PSA: A Notre Dame Highlight to Keep You Safe (March 16 Edition)

That’s why we will provide you a Notre Dame highlight to watch each day and think about for the rest of the day whenever you wash your hands.

These are crazy days we’re living.  I work my day-job in downtown Chicago and live in the suburbs and take the commuter train each day to work.  Immediately upon getting off the train the last week I’ve begun walking straight to the bathroom and washing my hands because God only know what germs are infesting anything, let alone public transportation.

Thanks to our friends at the Auburn Wire, we were just reminded that the CDC says you need to scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap in order for your hand-washing to take effect.  The Auburn folks offered a great way to pass that twenty seconds, which gets incredibly tedious after doing it dozens and dozens of times a day.

In that same capacity, we’re here for you at Fighting Irish Wire.  That’s why we will provide you a Notre Dame highlight to watch each day and think about for the rest of the day whenever you wash your hands.

Our first play?  Irv Smith carrying the entire Indiana football team to the end zone to start the 1991 season.


Alright, so the highlight runs forty seconds or so but the play takes about 20 seconds exactly from when the play starts to when the celebration in the end zone begins.  Play that in your head the rest of the afternoon as you hopefully keep the Coronavirus as far away from you and yours as possible.