Bystander’s quick thinking results in extraordinary rescue of fawn

A fawn being swept down a canal of fast-moving water faced imminent death before a man made an extraordinary rescue at the last second.

A fawn accidentally fell into a canal of fast-moving water and was facing imminent death by drowning before a quick-thinking bystander came up with a plan to thwart the tragedy at the last second.

The incident occurred in a canal near the Equestrian Park in North Ogden, Utah, with Rachel Kunz capturing the extraordinary rescue in video. She shared the footage with KSL 5 TV.

The fawn, being swept down the canal, futilely attempted to climb out, but the wall was too steep and the rushing water too fast. Nearing a small waterfall that led to a metal grate where it would surely get caught up and drown, the deer turned around and tried to swim upstream but to no avail.

Fortunately, a good Samaritan, presumed to be Kunz’s husband Dean, rushed to a foot bridge that spanned the canal just ahead of the grate and got down in the prone position to intercept the fawn. As the deer approached, he reached down and grabbed it by the ear and pulled it up and out of the canal, just in the nick of time.

“There are still heroes out there!!” one Facebook commenter wrote, echoing what most were writing about the rescue. “Thanks to all that show so much love to all of our earthly friends!!”

Men risk dangerously thin ice to rescue helpless fawn

Watch: Two men threw caution to the wind to rescue a young deer lying on the dangerously thin ice of a Utah lake.

Two men were fishing Panguitch Lake in Utah and noticed a fawn lying on the dangerously thin ice struggling unsuccessfully to get its footing. So, they threw caution to the wind and decided to rescue the helpless deer.

“We knew the ice was thin but decided to chance it anyway,” Bransen Jackson wrote in the video description. “We walked over nice and slow so we didn’t scare or frighten it any more. I picked up the deer and gently walked it over to the shore and released it.”

Upon setting hooves on firm ground, the deer scrambled up the hillside no worse for wear.

And, luckily, the man shooting the video survived a near fall when he slipped on the ice as they approached the shore.

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No word how the fishermen did fishing that recent day at the lake that features some of the state’s largest rainbow trout.