Longtime NBA fans may know Joe Borgia …

Longtime NBA fans may know Joe Borgia from his days as a referee in the 1980s and 1990s. NBA insiders know him from his time work in the league’s referee operations office. Today’s fans recognize Borgia as the face and voice of the NBA’s replay center in Secaucus, New Jersey where reviews are conducted along with referees on the court. Borgia was instrumental in ushering in the replay review era both as the senior vice president of replay and referee operations and the man who often explained rulings to fans watching on TV. Thursday marked the end of Borgia’s 32-year career with the NBA.

This season, Borgia transitioned from …

This season, Borgia transitioned from the replay center to overseeing the coach’s challenge. Former referee Jason Phillips stepped into Borgia’s old role and will be the main guy in the replay center. In retirement, how will Borgia watch NBA games? “I can’t watch it for fun,” he said. “I will be reffing a game, and I will be watching the replay saying, ‘C’mon guys. Hurry up. Let’s go.’”

“You see it gradually going up, so I …

“You see it gradually going up, so I think they are making improvement on successful challenges,” Joe Borgia, the NBA’s senior vice president of replay and referee operations, told Yahoo Sports of the rising success rate for coaches over the season’s first six weeks. “Now, the hard thing about it is, just because they were successful doesn’t mean it benefited them. … So, I can’t imagine how difficult it is on them.”