Florida Football Schedule 2023: Analysis, Breakdown, 3 Things To Know

Florida football schedule 2023 analysis, breakdown, 3 things to know

Florida football schedule 2023: Who do the Gators miss on the SEC schedule and what are 3 things to know?

Florida Football Schedule 2023: 3 Things To Know

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Sept 2 at Utah

Sept 9 McNeese

Sept 16 Tennessee

Sept 23 Charlotte

Sept 30 at Kentucky

Oct 7 Vanderbilt

Oct 14 at South Carolina


Oct 28 Georgia (in Jacksonville)

Nov 4 Arkansas

Nov 11 at LSU

Nov 18 at Missouri

Nov 25 Florida State

2023 College Football Rankings 1-133: First Look

Florida Football Schedule What To Know: Who do the Gators miss from the SEC slate?

As always the Gators have to play LSU. To make matters worse against a loaded team, it’s on the road. On the positive side, the other game against the West is at home against Arkansas. However, that’s sandwiched between the dates with Georgia and LSU.

Offsetting the road game against LSU is who’s missing. There’s no Alabama to deal with, Texas A&M isn’t on the schedule, and there’s no Auburn, Ole Miss, or Mississippi State.

Florida Football Schedule What Really Matters

The Gators have GOT to win the home dates.

Again, the LSU date is on the road, but the Georgia game – as always – is in Jacksonville. Tennessee has to make the trip to Gainesville, and so does Florida State. That doesn’t mean everything is in easy driving distance of The Swamp, but there are enough to pile up a slew of wins.

There’s a reason the team needs to pull those off …

Florida Football Schedule What To Know: What does it all really mean?

Opening the season at Utah is a problem.

That’s a tough way to kick things off, putting all the pressure on the home game against Tennessee – at least more than there already will be. Lose that, and then things get dicey with road games at Kentucky and South Carolina before dealing with Georgia.

If the Gators can’t get by the Vols, it’s going to take a lot of work to be better than 4-4 – probably more like 3-5 – before dealing with November.

That’s not to say they can’t beat the Wildcats or Gamecocks on the road, but that’s not a given.

It’s Florida. It’s going to come up with a good second season under Billy Napier and it’ll easily go bowling. It’s going to be a fight at times, though.

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