Brian Asamoah wins Mr. Mankato

The battle for Mr. Mankato was a close one this year

The prestigious Mr. Mankato award was won by rookie linebacker Brian Asamoah.

The award was created by Vikings analysts Judd Zulgad and Phil Mackey from SKOR North back in 2014. The rules are as follows:

1.) Player MUST be a 3rd round draft pick or later (undrafted/signed from a practice squad counts)

2.) Player must not be an “established NFL player”

3.) If a player does not fall into category 1 or 2, a committee member may put that player up for review — and that player must receive more than 50% of the vote to be put on the ballot

4.) The competition runs through the entire preseason-not just the Mankato portion. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Even though the Vikings don’t attend training camp in Mankato anymore, the heart of the award remains intact.

Asamoah was a stud on defense for the Vikings in both preseason games and at practice. His explosiveness and instincts showed up in a big way.

His biggest competition was running back Ty Chandler, who looked fantastic in all three preseason games with his elite explosiveness and surprisingly powerful running style.

With the Mr. Mankato competition finished, the future is bright for the Minnesota Vikings.