5 Snoop Dogg highlights from the Arizona Bowl, including him leading the marching bands

The Snoop Dogg Arizona Bowl looked like a blast.

Legendary rapper Snoop Dogg took his college bowl game hosting duties very seriously on Saturday.

We’re in a world now where bowl games feature Pop-Tarts mascots, so it’s no surprise that Snoop Dogg would sponsor a bowl game of his own.

As the Arizona Bowl is now literally named after Snoop Dogg, he made sure to get involved in all stages of the broadcast.

Snoop Dogg joined The CW broadcast booth and provided some entertaining commentary about the game between Miami (Ohio) and Colorado State.

Snoop Dogg also helped interview Miami (Ohio) coach Chuck Martin at halftime as his team led Colorado State, 9-3.

He knew exactly what to ask Martin about the first half, which isn’t a surprise given the rapper’s love of the game.

To make this even more fun, Snoop Dogg also conducted the halftime performance to bring his music background to the Arizona Bowl.

Heck, before the game, Snoop Dogg hauled in passes from a Miami (Ohio) equipment manager.

Snoop Dogg even donned the pom pomps to cheer along with the Miami (Ohio) cheerleaders.

If this doesn’t show Snoop Dogg having the time of his life, we’re not sure what will.

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