Friends, family and co-workers – Adam …

Pat Riley, who ran afoul of Stern from …

Pat Riley, who ran afoul of Stern from time to time, reinforced with story after story after story that Stern reminded him in very specific terms and warnings that no one was bigger than the game. It helped shape Riley’s direction of the Miami Heat as team president. “He understood what culture meant and how to build one,” Riley said. “Culture is nothing more than people who have shared visions of how to move forward and what is next.”

The Heat front office saw something …

The Heat front office saw something they thought doubters were dismissing. Their choppy last few seasons aside, they believed their franchise and the city of Miami hadn’t dimmed as drawing cards. They felt they didn’t need cap space or high draft picks to make it happen. They needed only a star who wanted to be in Miami. Sure, the Los Angeles and New York teams were rivals, but that was nothing new. The Heat had beaten those teams for stars in the past. Riley and his trusted lieutenants firmly believed an active marketplace played to their favor, and 2019 free agency would be active.

Once again, the old master was proved …

Once again, the old master was proved right. It showed in his wide smile as he sat alongside Jimmy Butler last July, the landing of a star that has become a turning point. […] In short, the Heat are back, and back to doing what they’ve always done: gathering stars and contending. From Alonzo Mourning and Tim Hardaway to Dwyane Wade and Shaquille O’Neal to the “Heatles” of Wade, LeBron James and Chris Bosh, Riley has done this time and again since joining the Heat 25 years ago. Now the Heat are on the hunt for another big catch. Whether it’s a member of the desirable 2021 free agency class or some other star, Riley has one more chance to create a Big Three on the shores of Biscayne Bay.

By the time last season ended, Riley …

By the time last season ended, Riley had made the course correction and was vowing to return to his roots. That’s what led to his brash proclamations. While the Heat were proud that they always competed hard, and swore they enjoyed the chase for a lower playoff seed, they had reached a decision to get back to being the old Heat. Riley admitted it might take until the summer of 2020 to get a star, and he hinted he might even have to pay a surcharge to dump some of his bad contracts. But once Butler became an option, Riley pounced.

And according to Vincent’s agent, Bill …

And according to Vincent’s agent, Bill Neff, the reason was simple: “We picked Miami because they are the best at it,” Neff said of player development. “They’re the gold standard. I don’t see how you can turn down Miami considering the pipeline, the amount of attention — starting at the top with Pat Riley, [general manager] Andy Elisburg, and most of all [vice president/basketball operations] Adam Simon — that they have shown with this kind of player. All things being equal, I pick Miami, because they will be the best at it, them and Toronto. “When Miami shows interest, you listen and they were the first one to show interest. It gets your attention. Great system. They train their coaches. I had Briante Weber there. If I could pick any place for a G-League guy to go, it would be Miami.”

LeBron James tells story of David Stern asking to borrow draft day suit

Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James reminisced on his meeting with former commissioner David Stern on the night he was drafted in 2003.

David Stern’s passing was to start the New Year set off a cascade of emotions, reactions and eulogies for the commissioner who took the NBA from a novelty league to one of the biggest sports commodities in the world. Among those who shared their feelings after Stern’s death was LeBron James, who shared his sadness and reflection on Wednesday through his Instagram page.

He also discussed Stern’s legacy and the clashes he sometimes had with him. But he also managed to remember one of the lighter moments from Stern that came to characterize him, in addition to his iron hand. James shared the story of Stern jokingly asking him if he could borrow his famous white-on-white draft day suit from the 2003 draft, according to Dan Woike of the L.A. Times.

Not all of Stern’s decisions were popular with owners, players or fans but he ultimately did what he felt was right for the good of the league. Even though LeBron clashed with him, he still holds plenty of respect for all Stern did.

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