Joe Cowley: Paxson did say this about a …

Joe Cowley: Paxson did say this about a fan base that right now is filled with a lot of disdain: “First of all, our fan base has been terrific, and I’m really sensitive to that [frustration they have],’’ Paxson said. “I want our fans to care about us, I want them to see a product out there that they can root for. I get it. I own that. I own that we’re not at that level. First of all I am in lockstep with Jim and his commitment to where we want to get to. That’s not wavering at all.’’

Jim Boylen’s job safe for now

A team that entered the year with playoff hopes finds itself just 8-16 against a relatively soft early schedule. Yet our reading of the tea leaves says Jim Boylen is safe. For now. Probably. League sources say that team president John Paxson remains a fan of Boylen’s tough-love approach despite the disappointing results thus far. Part of the blame for the slow start can also be shared by injuries to Otto Porter and Chandler Hutchison that left the team with no real small forwards. Boylen’s defensive scheme has drawn plenty of criticism, especially since it’s an odd fit for a big lineup that aside from Thaddeus Young lacks fleet-footed bigs.

But to be fair, Chicago’s 29th-ranked …

But to be fair, Chicago’s 29th-ranked offense is the more pressing concern. Sources say Boylen remains unpopular in the Chicago locker room, which isn’t surprising given that his tenure began with a near-mutiny over his grueling practices and formation of the much-derided “Leadership Committee.” His unpopularity with the players would be the driving force behind any move by management, who otherwise seem satisfied and gave him an extension before the season.