A list of marathons, 5Ks, 10Ks, and other races coming up this February

Plan your month in running.

The month of February brings a handful of fun holidays to keep everyone’s spirits up through winter. Groundhog’s Day arrives on Feb. 2, Mardi Gras begins on Feb. 13, and Valentine’s Day comes on Feb. 14. If you want to test your running prowess this February, there are also some great races to get involved in. Here’s what you need to know to keep your running schedule active throughout February.

Across the United States, you can look forward to several upcoming marathons, 5Ks, 10Ks, and more. There are even some fun novelty runs for you to try. Check out February 2024’s running event offerings in the list below.

Everything you need to know about mud runs

It’s time to get dirty.

Adulthood comes with a lot of expectations. You have to take care of yourself, maintain relationships, go to work, and keep track of a million other responsibilities. It can get tiring and more than a little boring. When you do have downtime, it can be tempting to laze around the house doing nothing. But if you’re craving a little excitement to shake up the monotony of daily life, you’ll want to get up off the couch and challenge yourself. At mud runs, you can do just that. Here’s what you should know about these wild races, the groups that organize them (like Tough Mudder and Spartan), and how to get involved.

Runners emerging from tubes and into a pit of mud during a mud run.
Photo by Greenville Daily Photo

What are mud runs?

As you probably guessed, mud runs are racing events where participants fight their way through a muddy course. Some mud run events up the difficulty level by including obstacles. These obstacles can range from climbing walls and slides to pits and rope ladders. The slick and unpredictable conditions of a mud race often make navigating obstacles extra challenging for runners.

This novel challenge is a huge part of mud running’s appeal. For runners who want to put their skills to the test in a unique way, mud runs provide a combination of fun and struggle that few other events offer. Some mud run events even incorporate an element of teamwork, so you can connect with others while working out.

A group of people in a mud pit during a mud run.
Photo by General Views

Tough Mudder, Spartan, and other mud running organizations

Nowadays, you can find mud runs hosted by various groups throughout the United States. While these local events can be fun, beginners will probably want to start their mud running journey at a race hosted by an established organization.

As Matthew Solan, executive editor for “Harvard Men’s Health Watch,” explains, “Tough Mudder and Spartan races are the most well-known mud races.” While Spartan races and Tough Mudder events exist as two separate brands, both are owned by Spartan.

Tough Mudder and Spartan races pride themselves on helping runners “live without limits” while testing their “strength, stamina, and mental grit.” So, if both brands offer mud runs, which one should you sign up for? Well, that depends on your priorities. If you’re looking for an experience you can enjoy with a group, you’ll probably prefer Tough Mudder races. In contrast, Spartan Races are great for solo participants. Both groups are known for designing difficult races.

If you want to try something a little easier for your first mud run, seek out races hosted by groups like Your First Mud Run.