The Bulls also moved John Paxson, who …

The Bulls also moved John Paxson, who previously held Karnisovas’ position, in the new role of senior adviser of basketball operations and are in search of a new general manager. “Earning the enthusiasm and excitement back from the fans of the Chicago Bulls is both a challenge and something I very much look forward to,” Karnisovas said. “These fans deserve a team that they can be proud of and my objective is to get us back to relevancy.”

Karnisovas, who was the only candidate …

Karnisovas, who was the only candidate to have multiple interviews the last few days — including a final conversation with Bulls chairman Jerry Reinsdorf — will replace John Paxson. A source said Paxson, who will move into an advisory role, has been kept on as a sounding board for Jerry and Michael Reinsdorf. Paxson would only offer opinions on basketball matters if Karnisovas asks. This is completely Karnisovas’ show now.

Karnisovas will have full …

During his interview process, …

During his interview process, Karnisovas conveyed to ownership that he viewed Paxson as a resource, not a roadblock, sources said — though Paxson only will be used as a sounding board. Karnisovas has full authority on all basketball decisions and already has begun building out the organizational infrastructure with the hire of at least one assistant general manager. Karnisovas also has been compiling a list of general manager candidates and plans to begin the interview process — including requesting permission for candidates currently under contract with other teams — in the near future, sources said.