Hunter mistakenly kills grizzly bear, but it wasn’t hunter’s mistake

After an investigation that left the Idaho Fish and Game in an embarrassing position, the hunter was not issued a citation.

A bear hunter in Idaho believed they had killed a black bear when in reality it was a protected grizzly bear, but it wasn’t the hunter’s fault. It was Idaho Fish and Game’s fault.

The unidentified hunter sent Fish and Game recorded videos of the bear at the legal bait site two days before the shooting. Hunting in an area not known to have grizzly bears, the hunter was concerned that the bear was a grizzly and not a black bear.

“Unfortunately, Fish and Game staff misidentified the young bear as a black bear because it lacked some common features of a grizzly, and shared that misidentification with the hunter,” the Idaho Fish and Game stated in a press release.

“After shooting the bear and then identifying it at the scene as a grizzly, the hunter immediately contacted Fish and Game and fully cooperated with the investigation.

“Fish and Game regrets the mistake made by its staff, the undue stress the situation caused for the hunter and the loss of the grizzly bear. Fish and Game is reviewing its staff’s part in the incident as a personnel matter.”

The incident occurred in Unit 6 of Idaho’s Panhandle, an area not commonly used by grizzly bears.

On June 14, Fish and Game officials sent out a press release about the June 10 killing, stating, “grizzly bears are protected under state and federal law, and bear hunters are responsible for proper identification of their target.”

In this case, the hunter did the responsible thing in attempting to correctly identify the bear. Alas, embarrassingly, it was Fish and Game that got it wrong, apparently identifying both subadult males shown in the hunter’s videos as black bears. The videos were posted within the latest press release.

Not surprisingly, the hunter was not issued a citation.

Generic photo of a grizzly bear courtesy of Wikipedia Commons.

Fly fisherman ‘stunned’ at the size of his cutthroat trout record

Idaho Fish and Game stated that Westslope cutthroat trout rarely exceed 20 inches, making this an “exceptional” catch.

A fly fisherman in Idaho thought he snagged bottom until the line started moving, indicating a hooked a fish.

Daniel Whitesitt was fishing with a friend in a remote area on the Clark Fork River in Idaho on April 13 when he hooked up, as reported by Outdoor Life.

“We’d only caught one trout that morning, so it was pretty slow,” Whitesitt told Outdoor Life. “But about 9 a.m. I waded out to the head of a pool just below a riffle and made a long cast. I was [fishing] a large, gray stonefly nymph below an indicator.”

When the indicator went down, Whitesitt set the hook and “fought the fish deep for a couple minutes,” and when it jumped, he thought it was a rainbow.

He called Caleb Bravard over to help land the fish. When the fish was netted, the anglers noticed the red slash under its jaw, indicating it was a cutthroat trout.

“I was stunned that it was a cutthroat because of its size,” Whitesitt told Outdoor Life. “I thought it might be a state length record, which I believed was 24 inches long. When we carefully measured it and photographed the fish, sure enough, it was 25 inches.”

Whitesitt submitted documentation of his released catch to the Idaho Fish and Game, and the agency verified it has a catch-and-release state record for Westslope cutthroat trout, the IFG reported Wednesday.

The old record of 24 inches was set by Madison Nackos in 2021 from nearby Priest Lake.

From the IFG:

Westslope Cutthroat Trout are found in rivers (and some lakes) primarily throughout central and northern Idaho. They rarely exceed 20 inches, making this an exceptional catch.  Cutthroat Trout are Idaho’s “state fish,” and the Westslope Cutthroat Trout is one of three subspecies native to the state, along with the Bonneville and Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout.

Whitesitt told Outdoor Life he guessed the fish weighed 6 or 7 pounds, adding that he is likely to have a replica mount made because of its beauty.

“Its memory will never fade,” Whitesitt told Outdoor life.

Photos courtesy of the Idaho Fish and Game and Daniel Whitesitt.