The Brooklyn Nets are doing their very best to pry Spike Lee away from the Knicks

Spike has to make the jump

Never thought we’d see the day where a rift would form between the Knicks and Spike Lee, but here we are.

Lee is maybe the Knicks biggest super fan and James Dolan is chasing him out the door…or media entrance. Whichever fits best. You absolutely hate to see it.

The Knicks have already released their statement calling Spike a liar. Spike made a phone call and called the Knicks liars right back.

We’ve all seen this story before, right? This is the point in the break up where you’re not really broken up but you know that text is probably coming. Yes, the Knicks probably break up through text.

The Nets are ready to swoop in as SOON as the Knicks hit send on that, by the way. They’re doing all the dirty macking possible right now in coaxing Lee to come sit courtside at Barclays and it’s hilarious.

They posted a since deleted tweet of Lee posing with Kevin Durant trolling the Knicks about the handshake between Dolan and Lee.

And, apparently, they’ve already made a call to Lee in trying to get him to change allegiances.

Scary times, Knicks fans. Scary times.

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