AEW All In London results: Bullet Club Gold, Konosuke Takeshita steal one from The Golden Elite

See how Konsuke Takeshita managed to sneak in the pinfall against The Golden Elite at AEW All In London.

It looks like it’s going to take a minute or so to just decide who will start out, but the teams settle on Hangman Adam Page and Juice Robinson. Kenny Omega gets in too for some double team offense on Juice, who wants no part of Kota Ibushi and tags in Jay White. Jim Ross seems perplexed by them inviting each other to trade strikes.

But the pace picks up when Omega tags back in, and he gets a chance to take flight to wipe out White and Konosuke Takeshita. Bullet Club Gold manages to pull together to stomp on Kenny, much to the delight of Don Callis on guest commentary.

Omega is isolated and taking damage from all three of his opponents, with Ibushi and Page both getting dealt with when they try to assist. Robinson lands a senton that goes for a two count.

Just when Omega pulls off an athletic move to get to his corner, The Gunns try to pull Page off the apron. Ibushi takes care of them, and now Hangman is running wild. He covers White at the end of his flurry and earns a near fall.

Ibushi decks White with strikes and lands a standing moonsault for two. The Golden Lovers hit twin moonsaults to the floor, even with shaky footing for Ibushi. White fights back with a uranage, and now Omega and Takeshita get their chance to square off.

After Omega gets off snapdragons on his teammates, Takeshita responds with a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Omega and Page join forces for a beautiful combo that ends with an avalanche Blockbuster on Takeshita.

The Gunns want to stop Page from launching a Buckshot, delaying him enough for White to intercept, and all of a sudden signature moves are flying in every direction. That leaves White to get a V-Trigger from Omega, but Takeshita, apparently still the legal man, rolls up Omega and gets the three count.

Click here for full All In London 2023 results.

AEW All In London results: MJF, Adam Cole prove friendship the real winner at Wembley

Follow along with one of the biggest shows in pro wrestling history with live AEW All In results from London’s Wembley Stadium.

The wait is over, Wembley Stadium. London is playing host to one of the biggest wrestling shows of all time as AEW stages its first ever U.K. event in the most grandiose possible fashion. More than 80,000 fans are expected to experience AEW All In London in person, which is quite the accomplishment for a company that is only a few years old.

It certainly helps that AEW has one of the hottest storylines in all of wrestling going right now to fuel the show’s main event. Adam Cole nearly defeated MJF several months ago for a shot at the AEW World Championship. Then the two men got thrown together unwillingly as a tag team.

Instead of being a disaster, it turned into an unlikely bonding experience where MJF embraced his face side, and Better Than You, Bay Bay was born. The two friends have experienced moments of tension at times but always ended up hugging it out.

That ends tonight, when they’ll meet for the world title at Wembley (though not before teaming to try for tag team gold first). Will one of them finally turn on the other with the stakes this high? It should be very entertaining to find out.

The All In card is also loaded to the hilt with other championship matches (four more besides the main event), a Tag Team Coffin match, and the spectacle that is Stadium Stampede. Plus the man who might be the best wrestler on the planet right now, Will Ospreay, will take on an icon in Chris Jericho.

We’re certainly envious of everyone in attendance in London. Here we go.

AEW All In London results:

(click on any match with a link for full details)

AEW Dynamite Fyter Fest results 08/23/23: London calling

AEW Dynamite Fyter Fest will set some of the final pieces in place for All In. Join us to see what’s going down.

What do you do when it’s the final AEW Dynamite before the biggest show in company history, and with the Fyter Fest branding to boot? Load it up as best you can, which is exactly the case for tonight’s episode from Duluth, Georgia.

Naturally, setting up some final pieces to All In looks like it will be part of the fun. There’s the obvious stuff, like a contract signing between Chris Jericho and Will Ospreay, as well as a face-to-face interview between AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR (who will be the subject of, let’s call it increased interest due to recent events) and their challengers, the Young Bucks.

Some of the matches on tonight’s card are also previews of sorts for things we’ll see this weekend, including a battle between The Elite and Bullet Club Gold. Even the singles match between Jon Moxley and Rey Fenix has taken on potentially greater meaning since Fenix is rumored to be on his way out of his All In match due to visa issues.

Plus we’ll hear one last time from the two men who will meet in the main event of All In, MJF and Adam Cole. The success of their pairing has gone way beyond what anyone might have expected when it first started (including Cole himself, as he told us earlier this week), but now it’s the most exciting storytelling in all of AEW. Will there be one more twist in their tale before they team, then fight, in London?

Getting answers to questions like that is a big part of why we watch. Let’s dive in.

AEW Dynamite Fyter Fest results from Duluth:

The Elite (Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks) vs. Juice Robinson and The Gunns is a no contest that turns into a huge multi-person brawl

The heel trio doesn’t even wait until our heroes are in the ring to attack, and Juice also abuses the ref for preventing him from using a steel chair. The Gunns hit Nick Jackson with the 3:10 to Yuma, but there’s no ref to count … or to stop Jay White from intervening too.

Omega fights valiantly against White but gets run over by Konosuke Takeshita. Things are looking dire until FTR events the odds, and with Omega and Takeshita isolated in the ring, Konosuke barely escapes the ring before he’s hit with a One-Winged Angel.

MJF proves he’s still having some trouble adjusting to being a face as he promises a pint to all the fans at Wembley but suggests he’ll make Tony Khan pay for them. Renee Paquette asks about the pressure he feels, and he says it’s the most of his entire life while putting over those who paved the way for a show as big as All In to happen.

Paquette also questions the sincerity of his friendship with Adam Cole while showing video of some of their previous interactions. The champ says that he’s become a better person because of Cole, and that while brothers fight sometimes, they hug it out at the end.

MJF suggests that if you put your faith in him, he will reward it. After all, he’s not just a scumbag — he’s your scumbag.

Jon Moxley def. Rey Fenix by submission, plus Santana and Ortiz are back

Fenix gets off to a quick start that includes a tope to the floor, but this all feels like a bit of misdirection given what’s rumored to happen here. Rey takes a nasty bump to the floor and is slow to rise, which may be leading toward what we’re talking about.

Mox rips away at Fenix’s mask during some picture-in-picture action but he’s able to avoid being unmasked and the fight continues. Fenix takes a series of stomps to the face but manages to pull off a superkick that gets him a momentary respite.

Rey tries his rollthrough cutter and gets it on his second try. A frog splash follows and comes very close to winning it for the luchador.

As Moxley tries for the Death Rider, Fenix counters with an inside cradle for another near fall. The two men slug it out until Rey’s thrust kick provides him the time to go up top. But Mox meets him there, biting his face to get leverage for an Avalanche Death Rider.

Fenix kicks out but falls right into a sleeper. Rey tries to fight it but can hold out only so long.

After the bell, Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta attack Fenix with crowbars, and when Eddie Kingston and Penta try to come to the rescue, they are stopped by a returning Santana and Ortiz.

Best Friends and Orange Cassidy chase away the heels with chairs, but the damage is done to Fenix, who ends up getting stretchered out.

Penta and Alex Abrahantes hop in the ambulance to ride along with Fenix, and Kingston has an issue with Paquette over “what your husband did.”

Sammy Guevara defends Chris Jericho to Daniel Garcia, Daddy Magic and Cool Hand Ang, who wonder if Jericho will be there for him when needed.

Will Ospreay is accompanied by Don Callis for the contract signing, and Jericho walks out with Guevara. Callis says everyone wants to know why he did what he did, but he makes it simple by saying it was due to Ospreay … as well as having a chance to end Jericho’s career.

He chose money and power over friendship and Ospreay over Jericho. Will grabs the mic to talk about how the match will change his life, and that he’ll be the only person who can say he beat Omega, Kazuchika Okada and Jericho in two months.

Jericho responds by saying Ospreay may not have done all of those things without him, claiming he called Will and told him to calm it down because his style was too reckless to ensure longevity. He says the match at Wembley means more to him than Ospreay or anyone since everyone is predicting his demise.

He touches a nerve as Ospreay smacks the mic out of his hand, and the two men need to be separated by everyone else in the ring. They did sign the contract in there too, so it’s on.

Now it’s Cole’s turn to talk to Paquette, with Cole praising MJF for having belief in him to return to top form. He also says winning the AEW World Championship would cement his status as the best wrestler in the world.

Alas, when he’s shown video of Roderick Strong and how their relationship has suffered while he’s been friends with MJF, Cole gets mad and cuts the interview short, yelling that there are no problems between him and Max.

Darby Allin and Nick Wayne def. AR Fox and Swerve Strickland by pinfall, but there’s more to the story

Fox is wearing the same tank top he wore when attacking Wayne in his home ring, stained with the youngster’s blood. That’s … pretty nasty.

Wayne is taking some hellacious bumps here early on, but he hits a double Wayne’s World to the floor, followed by a Coffin Drop from Allin.

After a commercial break, Allin is hurling himself through the air again. Fox puts him in a chair on the outside, where Strickland lands a Swerve Stomp to knock him to the floor. Wayne is bleeding from his nose too, but he manages to kick out of Fox’s corkscrew brainbuster.

Swerve’s running head kick also won’t keep Wayne down, and when Fox misses a 450 splash, Wayne is able to bridge back into a pin just as Allin recovers to prevent Strickland from making the save before the ref’s count hits three.

Taking the mic, Swerve only laughs, telling Fox how disappointing he has been. “Why are you such a loser, Fox?”

Strickland says this was all a test, and he can’t trust Fox in front of 80,000 people at Wembley. The Mogul Embassy fires Fox and Brian Cage comes in and thrashes AR. Happily, Sting arrives with a baseball bat and Allin forgives Fox.

When Allin asks Strickland “who do you got?” for Sunday, out come Luchasaurus and Christian Cage, with the latter immediately insulting Wayne’s dead father.

So … Cage or the dinosaur man at Wembley?

Paquette sits down with FTR and the Bucks, with FTR saying that the only reason they’ve aided the Jacksons recently is to make sure that in London, they can determine who is the better tag team once and for all.

Nick Jackson suggests that FTR needs to win the match for their legacy, which the champs sort of shrug off. Dax Harwood says both the titles and the legacy are important, after which Matt Jackson starts in on them as well.

The four women in the title match talk about their tag team match at All In … except, curiously, for Saraya.

Ruby Soho def. Skye Blue by pinfall

Prior to the match, Soho delivers a warning to Kris Statlander, saying she’s got her eyes on the TBS Championship. At All Out, maybe?

Blue puts up her typical good fight here, including hitting Skye Fall, but Soho is able to catch her with Destination Unknown for the victory.

Flanked by The Kingdom, Roderick Strong ominously suggests that by the end of the night in London, we’re going to find out who the real MJF is and who the real Adam Cole is.

Without their usual music, The Acclaimed hits the ring and calls out the House of Black. They need to be careful what they wish for, as here comes the House.

A three-on-two beatdown is on, but Billy Gunn comes out to help chase the bad guys away. He gives an impassioned speech before saying he’s up for one more match to get some payback on the guys who hurt his “kids.”

And while fun loving Daddy Ass can’t make the trip to London, Gunn says a “Bad Ass” will be.

Aussie Open def. The Hardys by pinfall to retain the ROH World Tag Team Championship, then get a visit from MJF and Adam Cole

It feels very unlikely that these titles would change hands four days away from All In … but you also can’t rule it out if for some reason the Aussies can’t travel.

They sure look like they have taken control of this one, and by isolating Jeff Hardy, they manage to retain their belts.

For some reason, Aussie Open gets on the mic to promise no double clothesline or kangaroo kick at Wembley Stadium. All that does is bring out Better Than You Bay-Bay, a.k.a. MJF and Cole. The four men have a staredown that turns into fisticuffs.

Though Mark Davis evades a double clothesline, Kyle Fletcher is still in the ring. He nearly gets Cole to kick MJF, and hey come nose to nose before Max holds the world title belt over his head. Cole offers a handshake that MJF refuses before grabbing his Dynamite Diamond Ring, but they end up hugging it out.

AEW Dynamite 200 results: New champion crowned to end anniversary show

Get full details on the special AEW Dynamite 200 show, including a new champion and the arrival of an ECW Original.

It’s a little trite to say “I can’t believe it’s been 200 episode of AEW Dynamite,” but for real, it is actually a little hard to fathom. Not only in a “time flies” sense, though that is part of it, but just overcoming the odds of starting from nothing except some of the best non-WWE talent and plenty of Tony Khan’s willpower and money, turning that into a strong No. 2 promotion on the North American wrestling scene.

While the company has added pay-per-views and additional weekly programming in the form of Rampage and Collision, Dynamite has been one of the constants throughout. It’s turned Wednesday nights into appointment viewing for many wrestling fans, and has produced a number of memorable moments.

Perhaps tonight’s 200th episode of AEW Dynamite from Tampa might cook up a few more. There’s certainly every opportunity, from a pair of championship matches to an Anything Goes three-way dance to The Elite (fresh off confirming they will remain All Elite going forward) in trios action.

Chris Jericho will take on some of his own teammates in what could be a pivotal fork in the road for the Jericho Appreciation Society. Jack Perry will continue to show he’s a Really Bad Guy now, and we’ll hear from AEW World Champion MJF.

Plus there’s been word that matches for All In will start to be announced tonight. That would be ideal considering the show is now less than a month away, and while it’s not unusual for AEW to book right up to the last minute, spreading the word on what to expect on its biggest card ever might not be a bad idea.

We’re psyched to see what’s in store on AEW Dynamite 200, and are raring to go with live updates.

AEW Dynamite 200 results:

Chris Jericho and Konosuke Takeshita def. Daniel Garcia and Sammy Guevara by pinfall

Jericho has no qualms about taking it right to his JAS colleagues, just as Garcia has no qualms about doing his dance right in Jericho’s face. It doesn’t stop him from being the one on his team to take the extended beating, as Jericho and Takeshita are working together nicely.

Guevara eventually gets a hot tag and clears the ring, diving to opposite sides to hit both of his opponents. He Frog Splashes Takeshita as well, but Jericho makes the save.

Fans are chanting for Garcia now, but just when it looks like he has Jericho in real trouble, Don Callis hits him in the head with Jericho’s bat. Chris looks unhappy but covers Daniel anyway and gets the three count.

Tony Khan thanks fans and the staff members that have made 200 episodes of Dynamite possible. A package of highlights over the years is shown with tons of good stuff.

Renee Paquette tries to catch up with Jericho for comment, but Matt Menard reaches him first and informs him that there will be a mandatory Jericho Appreciation Society meeting next week, and Chris will be there.

Tony Schiavone finds his mic quickly taken by Jack Perry, who calls out Jerry Lynn to “take this ass kicking like a man.” He says he won’t go teach Perry a lesson because it would constitute “child abuse.” Lynn also knows he’s past his wrestling days, but he called one of his friends from the ECW days … Rob Van Dam! And he’s even got “Walk” as his music.

Perry wants no part of RVD and flees into the crowd, at one point even acting like he’ll use a small girl as a human shield. He’s a bad guy, you see.

Trent Beretta def. Penta El Zero Miedo and Jon Moxley by pinfall in an Anything Goes match

You want trash cans? You got ’em. Also a 2×4 wrapped in barbed wire. Alex Abrahantes isn’t above getting tables into position on the floor, and it’s Moxley who goes through them thanks to a Beretta superplex.

More tables are set up inside the ring, which is bad news for Beretta as he takes an Avalanche Destroyer through one of them. Here come thumbtacks too, neat.

Penta takes a piledriver into the tacks from Mox but kicks out, only to be slammed back first onto them. More ridiculous violence ensues with tacks and a trash can involved.

Mox hits a Paradigm Shift on Penta, but Trent send him flying with a knee shot and covers Penta to get the win.

After the bell, Mox wants to keep fighting, and his Blackpool Combat Club teammates are coming to his aid. Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy enter the fray as well, with Taylor eventually running Claudio Castagnoli off with a chair while Cassidy hits an Orange Punch on Moxley.

Taylor notes that the three-way accomplished nothing, so Best Friends challenge the BCC to a parking lot fight at Daily’s Place on Rampage.

RVD tells Paquette that he is here because Perry was running his mouth, and he wants to challenge Jack for the FTW Championship next week.

An emotional MJF says he wants to have a serious talk with the fans in the arena and at home. The champ says he has ADD and also Rejection Sensitivity Disorder. We’ll have the Wrestling Junkie intern look up whether that’s a real thing.

(Editor’s note: It is.)

MJF recalls being bullied as a kid and evolving to believe he needed to stab people in the back before they did it to him. He says getting people to boo him is easy but being vulnerable is hard. Alas, MJF claims he’s not scared of opening up any more because of the fans.

Though it will be hard to stop being a scumbag (his words) cold turkey, MJF says he’s ready to be “your scumbag.” He also credits Adam Cole for showing him how to open his heart, and he calls his “best friend” to the ring.

Cole obliges and praises the man that Max has become. Adam says the people adore him and want to cheer for him.

As much as he loves the flowers, MJF called Cole out to discuss the title match he promised him. Not just any match, though, “The Match”: a championship bout in the main event of All In at Wembley Stadium.

Cole eagerly signs the contract he was offered, and they hug while joking about who will win.

Backstage, Roderick Strong loses it while seeing it play out and gets a visit from The Kingdom.

The Elite (Kenny Omega and Young Bucks) def. Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett and Satnam Singh by pinfall

Height differences are fun, and Singh just towers over Matt Jackson while Omega and Nick Jackson jokingly act like they won’t be tagged in to face the big man.

Some foolishness breaks out after a picture-in-picture segment, with Karen Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt, Brandon Cutler and The Hardys all getting involved. Jarrett wants to use his guitar too, but Hangman Adam Page arrives with a Buckshot to prevent it.

Lethal ends up eating the One-Winged Angel, and the good guys win.

Hangman reiterates the big news that The Elite has re-signed with AEW. Omega says we’ll be seeing more of them … heck, even on Collision.

AR Fox says he turned on Darby Allin because of his ungratefulness once he signed with AEW. But the Mogul Embassy takes care of its own, including casting Fox in his “new movie.”

To that end, Swerve Strickland and Fox pay a visit to Nick Wayne at his home training ring, which ends up going badly for young Nick. After bloodying Wayne, they force him to call Allin so they can threaten Darby that this is only the beginning.

Aussie Open def. El Hijo del Vikingo and Komander by pinfall to retain the ROH World Tag Team Championship

The announcers frame this as hard-hitting vs. high-flying, and early on, it’s the aerialists who are getting the upper hand. Mark Davis of Aussie Open is only recently returned from injury, but he looks like he’s moving well.

Of course, no one moves as well as Vikingo. The only thing that can slow him is when he and Komander try simultaneous dives to the outside, only to get caught and smashed into each other back first by Aussie Open.

After side by side action, the luchadors recover nicely, walking the top rope for twin moonsaults to the outside. Both challengers fly for twin 450 splashes to Davis, but Kyle Fletcher breaks up the pin.

Alas, Komander ends up betting isolated, and the champs execute some nice tandem offense to put him away and retain their titles.

A highlight package shows the events on AEW Collision that have led to a Real World Championship bout between CM Punk and Ricky Starks this Saturday.

Hikaru Shida def. Toni Storm by pinfall to become the new AEW Women’s World Champion

These two know each other well and their physical styles are very complementary. Shida has a little more aerial flair to her arsenal, and she dips into it several times in a row for near falls while Saraya looks concerned on the outside.

Ruby Soho is out there too, providing the assistance to give Storm an opening for a DDT and hip attack. Shida kicks out, though, and the match continues.

A clash of strikes ends with Shida scoring with a knee strike, then a Falcon Arrow for another two count. Saraya slides a kendo stick into the ring, and Shida almost uses it before realizing that would get her DQed. Soho gets a shot instead, but as the ref gets rid of the weapon, Storm sprays Shida in the face with spray paint and hits Storm Zero … but Shida kicks out and reverses Storm’s next attack into a pin, holding on to become AEW Women’s World Champion for the second time.


AEW Dynamite 200 preview 08/02/23: A milestone night in Tampa

AEW Dynamite is having an anniversary episode but fans will be getting the gifts in the form of a loaded card in Tampa.

AEW has reason to celebrate tonight in Tampa. It’s the 200th episode of AEW Dynamite, a remarkable achievement for a pro wrestling company that only sprang into existence four years ago and came of age during the COVID-19 pandemic, circumstances that could have sunken the promotion just as it was truly setting sail.

Instead, it’s weathered some ups and downs and is now flourishing. Yes, an argument could be made that it’s no longer the hottest thing in the U.S. market thanks to its resurgent competition, but with AEW Collision doing well on Saturday nights and All In on the horizon as the biggest show in AEW history, there’s a lot to be happy about.

Thus, it’s only fitting that Dynamite 200 bring the goods, and the card looks like it will do its best. Three members of the newly re-signed Elite, Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks, will be in action taking on Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett and Satnam Singh. One of the big matches from last week’s show will spill over into a brand new form as Jon Moxley, Trent Beretta and Penta will all throw down in an Anything Goes match.

Title matches? Yessir. Toni Storm will battle Hikaru Shida for the AEW Women’s World Championship, while Aussie Open defends the ROH World Tag Team Championship against El Hijo del Vikingo and Komander.

We’re not quite done. Chris Jericho faces a potentially pivotal moment in his flirtations with Don Callis as he teams with Konosuke Takeshita to take on his own JAS teammates, Daniel Garcia and Sammy Guevara. And Jack Perry will go face to face with Jerry Lynn, plus MJF will get some mic time.

Sounds like a loaded show to us, plus there’s bound to be some look backs at the best of what Dynamite has given us through its first 199 episodes. Make plans to tune in to TBS at 8 p.m. ET tonight, or join us back here at the Junkie for live results.

AEW Rampage results 07/14/23: Willow shocks Athena, moves on to face Ruby

AEW Rampage also finalized several more matches for Battle of the Belts this Saturday.

AEW Rampage continues the company’s current swing through Canada, this week coming to us from Saskatoon. It’s in a bit of a strange spot on this particular Friday, however, because it’s not just killing time between Dynamite and Collision, it’s also setting things in motion for Battle of the Belts.

Is there still a place for Battle of the Belts now that AEW has an extra two hours of weekly wrestling on TV? It’s a fair question, but considering it’s just an extra hour with (hopefully) nothing but championship matches, it should work out.

In any case, Rampage has a few things of its own worth checking out this week, including an important women’s tournament match, so let’s get into it.

AEW Rampage results:

  • Keith Lee and Dustin Rhodes def. Matt Menard and Angelo Parker by pinfall
  • QTV boasts about burning The Acclaimed with Harley Cameron’s diss track, and Johnny TV says his group is challenging The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass to a match next week
  • Taya Valkyrie def. Izzy McQueen by pinfall in one of the shortest squash matches you’ll see; afterward, Toni Storm and Saraya come down and call her a loser since she’s Canadian, to which Valkyrie manages to goad Storm into a championship match at Battle of the Belts
  • Hook says he’s done chasing Jack Perry and willing to have a title match with him next week on Dynamite
  • Lance Archer def. Trent Beretta by pinfall; after the victory, Jake Roberts calls out Orange Cassidy to challenge him to a title match against Archer at Battle of the Belts, and The Snake ends up taking Cassidy’s backpack with his title and daring him to get it back on Saturday
  • The Hardy Party and Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett and company exchange pre-recorded pleasantries
  • Konosuke Takeshita def. Mentallo by pinfall
  • Renee Paquette talks to the Dark Order, who are fired up about Hangman Adam Page turning his back on them (at least from their perspective) and looking to rebuild their group
  • Willow Nightingale def. Athena by pinfall in an Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament semifinal, an excellent match that saw Athena pinned for the first time in nearly 50 matches

AEW Dynamite results 06/28/23: MJF, Adam Cole play odd couple, Sting takes flight

Tonight’s AEW Dynamite from Hamilton will also see Chris Jericho and Sting in the ring together again, plus The Elite in action.

The “can they coexist?” bit has become so well-worn in storylines by the biggest U.S. wrestling promotion that it’s almost self-parodying at this point. Not so much for AEW, but it’s leaning into that vibe hard for what should be one of the more notable parts of tonight’s episode of Dynamite from Hamilton, Ontario.

MJF successfully made it out of Forbidden Door with the AEW World Championship still around his waist. Adam Cole would like to change that status quo, and is seeking a title rematch after taking MJF to a time limit draw a few weeks ago.

The problem is that AEW is also having a tag team tournament where the pairings are decided by a blind draw (wink, wink), and wouldn’t you know it, the first two names picked were MJF and Cole. The two men can’t stand each other and would love nothing less than to rearrange the other’s facial features, but for the time being, they need to work together.

OK, need is a strong word. They can certainly throw down if they want, but the guess is that if they do, it will prevent them from getting what they truly desire. We should find out more on that score tonight.

Elsewhere, there’s going to be a strong Forbidden Door fallout vibe in Hamilton. Tomohiro Ishii is still in Canada, and will tangle with Jon Moxley. The Young Bucks and Hangman Adam Page, or the Hung Bucks if you like that kind of humor, will be in action. Plus Chris Jericho and Sting will be in the ring on opposite sides of a match for the second time in less than a week after somehow not doing that for decades.

Time to dive into Dynamite.

AEW Dynamite results from Hamilton:

Jon Moxley def. Tomohiro Ishii by pinfall

No fooling around for these two gents, who just go right at each other, smash-mouth style. The Blackpool Combat Club is ringside to support Mox, but Eddie Kingston shows up before the picture-in-picture segment wielding  chair to deter any hijinks.

Ishii takes a nasty shot later that still probably isn’t quite as ridiculous as the one he took from Konosuke Takeshita at Forbidden Door. Kingston and Claudio Castagnoli aren’t taking their eyes off each other on opposite sides of the floor.

They eventually end up head butting each other bloody, because of course. Moxley finally wins with a Death Rider, but it took a huge effort.

Renee Paquette catches Adam Cole on his way into the arena, but he’s soon joined by an enthusiastic MJF, who says he thinks they got off on the wrong foot. To that end, he asks Cole if he wants to hang out this weekend, and even presents some “tag merch.” Heh.

Paquette asks Moxley what is going on and tries to play peacemaker when Kingston comes looking for him. It’s a serious yelling match, and Renee gets in the last word, telling Kingston he better fix this.

Orange Cassidy, El Hijo del Vikingo and Keith Lee def. Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard and Angelo Parker by pinfall when Lee pins Menard

There’s a peek at how this particular face trio came together, but honestly, does it matter? It’s just a fun trio. Also, Garcia teases his dance but doesn’t do it, but since fans dislike his dance, wouldn’t the heel play be to do it? Please ponder that.

Vikingo’s craziest dive to the floor hits only Lee, who picks him up and uses him as a weapon, then hurls him to the turnbuckles. He misses whatever he was going to try as he slips, but still launches into a moonsault.

Poor Daddy Magic ends up alone with Lee a little later, and welp.

The Elite wants to do a trios open challenge, and Hangman Adam Page is caught off guard when the Dark Order is upset that he ghosted them and wants to be their opponents tonight.

Chris Jericho says he and Sting in the ring together should be on TBS and should be commentated by Tony Schiavone. He also says it’s time to get into the “primordial ooze” of Jericho and summon the Painmaker. Sammy Guevara looks less enthused about the whole thing.

The Elite def. Dark Order by pinfall when Hangman Adam Page pins John Silver

Page looks conflicted, saying “we don’t have to do this.” No one does that emotion in pro wrestling like he does. When he finally becomes the legal man, he has a discussion with John Silver but finally gets hit in the face, and instead of punching back, he tags Matt Jackson in.

But Evil Uno finally pushes Hangman too far, and he comes in firing. The announcers note that Dark Order has no issues taking it to their friend as they’re trying to get the win. Page hesitates again when he has a chance to hit the Buckshot on Silver and nearly gets pinned. But he pulls it together to hit the Deadeye, and after a BTE Trigger by the Bucks, he finishes Silver with a Buckshot … and looks like he’s apologizing afterward, but …

… the Blackpool Combat Club invades the ring with chairs after the bell, and the Dark Order doesn’t stick around to help. Eddie Kingston tries, but he’s soon in as much trouble as The Elite. Page is bloodied as Konsuke Takeshita arrives to assist.

Moxley gets on the mic and says it’s time to end this: July 19, Boston, Blood and Guts.

A video package shows the contestants in the Men’s Owen Hart Cup Tournament talking about their first round opponents.

Cole tells a concerned Roderick Strong that he’s just playing along with MJF, who comes to scoop him up for “party time.”

“JungleHook was special because of me.” Jack Perry is now definitely a heel since he’s running down the fans and bragging about his bedroom exploits. Perry asks if he turned on Hook or everyone turned on him, and I think we know where he’s headed with this.

He calls Hook an entitled, second-generation prick and mocks the FTW Championship. Hook finally has enough and heads down the ramp, so Perry flees for the back.

With Hook in super hot pursuit, Perry leaps headfirst into the back of a waiting SUV, barely escaping what is almost certainly going to be an ass whooping.

Ruby Soho def. Alexia Nicole by submission

This was supposed to be Soho’s Owen Hart Cup Tournament match against Britt Baker who is out with illness. This … is not that, and Soho gets a quick tapout by using Baker’s own Lockjaw.

The Outcasts spray paint the ‘L’ on poor Nicole, and Soho blames Canada like South Park once did for Baker getting sick. Ruby mocks Baker and Adam Cole a bit more and vows to leave Britt nothing after defeating her.

QTV touts the arrival of Johnny TV, and Hayley Cameron does a poor impression of Brother Zay.

Darby Allin and Sting def. “The Painmaker” Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara by submission in a Tornado tag match as Sting makes Jericho tap out to the Scorpion Deathlock

Guevara enters separately and to his own music, something he teased last week. Jericho has a special entrance and what looks like glow in the dark makeup as the Painmaker, and before anything too crazy starts going down, he and Sting have a duel with their respective baseball bats.

Sting and Allin slowly gain the advantage, setting up two tables on the floor as both of the faces scale a ladder in the ring. It’s not Darby but Sting who makes the jump, and he barely makes it to send Guevara through the first table but looks like he lands hard in the process.

Despite Allin using his skateboard, Jericho is able to send Darby to the floor with a Judas Effect. Sting tries sneaking up on the Painmaker form behind, but Jericho puts him in the Walls of Jericho. There are no rope breaks, but Sting crawls and gets his bat, using it to break the hold.

A bloody Painmaker takes a Stinger Splash but answers a second with a Codebreaker. But the Judas Effect is countered with a Scorpion Death Drop that somehow only gets two.

Jericho tries another Codebreaker, but Sting sees it coming and applies the Scorpion Deathlock, and since the show is now in an overrun, the Painmaker taps and Dynamite quickly says peace.

AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door 2023 results: All the winners from Toronto

AEW and NJPW come together once again for Forbidden Door. See who had their hands raised in Toronto.

It’s time to see which side of the Forbidden Door reigns supreme.

For the second straight year, AEW and NJPW are coming together to do something that only a few years ago would have been unthinkable, putting some of the top pro wrestling stars from North America and Japan (and all around the world, frankly) together on one massive card.

Following the success of the first Forbidden Door last year in Chicago, the sequel is coming to us from Scotiabank Arena in Toronto. If anything, the card for 2023 looks even better than the original, with most of both companies’ big stars participating.

The night will start and end with big matches. The AEW World Championship is on the line right off the bat, with MJF (reluctantly, as is his wont) defending his title against the Ace of New Japan, Hiroshi Tanahashi. The main event is a dream meeting between two of the very best wrestlers on the planet over the last 10-15 years, Bryan Danielson and Kazuchika Okada.

Yet neither may be the best bout of the night. That honor could very well go to a rematch of a pairing that many consider a top candidate for match of the year, Kenny Omega and Will Ospreay. The two men absolutely thrilled during their first meeting at Wrestle Kingdom in January, where Omega prevailed. Ospreay will pull out all the stops to get his win back, and there’s no reason to think the result won’t once again be spectacular.

We’ll be updating this post in real time as the action plays out.

AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door 2023 results from Toronto:

(click any match with a link for full details)

AEW Dynamite results 06/21/23: Leave the (Forbidden) Door open

Chicago hosts the final AEW Dynamite before Forbidden Door, and we’re tracking the action live.

We’re just four days away from Forbidden Door 2023, where the worlds of AEW and NJPW will once again collide, this time in Toronto. But unlike last year, tonight’s final AEW Dynamite before the supershow isn’t even the go home show.

The arrival of Collision has seen to that, giving Tony Khan and the brain trust behind the collaboration time to add matches almost literally right up to the last minute. That said, there should definitely be more pieces of the Forbidden Door puzzle that fall into place tonight in Chicago, and there will definitely be New Japan talent in the house.

Two of the promoted matches for tonight are proof of that. One will see Orange Cassidy and Katsuyori Shibata team up to tangle with Zack Sabre Jr. and Daniel Garcia. There’s a pretty decent chance this tag team bout is going to set up Cassidy vs. ZSJ in Toronto, a matchup yours truly would love to see.

In trios action, Minoru Suzuki will once again align himself with Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara. But things have changed since last year, as Suzuki no longer has his army behind him, and Jericho and Guevara aren’t exactly best buds these days either.

We will, of course, hear from a number of people, including Bryan Danielson, who has a high profile Forbidden Door match already lined up against Kazuchika Okada, and Adam Cole, who does not. There have also been reports that a certain favorite son of Chicago is in the building and may appear, and if you need me to tell you who that is, congrats on taking your first dive into pro wrestling. Hope you enjoy it enough to stick around.

Let’s dive into it, shall we Chicago?

AEW Dynamite results from Chicago:

  • The Gunns def. The Hardys by pinfall after a distraction from Bullet Club Gold, who proceed to help beat down Jeff and Matt after the bell; Ricky Starks and FTR join the fray on the side of the fan favorites, as does … CM Punk, who helps clear the ring and says the two groups can settle things in the ring on Collision

  • A video package promotes the Concession Stand Brawl between Jeff Jarrett and Mark Briscoe, which is well timed because it leads right into …
  • Jeff Jarrett def. Mark Briscoe by pinfall in a Concession Stand Brawl that sees Sonjay Dutt, Karen Jarrett, Papa Briscoe, Christopher Daniels, Best Friends and Lucha Bros. all get involved

  • Blackpool Combat Club and Konosuke Takeshita challenge The Elite to a 10-man tag (they’ll also have Shota Umino on their team) at Forbidden Door, while Bryan Danielson says he’s going to the ring to call out Kazuchika Okada and that the Rainmaker is a coward if he doesn’t show up

  • Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara and Minoru Suzuki def. Action Andretti, AR Fox and Darius Martin by submission when Jericho gets Martin to tap out to the Lion Tamer
  • Renee Paquette talks to the winners after the bell, giving Jericho a chance to call out Sting and challenge him, Darby Allin and a partner of their choice to a match at Forbidden Door; Sting and Allin come to the ring to accept and say they’ll reveal their partner at Collision

  • Tony Schiavone and RJ City kick off the draw for the Blind Eliminator Tag Team Tournament, the brackets for which will be unveiled next week on Dynamite
  • The Elite (in a pre-taped bit, we assume) acknowledge the challenge from the BCC, but they say they have friends all over and a lot of people hate the BCC too … like Eddie Kingston, who also says he’ll pick the fifth member of their team and make the announcement

  • Adam Cole hits the ring to give the Devil his due, admitting that MJF gave him one of the toughest matches of his career last week and calling out the champ to talk rematch; but not only does MJF refuse, Tony Schiavone informs them they’re a tag team for the tournament, but that’s not all …
  • … because Hiroshi Tanahashi appears on the big screen to remind MJF of the challenge the Ace made for Forbidden Door, and Cole manages to goad the AEW World Champion into accepting

  • Daniel Garcia and Zack Sabre Jr. def. Orange Cassidy and Katsuyori Shibata by pinfall as Garcia pins Shibata following a miscommunication by Cassidy and Shibata
  • Alex Marvez catches up with Will Ospreay, who doubles down on his criticism of Canada, to which Don Callis blames Kenny Omega for Will’s troubles and pledges his private security to aid Ospreay
  • Toni Storm disses the people that like Willow Nightingale, who takes the high road and says she respects the champ’s fight; the two women will meet for Storm’s title at Forbidden Door
  • Kris Statlander def. Taya Valkyrie by pinfall to retain the TBS Championship
  • Eddie Kingston says he thinks there’s one member of BCC who might have a problem with him teaming with The Elite, and sure enough, Jon Moxley comes out to confront his old friend before Kingston confirms the fifth member of their team is Tomohiro Ishii; the Stone Pitbull comes to the ring but is waylaid by the BCC, and Danielson’s threats bring Kazuchika Okada to the ring as well, and he gives the Rainmaker to Wheeler Yuta

AEW Rampage results 06/16/23: Ospreay, Takeshita grab wins

See what went down on AEW Rampage the night before the Collision premiere.

Will Ospreay is pretty damn cool. All he did was show up at the tail end of a wild final segment at the end of AEW Dynamite this week to attack Kenny Omega, and even if you were unfamiliar with his work, you could feel it. And what do you know, he’s in action on AEW Rampage tonight.

So is Rocky Romero, and guess what? We just talked to him not long ago.

These men are here because Forbidden Door is getting ever so much closer, and it’s fun that New Japan’s finest are spicing up AEW programming. Oh, and the other matches on this week’s card don’t look too shabby either, including rising star (and now heel) Konosuke Takeshita.

Let’s see what this hour of pro wrestling has in store.

AEW Rampage results:

  • United Empire (Jeff Cobb, Kyle Fletcher and Will Ospreay) def. Chaos (Best Friends and Rocky Romero) by pinfall when Ospreay pins Romero
  • Taya Valkyrie def. Trish Adora by pinfall
  • The Hardys officially accept the challenge from The Gunns for the next episode of Dynamite, with Matt Hardy calling it “adorable” that the Gunns forgot who the Hardys are and Jeff saying they’d make their foes famous
  • Mark Briscoe, Papa Briscoe and Aubrey Edwards def. Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett and Karen Jarrett by pinfall
  • Valkyrie is feeling good about her latest victory, but less thrilled with TBS Champion Kris Statlander, who seems glad to put her title up against Taya next week
  • Don Callis crashes the Mark Henry pre-main event segment and trash talks Kenny Omega and a handful of Mexican wrestling legends; Callis also joins the announcers for the main event and says he’s going to keep Takeshita climbing until it forces Omega to face him
  • Konosuke Takeshita def. Bandido by pinfall