Ranking the best Super Mario games from worst to incredible

No Mario game is bad, but the best Super Mario games are the ones where Nintendo’s creativity and genius for level design are on display

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The caveat when talking about the best Super Mario games is that there really is no bad Super Mario game. Over the course of three decades and more, Nintendo’s flagship series has seen its ups and downs, but even the blandest, most uninspired of the New Super Mario games still has the power to delight and excite. When the series is at its best, however, is when Nintendo’s knack for clever stage design and creative worlds shines through.

Our list of the best Super Mario games focuses on the series’ mainline entries, so there’s no Mario Maker or Super Mario RPG here.

Wave Race 64 is coming to Nintendo Switch Online this week

The jet ski racing classic Wave Race 64 is making a splash on Nintendo Switch.

The legendary jet ski racing simulator Wave Race 64 will arrive for Nintendo Switch on Aug. 19, 2022. Honestly, there’s no better way to beat the heat than staying inside and enjoying virtual beaches.

Wave Race 64 took the world by storm back in 1996. Up to four players can swerve and jump through plenty of wild circuits. Finally, we can revisit iconic courses like Twilight City, Sunset Bay, and Glacier Coast — don’t you love that a jet ski game has an arctic locale? Hypothermia goes well with shades and shorts, after all. Talk about beating the summer heat!

Check out the Wave Race 64 announcement trailer for yourself below. That soundtrack is still such a bop.

Remember, you’ll need an active Nintendo Switch Online membership to scoop up Wave Race 64. In addition to multiplayer network functionality, the service has loads of classic titles like Mario Golf, The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, Pokémon Snap, Banjo-Kazooie, and many others. There are NES, SNES, and Sega Genesis games too.

It’s been quite a while since Wave Race 64 was available commercially. The game was re-released digitally on the Nintendo Wii and Wii U in 2007 and 2016, respectively.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.

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10 best ever Nintendo 64 games

The Nintendo 64 had dozens of classic games, but only ten of them can make it onto this list. We nearly left out Super Mario 64, honestly.

The Nintendo 64 was the console that introduced thousands of once-young gamers to 3D worlds for the very first time, and it laid the foundations for how 3D games should be designed and played from that point forward. Sure, the controller was a bit of a misstep, but that analog stick? Iconic. 

It might’ve lacked the RPGs that made the SNES a powerhouse filled with cult classics, but the N64 brought many more genres into 3D for the first time. Whether you’re a fan of platformers, racing games, or adventures, the N64 had something for you, and we’ve listed the very best games on the platform – one game per series – right here. Scroll down below for the 10 best N64 games ever made.

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