Happy Festivus: Airing of Notre Dame Grievances!

I find tinsel distracting.

Happy Festivus!

For those who are fans of Seinfeld I don’t need to say anything more but for those who aren’t, and who are unaware of Festivus, here’s a quick summary:

Celebrated annually on December 23 as an alternative to the the pressures and commercialism of Christmas.

Traditions for this holiday include Festivus dinner, an unadorned aluminum Fesitvus pole, the “Feats of Strength”, and “Airing of Grievances”.

Since an unadorned pole would be hard to write about and wrestling someone can be hard to pull off through written word, let’s instead focus on the Airing of Grievances when it comes to Notre Dame football.

In a year that has seen some incredible highs, I have no doubt we all have some things we feel the need to get some things off our chests.  I’ll begin with a few of mine and you can share yours on any social media platform, too.

The 8 best Festivus moments from ‘Seinfeld,’ ranked

A look back at the best holiday moments from “The Strike.”

Editor’s note: We published this in 2021, but figured you’d enjoy it on this Dec. 23!

Happy Festivus to all who celebrate!

That’s right: Every year on December 23, ever since the Season 9 episode of Seinfeld known as The Strike aired in 1997, we’ve celebrated the Festivus for the rest of us — a holiday made up by George Costanza’s father Frank (played by the late, amazing and hilarious Jerry Stiller) in response to the commercialism of Christmas, complete with an aluminum pole, airing of grievances and feats of strength.

So on this, the latest Festivus, I’ve decided to comb through the episode and come up with a ranking of the best moments related to the holiday from the ep: