has it, like Wheeler Yuta does right now, because we get to see how rulebreakers operate within the confine of, well, rules.

Just something to think about while we dive into this AEW Rampage.

AEW Rampage results:

  • Mark Briscoe and The Hardys def. The Butcher, The Blade and Kip Sabian by pinfall
  • Renee Paquette asks Sammy Guevara about his singles match against Ricky Starks, who he praises as a great talent but says he isn’t better than the best, while Chris Jericho promises to make Uncle Joe cry if Big Bill interferes
  • Paquette speaks with Anna Jay ahead of her match against Hikaru Shida, and Anna says it’s time for this to be her year and that she needs to do this for herself; Harley Cameron stops by to say he wants to help everyone there, including Daddy Magic, Cool Hand Ang and Jake Hager, and she seems to say something suggestive to Coll Hand Ang
  • Stokely Hathaway does the ring intros for the next match, not sus at all, especially since she praises Kris Statlander and disses Willow Nightingale
  • Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale def. Kennedi Hardcastle and Notorious Mimi
  • Private Party walks in on The Hardys’ convo with Paquette, which turns into something of a sarcastic show of respect
  • Hikaru Shida def. Anna Jay by pinfall
  • Sonjay Dutt gives a pep talk to Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett, but there’s a bit of dissension in the room (also Karen Jarrett hilariously points out that she’s been there for a while and the team has no name); Dutt and Karen end up having to play peacemaker when tempers flare
  • A Christian Cage highlight video (if you can call it that) is aired
  • Wheeler Yuta def. Komander by pinfall to retain the ROH Pure Championship

AEW Dynamite results 01/03/24: Deonna is here, Hangman hunts Swerve

Mariah May was upstaged a bit, and Swerve Strickland found an old foe still looking for him on Dynamite.

When you stop and think about it, Adam Cole turning on MJF really isn’t that hard to comprehend. We’ll still get a chance to hear about it straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak, tonight on AEW Dynamite from Newark.

As many fans suspected, Cole was revealed as the Devil at Worlds End last weekend, reveling in MJF’s suffering in front of his hometown fans — including his loss of the AEW World Championship to Samoa Joe. Cole is undoubtedly going to say that his inability to win the title from MJF at All In London just ate at him so much that he had no other choice. That’s classic pro wrestling motivation, for sure.

But what happens now? MJF is expected to take time off to heal up from injuries/make everyone wonder if he’s staying with AEW. The world title Cole covets so much is in Joe’s hands, and prying it loose won’t be any easier. That might be the part we’re waiting to hear most about from Cole tonight.

Because it’s a day ending in “day,” Orange Cassidy has a title defense on Dynamite too. Plus we’ll see the in-ring debut of Mariah May. We definitely won’t be seeing Bryan Danielson and Jon Moxley, as they’re currently overseas preparing for big matches much later tonight (or early tomorrow morning, depending on how you look at it).

Plus there could be some surprise debuts if the best case scenario works out. That would also be super cool. Maybe even a wrestler with the same alliteration in her name as Mariah May. We’ll see.

For the first time in ’24, let’s light the fuse …

AEW Dynamite results from Newark:

(please scroll down for more details on any match or segment in bold)

  • The show begins with Samoa Joe cutting a defiant promo last Saturday against MJF after beating him at Worlds End
  • Adam Cole and the Undisputed Kingdom have arrived, but the Devil’s here to stay, bay bay, but they already have enemies gathering
  • A highlight package/promo celebrate Eddie Kingston’s Continental Classic victory, where he discusses the confidence he’s gained as a result

  • Daniel Garcia talks about his matchup with Swerve Strickland tonight
  • Orange Cassidy def. Dante Martin by pinfall to retain the AEW International Championship
  • After the match, Private Party makes a return to put every tag team on notice, including FTR, the Young Bucks and The Hardys

  • Renee Paquette asks Toni Storm what 2024 holds for her, but she’s not crazy about being in New Jersey and doesn’t care to stick around to see Mariah May make her debut

  • The clip of House of Black accepting FTR’s challenge is played again, this time with some highlights of them beating up the Top Guys over the past few weeks
  • Paquette talks to Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana, naturally), who talks about facing Daniel Garcia tonight and gunning for Samoa Joe’s title
  • Mariah May def. Queen Aminata by pinfall in her AEW in-ring debut; Paquette speaks to her afterward and finds her excited and hopeful that Storm was watching, but …
  • … after she rips on New Jersey, she’s surprised when Deonna Purrazzo shows up and tells her to give a message to Storm: I will find you no matter where you run, and I am All Elite; May declines to pass along the message and slaps Purrazzo but ends up losing a brief scuffle
  • Christian Cage thanks everyone but Luchasaurus
  • Paquette talks to The Outcasts, who seem to still have some internal issues to work out regarding Harley Cameron
  • Konosuke Takeshita def. Darby Allin by pinfall
  • Paquette catches up with Takeshita and the rest of the Don Callis Family, who challenge Allin and Sting to a tag team match against Takeshita and Powerhouse Hobbs
  • Kingston joins the announcers to see who will be the No. 1 contender for his title
  • Trent Beretta def. Brian Cage, Bryan Keith and El Hijo Del Vikingo (with a little help from Danhausen) to get a shot at Kingston’s Continental Crown Championship
  • An angry Hangman Adam Page interrupts Paquette’s latest interview to declare that he’s looking for Cole and Undisputed Kingdom … like right now
  • Swerve Strickland def. Daniel Garcia by pinfall, but Hangman Adam Page arrives after the match to brawl with Swerve until staffers and referees can finally pull them apart

Adam Cole and the Undisputed Kingdom deliver their mission statement, but not everyone loves it

A new entrance video and theme announce Cole and his men as Undisputed. Roderick Strong tells everyone to shup up and listen to his best friend, and Cole starts off by wondering if no one had sympathy for him.

He scoffs at the idea that they are the bad guys just because they betrayed MJF, as Max was the one who talked badly about everyone in the locker room. Cole says most of the wrestlers, fans and even Tony Khan will thank him, because MJF is gone and he’s never coming back.

Cole suggests that the second MJF didn’t need him any more, he would have stabbed Adam in the back. MJF needed Adam Cole, and no one would be cheering for Maxwell if not for Adam. “I saved MJF’s championship reign, and I also ended it.”

The new group is called the Undisputed Kingdom, and their goal is to win as much gold as possible. The Kingdom has the tag titles, Roddy will chase the International Championship and Wardlow will go after the World Championship … and then give it to Cole when he’s healthy. Uh, OK.

One person who may not be down with that comes out to retort, and that’s Switchblade Jay White. He’s upset about getting jumped when he was flying solo, but he’s no longer alone as The Gunns join him in storming the ring.

Bullet Club Gold is outnumbered, however, but that changes soon when The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass arrive as reinforcements. The Undisputed Kingdom quickly retreats in the face of their numerical disadvantage. The fans want BCG and The Acclaimed to scissor, but White tells the Gunns to leave the ring.

Orange Cassidy squeezes out another title defense against Dante Martin

The announce team wonders if Cassidy will have to change the way he approaches this matchup given the way Martin moves around the ring. Orange has fought some high-fliers, though, so one expects he’ll be fine.

There’s some nice mat wrestling to kick things off with each man getting the edge at different times. The pace accelerates gradually, and Martin shows no signs of being psyched out by Cassidy’s usual slacker antics.

Martin takes the worst of it when the battle moves to the floor, getting thrown into the barricade more than once. Cassidy runs around the ring, slowly, to deliver a dropkick, but Martin fights back right before side-by-side ads.

The challenger is taking the lead when we return, though the announcers note how he’s selling damage to his lower back. Dante and Orange exchange slow mo kicks, but Cassidy is ready when Martin tries to sneak in a real shot.

A DDT gets Cassidy a near fall, so he heads up top. Martin is knocked down twice and ends up taking a diving DDT even after landing on his feet. Ouch.

After Martin kicks out at two, Cassidy looks for Beach Break, but it’s countered into a GTS that nearly wins it. Dante delivers a senton on his way to the corner, but Orange slowly rolls away from whatever is next … or he thinks he does, as Martin walks the ropes to drop a splash for a near fall.

Back and forth they go with pinning predicaments until Cassidy connects on an Orange Punch, and that proves to be the winning move.

The Patriarch says all is right now that he’s still TNT Champion

Christian Cage is ready to talk, and Shayna Wayne tries to keep people quiet so he can do so. Cage says he’s been TNT Champion for 200 days and doesn’t let Tony Schiavone confuse him with the facts. He admits he went through a war at Worlds End and thanks Shayna Wayne and Nick Wayne for their help.

Will he thank Killswitch? Nope. The fans start a loud “Luchasaurus” chant while Cage dismisses Adam Copeland and suggests their feud is behind him. Cage warns anyone else who might have designs on the TNT Championship and says The Patriarchy are the faces of AEW now and forever.

Konosuke Takeshita impresses with victory over Darby Allin

Don Callis unfortunately joins the announcers for this one, as Allin appears to possibly tweak his knee in the early going. They wrestle to a standoff that even Callis says impresses him.

Takeshita hits a big back body drop that backs up Callis’ assertion that size matters. He grabs a side headlock to keep Darby grounded, and even after Allin gets free, he dives through the ropes and right into a jumping knee.

Want another impressive sequence? Takeshita rolls backwards down the ramp for three rolling German suplexes in a row. Sweet stuff.

During picture-in-picture, Allin does his usual cannonball to the floor, but is nearly pinned right after the full broadcast comes back. The fans start a “this is awesome” chant as Takeshita stalks his prey.

Darby bails out of a running corner knee strike, then lures his opponent into smashing through the barricade by the timekeeper’s area. Allin hits him with a Coffin Drop that leaves both men strewn about the floor.

As they re-renter the ring, Allin greets Takeshita with a Code Red and almost gets the three. Darby wants another Coffin Drop but hits only knees.

Knees and other strikes are battering Allin, but he pulls off an inside cradle for a quick two count, then another with a crucifix pin. Takeshita crashes home a big lariat, and Callis signals him to finish his foe.

A Helluva Kick leaves Allin woozy as his opponent takes him up top for a huge German superplex. A running knee is next, and even Darby isn’t getting up from that.

Swerve Strickland gets by Daniel Garcia, but he’s still got a Hangman problem

Daddy Magic joins the announcers for this one, who inform us that we have at least a five-minute overrun if necessary. That suggests it almost certainly will be.

Garcia takes some of the early offense and sees if he can lure Swerve into some mat exchanges, which he does. Strickland takes the kitchen sink, but the crowd is chanting for him even as he gets sent to the floor and then into the barricade.

Prince Nana is talking to Garcia from behind his back, and Daniel turns to engage him in a brief dance-off. Wrestling returns pretty quickly, which is bad for DG as he takes a Death Valley Driver on the apron.

Strickland thinks he’s in control after commercials, but Garcia quickly disabuses him of that notion by beating him into the corner. A running knee is next, then a shotgun dropkick.

Garcia’s stalling suplex allows him to cover for a near fall. Strickland hits a backbreaker and a flurry of additional offense, and now it’s Garcia kicking out at two.

The battle goes to the announce table and forces everyone to bail out, and when Garcia goes for a Sharpshooter, both men end up sliding off the back of the table. They fight back to the top rope, where Garcia hits a superplex but is quickly suplexed in turn.

Garcia’s rally is answered by a Flatliner, and he follows with the Drive-By kick that comes oh so close to ending it. Swerve Stomp is on target but somehow still not enough.

Swerve summons what is left in his tank to deliver a House Call, and the JML Driver is enough to end it. After the match, Strickland extends his hand, but it’s a trap so Nana can hit Garcia with a low blow. Daddy Magic gets one too, but just as Nana is about to say Strickland will be the next AEW World Champion, Hangman Adam Page’s music hits and brings the cow boy to the ring.

Swerve laughs, but only for a second until they start throwing hands. Security swarms the ring to pull them apart, but Hangman breaks free and gets in more shots. Swerve does the same, so it seems like 10 men won’t be enough to get this done.


AEW Rampage results: Rush might have a Hangman problem

Get quick AEW Rampage results for the September 30, 2022 episode from Philadelphia.

One thing about AEW Rampage is that it keeps things moving.

Wrestling Junkie was on hand for AEW Dynamite and Rampage in Philadelphia on Wednesday and saw it for ourselves. Yes, it still definitely feels like a ‘B’ show, but it’s tight because its only an hour, so there’s no real down time. It’s match to segment to match at a brisk pace.

The Philadelphia crowd stayed pretty live too, even though it was hanging in through more than three hours of wrestling by the end of the night. But Philly always represents, legitimately one of the best wrestling markets anywhere.

In any case, even though we’ve known for two days what would happen tonight, it’s going to be fun to watch it back and check everything out. Let’s do it up.

AEW Rampage results in 30 seconds:

  • The Acclaimed def. Private Party and The Butcher and The Blade to retain the AEW World Tag Team Championship
  • The Gunn Club doubles down on their taunts to FTR form last week
  • Jade Cargill complains about her lack of competition, but maybe she’s getting some in the form of Nyla Rose
  • Lee Moriarty def. Fuego Del Sol by submission, and W. Morrissey roughs up Fuego some after the bell
  • Hangman Adam Page says he’s looking forward to his world title shot, and Andrade El Idolo comes by to try to recruit 10 again … and challenge him for his mask; Ethan Page also stops by to suggest Matt Hardy is contract tampering with Private Party
  • Jamie Hayter def. Willow Nightingale by pinfall
  • Maybe Wardlow and Samoa Joe are going to stay a tag team?
  • Hook comes out to shut up Ryan Nemeth by beating him down and choking him out, and the Trustbusters leave a contract for Hook that he ignores
  • Rush def. John Silver by pinfall, Dark Order tries to stop a La Faccion Ingobernable beatdown, but it’s Hangman who finally clears the ring, throwing down with Rush and teasing a match for the future (meaning next Wednesday at Dynamite) … and then giving Jose The Assistant the Buckshot

AEW Rampage quick results: Claudio outduels The Natural

Get quick AEW Rampage results for the August 26, 2022 episode from Cleveland.

Friday nights are alright for fights … if those fights are on AEW Rampage.

Cleveland plays host to this week’s show, which features a pair of title matches (including Dustin Rhodes getting a rare chance to become a world champion) and the next match in the World Trios Championship tournament. Plus there’s a mixed tag team match with some bad blood behind it, and more.

Sounds like an eventful hour to us. Let’s dive in, not quite live on TNT.

AEW Rampage results in 30 seconds:

  • Dark Order def. House of Black in a World Trios Championship tournament match thanks to an assist by Miro, who gets an assist in turn from Darby Allin and Sting to chase off the House
  • Hook says he saw what Daddy Magic and Cool Hand Ang said about him but he doesn’t care, so they cut another promo
  • “The Hollywood Hunk” Ryan Nemeth mocks Cleveland before a match against one of its hometown heroes
  • Wardlow def. Ryan Nemeth by pinfall to retain his TNT Championship, with Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh and Chris Sabin looking on
  • There seem to be some tensions within the Andrade Family Office, with Andrade warning Private Party that everything has consequences
  • Powerhouse Hobbs def. Ashton Day by pinfall
  • The Factory is beating up Ricky Starks backstage, making good on QT Marshall’s promise
  • Jade Cargill dismisses everyone from her backstage interview and tells Athena she can get these hands at All Out, but Athena isn’t waiting and attacks her right there
  • Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo def. Ortiz and Ruby Soho by pinfall with some help from other members of the Jericho Appreciation Society
  • Video from the world title unification match on Dynamite catches CM Punk saying his foot just gave out during the match
  • Claudio Castagnoli def. Dustin Rhodes to retain his ROH World Championship

AEW Rampage quick results: Best Friends bust the Trustbusters

See everything that went down in Charleston with AEW Rampage results for the August 19, 2022 episode.

One good show deserves another, right Charleston?

AEW Rampage was taped on Wednesday night, as it often is, but is certainly worth watching with a pair of championship matches on the card. Not only that, but the AEW World Trios Championship tournament continues as well, with Orange Cassidy and Best Friends in action.

Let’s not waste any time and dive right into the details.

AEW Rampage results in 30 seconds:

  • Claudio Castagnoli throws out an open challenge for his ROH World Championship, and it’s answered by Dustin Rhodes, who talks about the history the two men have together before the champ accepts
  • Ruby Soho says she and Ortiz have been chomping at the bit to get their hands on , and it a
  • Swerve In Our Glory def. Private Party by pinfall to retain their AEW World Tag Team Championship, then take part in a show of mutual respect afterward
  • QT Marshall says he isn’t worried about what Powerhouse Hobbs has planned for The Factory, but promises the man in person that his group will take our Ricky Starks
  • Zack Clayton cuts a promo ahead of his FTW Championship shot, calling himself the biggest star on the show in a “disgusting state” like West Virginia
  • Hook def. Zack Clayton by submission in a matter of seconds to retain his FTW Championship
  • Matt Menard and Angelo Parker ponder what it would be like if the FTW Championship was held by a sports entertainer
  • Billy Gunn says the Ass Boys opened the door for him to spank their asses, and he’s bringing friends to help him … in the form of The Acclaimed
  • Buddy Matthews def. Serpentico by pinfall, then battles Miro after The Redeemer drops off Malakai Black’s mask on the ramp
  • Dr. Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter can’t think of a more toxic tag team in pro wrestling than ThunderStorm, and say they’ll be watching and waiting for whoever emerges from their rematch
  • Athena def. Penelope Ford by pinfall, but gets attacked by The Baddies afterward, and Jade Cargill attacks her with a sledgehammer
  • Ricky Starks says he has a whole lot to say and will do it next Wednesday on Dynamite
  • Best Friends and Orange Cassidy def. The Trustbusters by pinfall in an AEW World Trios Championship tournament match, with a special guest assist from Danhausen