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The Overwatch 2 anniversary event is live now, with a new shop containing old event skins for Overwatch 2 heroes and a rotation of every major limited-time mode since the multiplayer game launched in 2022. The anniversary event runs for 21 days and brings back two familiar modes each week, and you can complete anniversary challenges to earn up to 3,000 coins to spend in the in-game store.
First up is Winter Wonderland and Battle for Olympus. Winter Wonderland includes three game modes – Mei’s snowball fight, a Yeti-versus-Mei 5v1 mode, and the Flash Freeze mode, where eliminated heroes become encased in ice. Battle for Olympus is a slightly more straightforward deathmatch mode, where each hero has a selection of new powers based on a certain Greek deity.
Week two brings classic maps back to Overwatch 2’s assault mode and Catch-a-Mari, where each team fights over Pachimari toys. Starwatch: Galactic Rescue is also back after just a few months, with all of its balance issues and Star Wars references intact.
Finally is a set of modes we just bade farewell to: Summer Games and Mischief and Magic. Summer Games features a small handful of ball-themed modes, including Lucioball, and Mischief and Magic sees Genji hunt down Kiriko the Rogue as she hides among Blizzard World’s props.
The Overwatch 2 anniversary event runs through Oct. 9, 2023. The event shop will linger until Oct. 16, 2023, so you’ll have a bit more time to decide how you want to spend your coins. Blizzard also teased a new crossover planned for Overwatch 2 season 7, which will likely go live once the anniversary event wraps up.
Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF