Mike Fiers turned his bizarre facial hair into a terrifying face mask


There are people with ridiculous beards and mustaches and then there’s Mike Fiers.

There’s not a great way to describe what the Oakland A’s pitcher donned on his face last fall. He shaved his beard down to one side of his face and he kept that side connected to his mustache on the opposite side of his face.

Yes, it is as wild as it sounds. No, it’s still unbelievable that he actually stepped out of his home like this last September. Like, yo. Who does this?

You really have to see it to believe it, so here it goes.

That deserves to be roasted for the rest of eternity. Not only did he step out of the house that way, but he appeared in a baseball stadium in front of thousands of people looking like that. Not to mention all of the folks watching him from the couch.

We should never forget that Mike Fiers played a baseball game where he turned his beard and mustache into a swirl.

Fortunately for us, we never will. Fiers turned his ridiculous, uh, let’s call it a beardstache, into a mask. And other players are legitimately wearing it while practicing to prepare for the season’s start.

THIS IS THE BEST. Not only is he taking the necessary safety precautions to protect himself and other players from coronavirus, but they’re also dishing out laughs while doing it.

This is fantastic. Now, where can I get one?