Famous gray whale ‘Scarback’ grabs spotlight off California

The sighting of a gray whale named “Scarback” has helped signal the beginning of the 2019-20 southbound migration off Southern California.

The sighting Tuesday of a gray whale famously known as “Scarback” has helped signal the beginning of the 2019-20 southbound migration off Southern California.

The adult female whale, believed to have been disfigured in the 1980s by a ship strike or an exploding harpoon, was spotted Tuesday morning off Manhattan Beach, traveling with a juvenile companion.

Both whales were later spotted by volunteers with the ACS-LA Gray Whale Census and Behavior Project, which operates from the Point Vicente Interpretive Center on the Palos Verdes Peninsula.

“We watched two southbound GRAY WHALES today – including the very famous adult female “SCARBACK” from the Pacific Coast Feeding Group, who is seen every summer feeding off of Depoe Bay, Oregon!” Alisa Schulman-Janiger, the project’s director, exclaimed on Facebook. “We watched them as they hugged the kelp line for 45 minutes.”

The sighting increased to three the number of gray whales tallied this season by project volunteers, in what appears to be a late migration of gray whales from northern feeding waters to Mexican nursing and breeding areas.

Scarback is among an estimated 232 gray whales within the Pacific Coast Feeding Group, according to the Cascadia Research Collective. These whales forage during the summer between Northern California and British Columbia, while the vast majority of gray whales feed off Alaska.

Scarback was first documented in 1979, before sustaining her injury, and has had multiple calves. Her primary feeding area is off Depoe Bay, where most sightings have occurred. (The still-open wound, covered in orange whale lice,  is most clearly visible from her right side.)

She has been observed several times off Southern California and last season she was spotted traveling southbound in December, and northbound in January, which is extremely early for whales to be migrating back to foraging areas.

However, last season was unusual in that more than 200 gray whales died and became stranded during the migration. Many were emaciated and did not appear to have enough fat reserves to make it back to feeding areas. (Gray whales, as a rule, do not feed during the migration period.)

NOAA declared the elevated number of strandings an “Unusual Morality Event” and is still studying precise causes of death. (The overall gray population was estimated to number just under 27,000 animals in 2016.)

It remains unclear whether the whales currently migrating south consumed enough prey to sustain their marathon round-trip journey, but Scarback and her young companion looked to be in good shape.

“Scarback was very large and robust,” Schulman-Janiger said. “She looked very healthy. So wonderful to see such a big, healthy-looking gray whale.”

–Top images showing Scarback off Southern California on Tuesday are courtesy of Alisa Schulman-Janiger. Bottom image, showing the whale’s still-open wound, is courtesy of Carrie Newall/Whale Research EcoExcursions

Boating family in awe as whale ‘pops up’ in Avalon Harbor

A young gray whale generated lots of excitement Saturday afternoon when it surfaced inside the harbor at Avalon on Santa Catalina Island.

A young gray whale generated lots of excitement Saturday afternoon when it surfaced inside the harbor at Avalon on Santa Catalina Island.

“Whale in the harbor… right under the boat!” exclaims Jon Quarnstrom, in the first video clip accompanying this post. “A whale… right here!”

Quarnstrom, 38, a lifelong Catalina resident, told For The Win Outdoors that he and his young sons, Gavin and Kanon, and their dog Bali were crossing the harbor in their skiff when the whale “popped up looking right at my kids.”

RELATED: Whale swims beneath surfers, but do they even notice?

Bali, his tail tucked firmly between his legs, is not sure what to make of the surfacing whale.

“We see them all the time around the island during seasonal passes, but I’ve only seen this once before in the harbor,” said Quarnstrom, who works in a local steakhouse. “I was definitely shocked.”

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In the second video clip, shared Monday to the Catalina Island Facebook page, viewers can hear Quarnstrom’s commentary before his skiff enters the picture.

He’s not a safe distance, having apparently become caught up in the moment, but the mammal eventually departed the harbor to continue its journey.

The whale is one of a handful of juvenile gray whales to have been spotted recently off Southern California. These early sightings are in advance of a southbound migration, from feeding areas off Alaska to breeding areas off Mexico, that peaks locally in January.

Gray whales often migrate past the so-called backside of Catalina, keeping the land to their left on the southbound journey, said whale researcher Alisa-Schulman-Janiger.

Gray whale sightings inside Avalon Harbor, on the front side facing the mainland, are extremely rare.

Whale swims beneath surfers, but do they even notice?

The video opportunity of a lifetime presented itself in the form of a whale spout, then another, as Payton Landaas watched from his patio.

The video opportunity of a lifetime presented itself Monday in the form of a whale spout, then another, as Payton Landaas watched from the patio of his parents’ home overlooking a famous Southern California surf spot.

“I knew how rare this moment could be so I ran to get my drone,” Landaas, 18, told For The Win Outdoors.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRP5B-bn25s]

Moments later he was capturing aerial footage of a 25-foot gray whale swimming toward and beneath unsuspecting surfers as they waited for waves at Doheny State Beach in Orange County.

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As viewers can see, the whale surfaces once inside the lineup, then approaches 20-plus surfers as they sit lazily on their boards. One young surfer turns around and spots the whale, then paddles away as the leviathan passes beneath him.

Some of the surfers did not seem to notice the whale. Photo: Payton Landaas

“The whale was inside the lineup, which wouldn’t have happened any other time of day due to the tide,” Landaas said, explaining that the morning high tide allowed the large mammal to swim close to shore.

Many of the surfers did not seem to see the whale, but Landaas’ footage affords a unique perspective revealing the graceful movements of such a large cetacean.

Landaas, a resident of Capistrano Beach and a senior at San Juan Hills High School, had just launched Stealth Photos and lists himself as owner and chief drone pilot.

The whale, likely a juvenile looking for food on the sandy bottom, is somewhat of a stray.

The southbound gray whale migration, from feeding grounds off Alaska to breeding areas off Mexico, does not peak off Southern California until January.

–Video and photos are courtesy of Payton Landaas/Stealth Photos