Bolt of lightning obliterates massive tree in ‘incredible footage’

The extreme weather event, showcasing the raw power of an electrical storm, occurred Saturday in western France.

A towering tree that had undoubtedly stood for generations was demolished instantaneously by a lightning bolt Saturday in France.

Nahel Belgherze, an extreme weather enthusiast, posted video of the spectacular display via X, stating:

“Incredible footage of a lightning bolt hitting and decimating a large tree in Augé, western France earlier today.”

Belgherze credited the footage to Benjamin Estrade.

Be a virtual storm chaser with this intense tornado gallery

Stay safe while exploring the unknown.

You don’t have to be a meteorologist or daredevil to understand the thrill of extreme weather. Meteorological phenomena like tornadoes fascinate people worldwide — that’s why there are so many TV shows about people braving these intense conditions. Not everyone can or wants to be a storm chaser, but curious minds still wonder what it’s like to experience a tornado.

So, aside from watching the myriad tornado-based movies and shows out there, how can knowledge seekers get the up close and personal tornado encounter they crave? While tornado simulation resources provide quality information, real photos from storm chasers capture the tornado experience in astonishing detail. Witness it all with this photo gallery that takes you on a virtual storm-chasing adventure.