10-year-old girl lands 200-pound tuna off Mexico; ‘Incredible catch’

Kourtney Jackson was fishing with her family off Cabo San Lucas when the giant “cow” tuna struck.

A 10-year-old girl reeled in a 200-pound yellowfin tuna last month while visiting Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, from Washington D.C.

According to Pisces Sportfishing Fleet, Kourtney Jackson landed the massive tuna after a fight of only 45 minutes while fishing with her family aboard the 37-foot yacht BBII.

That’s impressive, considering that yellowfin tuna are powerful swimmers and larger specimens often require hours to bring to leader.

Also, catches of yellowfin tuna weighing 200-plus pounds are somewhat rare. At 200 pounds, they’re considered “cows.” At 300 pounds, they’re considered “super cows.”

For comparison, the world record for yellowfin tuna stands at 427 pounds, for a fish caught off Cabo San Lucas in 2012. (The catch of a 443-pound yellowfin, also off Cabo San Lucas, is pending record approval by the International Game Fish Assn.)

Pisces announced Kourtney’s catch via Instagram and viewers can swipe on the post below to watch a brief interview and see other notable catches by lady anglers that day.


Marlin causes ‘huge commotion’ before being caught in Cabo marina

Footage shows the marlin inside the harbor at Baja California’s tip. “Of course this caused huge commotion on the docks.”

Last summer we shared footage showing a sailfish – described by National Geographic as “the fastest fish in the ocean” – swimming inside Mexico’s Cabo San Lucas Marina.

The rare appearance was brief as the sailfish soon breezed back into bluer offshore waters, where it belonged.

On Sunday a striped marlin was caught on video swimming around the docks in the same marina, at Baja California’s tip, in another rare event that did not end well for the billfish. (See footage below.)


“So this happened yesterday… A Striped Marlin made its way into the Cabo Marina in front of our Pisces Office!” Pisces Sportfishing exclaimed Monday via Instagram. “The Marlin cruised around the slips seemingly confused in the shallow water.

“Of course this caused huge commotion on the docks and unfortunately for the Marlin a group of men caught it later on.”

Pisces spokeswoman Rebecca Ehrenberg told FTW Outdoors that the marlin was gaffed and hauled onto a dock.

Cabo San Lucas is billed as “The Marlin Capital of the World,” but most encounters occur in the deep blue – and most anglers release the marlin they hook.

But the marina, positioned where the Pacific meets the Sea of Cortez, is occasionally visited by creatures more commonly found in offshore waters.

Ehrenberg said a marlin entered the marina last year, too, and that in late August a school of large squid was captured on video in an “amazing sight” under the lights at night.

“Right in front of Captain Tony’s [restaurant] – calamari anybody,” Pisces joked via Facebook. “Maybe they came for the music.”

That reel can be viewed via this link or in the player below.