Russell Wilson and Ciara are creating fragrances that smell like their love for each other

Ah yes, this is what I must smell like.

Have you ever woken up one morning and thought to yourself:

There are so many possible fragrances to embrace, to enhance my essence with a light spritz upon myself. Shall I smell like lavender? Rosemary? Or maybe fresh cedar? Maybe something more understated and neutral, a light touch of rose water to delight the senses of passersby.

But, yet, no! Foo to rose water! Begone, disgusting lavender! I know what scent I must embrace! My identity will forevermore be linked to the olfactory manifestation of the love between recording artist Ciara and Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson. This is my choice. This is who I am now, and will going forward be.

Ah, you haven’t thought that? Me neither.

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