Watch: Here Come the Irish for first home game of 2021

You know what this is.

Games at Notre Dame Stadium are open to the general public once again. While students were allowed to attend games last year, it just didn’t feel complete at all. Even after they flooded to field to celebrate the Irish’s upset of Clemson, there was something missing with so few people allowed inside. Things look more normal now, so the stadium was rocking as the Irish made their first home entrance of 2021:

Isn’t that beautiful? It’s true that the stadium isn’t completely filled, but that day surely will come again, and maybe sooner than we think. For the moment, simply having the game-day experience we all have gotten used to over the years is a win by itself. This entrance and the roar of the crowd it caused reflects that.

There’s no doubt Toledo heard the tunnel shake before it made its own entrance. The crowd makes that happen. Here’s to the first of many memories to come at Notre Dame Stadium this season.

Watch: Here Come the Irish to Battle Clemson

Notre Dame is playing one of the biggest games in its recent history.

Notre Dame is playing one of the biggest games in its recent history. Clemson, the top team in the country, has invaded South Bend, and the Irish are eager to prove they can compete. As they made their famous entrance into Notre Dame Stadium, they appear fired up and ready to go. You couldn’t ask for anything else to start if you support this team.

Watch: Here Come the Irish for the First Time in 2020

You didn’t know if you would see this in 2020, did you?

You didn’t know if you would see this in 2020, did you? With everything we’ve had to go through, you couldn’t be blamed if you didn’t think it would happen.  Nonetheless, here it is:

It’s true that this doesn’t mean COVID-19 is over. Not by a long shot. We have a long way to go before normalcy is even considered. But man, if this doesn’t signify that things will be OK for a few hours, nothing will.

We don’t know if the Irish will be ahead on the scoreboard at the end of this game, but the university and the ACC already have won for being able to pull this off. Hopefully, this season will be played without interruption, which isn’t a guarantee in the current environment. Still, the Irish coming out of the tunnel proves that some traditions just refuse to die, even if for a year or two. Everyone involved can stand with pride today.

WATCH: Notre Dame Updates, Re-releases ‘Here Come the Irish’

A song that has become part of Notre Dame football’s game day festivities got an face-lift over the weekend. Check it out right here!

If you are a fan of Notre Dame football or just admire the University in any way you’ve heard the song “Here Come the Irish” that was performed by Cathy Richardson of Jefferson Starship after being written by Jim Tullio and John Scully.

The song has taken on a life of it’s own since being written in 1997 and many have put together slideshows and their own videos with it’s audio accompaniment on the internet.

Over the weekend the University of Notre Dame’s athletic department released a new video to go along with the song you hear just before kickoff at Notre Dame Stadium and it’s worth your five minutes today.  Watch the video in the tweet below.