Recapping a wild Wednesday in UGA Athletics

UGA Wire recaps a wild Wednesday in Athens, Georgia

After the Georgia men’s basketball team squandered a nine-point home lead to Kentucky on Tuesday night, things began to get a little interesting in Athens.

In the early afternoon, junior linebacker Monty Rice announced he would be coming back to Georgia, while junior quarterback Jake Fromm surprised many when he announced he would forgo his senior season to enter the 2020 NFL Draft.

Before Bulldog fans could even get their farewell tweets out to Fromm, another domino dropped, followed by a hilarious snippet of news from 2017.

Cade Mays, the former five-star offensive lineman, would be transferring from Georgia to Tennessee. If you thought the story stopped there, you would be wrong.

Mays’ father, Kevin Mays, reportedly had part of his pinky finger amputated in 2017 after getting it stuck in a chair at a UGA Gala in Athens.

Yes, you read that right. Why the Mays’ waited two years to sue over this incident is anyone’s guess, but you have to believe they’ll try anything to get Cade an eligibility waiver for 2020.

What will today bring? Well, that’s anyone’s guess, but we don’t expect to see another pinky gate for a good while.