Osborne helping coaching staff learn option football

Since becoming head coach, Matt Rhule has placed an emphasis on running the football.

Since becoming head coach, Matt Rhule has placed an emphasis on running the football. The Cornhuskers are currently 20th overall in rushing offense, averaging 200.5 yards per game and 5.01 yards per rush.

The head coach made an appearance on 365Sports and was asked about his desire to develop a physical run first offense. Rhule says that the weather in Nebraska has played a large role in creating the offensive identity of the program.

“I think we played three games now with like 15-plus mile per hour winds. We played in 25 to 30 mph winds at times in the game at Illinois. So to be an Air Raid offense, I don’t know would work out great for us. Playing defense, playing special teams. We blocked a kick and stole a possession on kickoff team in that (Illinois) game. Being a team that can run the ball and run the option, I think that’s smart for us.”

Nebraska has run the option from the I-formation this season, to the delight of fans everywhere. Rhule went on to say that they even brought in a Husker legend to help with some pointers on the option.

“We came in this Monday and Coach (Tom )Osborne came in and watched film with us because we’ve been running some option plays, and we asked him him to come in. I called him and asked him to come in. You get to do a film session with Tom Osborne. It’s like the relationship I had with Grant Teaff. Those are coaching icons. When they’re willing to look over your shoulder and help you but never want to step on your toes, it’s really special.”

Nebraska will take the field next on October 21 when the Huskers welcome Northerwestern to Memorial Stadium. Find a brief photo gallery of Tom Osborne’s career below.