Why everyone was watching live video of jets landing at Heathrow on Big Jet TV when you woke up Friday morning

Turn on Big Jet TV, babe. The jets are landing.

If you’re like me, you probably have the horrible habit of waking up and immediately checking your phone.

And not only are you looking at your texts and emails, but you’re also looking to see what’s trending on Twitter. You need to know what’s going on in these internet streets, am I right?

And if you’re even more like me you were probably terribly confused by what Big Jet TV was and how it ended up trending. Because, well, are people really watching jets land on YouTube right now?

You clicked it and found out the answer was, yes. Yes, they are. And they still are, really. Like, right now. As of the publishing of this post there are still 122,000 people watching Big Jet TV. More than 200,000 were watching this morning.

You’re confused by this. But don’t worry — we got you. Here’s why people were watching jets land on YouTube this morning when you woke up.