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Gear: L.A.B. Golf OZ.1, OZ.1i putters
Price: Starting at $599.99 each
Specs: 100% aluminum (OZ.1); aluminum body with stainless steel face insert (OZ.1i), with customizable lie angle, head weight, alignment markings, and grip options.
Available: December (OZ.1i), January (OZ.1)
Who it’s for: Golfers who want the benefits of zero torque and more consistency on the greens combined with a more traditional putter shape.
What you need to know: L.A.B. Golf teamed with Australia’s Adam Scott to create a mallet-style putter, the OZ.1, that retains the company’s Lie Angle Balance benefits while offering a more conventional shape. The OZ.1i has the same shape but features a milled face insert.
The deep dive: Zero-torque putters have become one of the hottest trends in golf equipment in 2024. While traditional blades and mallets encourage the opening and closing of the putter face during the stroke, zero-torque putters greatly reduce or eliminate face rotation. L.A.B. Golf, based in Creswell, Oregon, has been at the forefront of this trend. The company’s DF 2.1 and Mezz putters introduced golfers to Lie Angle Balance, followed by the DS3 earlier this year. Now, with input from Adam Scott, L.A.B. has released two new putters: the OZ.1 and OZ.1i.
Like L.A.B.’s previous putters, the OZ.1 and OZ.1i feature Lie Angle Balance. When the putter is in the address position, the weighting and balance are designed to keep the face square to the golfer’s stroke path. Whether your stroke is straight, arcing slightly, or features a strong arc, these putters aim to make it easier to return the face square to the ball and roll putts more consistently along your target line.

Both the OZ.1 and OZ.1i are milled from aluminum and feature a more conventional, semi-circular mallet shape developed with input from Scott, the 2013 Masters champion and longtime L.A.B. Golf user.
Another distinctive feature of the OZ Series putters is the new zero-degree Shaft Lean option. Zero-torque putters typically require on-set shafts, where the shaft enters the head behind the hitting area rather than on the target side. This usually results in a forward press that some golfers find visually distracting. However, the shaft in the OZ Series putters is vertical, creating a cleaner look while maintaining on-set characteristics. This design is also compatible with standard grips.
For golfers who prefer a forward press, both models are available with a 2-degree Shaft Lean option and L.A.B.’s Press Grip.

Both putters use weights in the sole to achieve Lie Angle Balance, but there is a key difference between them. The OZ.1 has an aluminum face that is part of the putter’s chassis, offering a softer feel at impact. In contrast, the OZ.1i features a stainless steel face insert (“i” stands for insert), which creates a firmer feel and a higher-pitched sound at impact, a preference for many golfers.
Customization remains a hallmark of L.A.B. Golf, and the OZ Series putters are no exception. Through the company’s website, golfers can tailor nearly every aspect of the putter, from lie angle to grip type, ensuring a fit that matches their unique putting style.