Video: Strongman Eddie Hall launches opponent airborne, then clocks him cold in wild 2-on-1 fight

Is this one of the craziest MMA video of 2024? Yes, this is one of the craziest MMA videos of 2024.

Good luck finding a more bizarre and chaotic 13-second stretch than the ending of retired strongman [autotag]Eddie Hall[/autotag]’s 2-on-1 bout Friday.

At an aptly named World Freak Fight League event in the United Kingdom, Hall topped the bill with a fight vs. Jamil and Jamel Neffati, known as “The Neffati Brothers.”

The Neffati Brothers were off to a lackluster but strategically efficient start when they decided to point-fight Hall with leg kicks from a distance. Each brother stood at a different angle, as they leg kicked Hall.

As the clock wound down, the crowd became most restless. But with less than one minute left, everything changed when the brothers shot for a takedown. Hall elevated one brother and tossed him. The fighter got some serious air before he landed flat on his back on the canvas. Hall then shoved the second fighter away before he delivered a ridiculously timed counterpunch on the tossed brother who had just risen to his feet. The impact sent the unluckier of the two brothers in a faceplant position, face buried in the canvas. That’s how the fight ended.

After his win, Hall called for a fight against KSW star and former strongman Mariusz Pudzianowski, a fighter with a 17-9 professional record.

Hall, 36, had not competed in combat sports since he made his boxing debut in an exhibition bout against “Game of Thrones” star and fellow strongman Thor Bjornsson (also known as “The Mountain”) in March 2022.

Hafthor Bjornsson of ‘Game of Thrones’ to fight fellow strongman Eddie Hall

Strongman Hafthor Bjornsson, who appeared Game of Thrones, apparently is destined to fight the man whose dead lift record he just broke.

First it was YouTube “personalities.” Now strongmen, one of whom is a part-time actor. Well, at least they’re athletes.

Hafthor Bjornsson, who played “The Mountain” in HBO’s Game of Thrones, apparently is destined to fight the man whose dead lift record he just broke in his native Iceland. The 6-foot-9, 425-pound behemoth lifted 1104.5 pounds (501 kg), breaking the mark of Englishman Eddie Hall.

After the momentous lift, he was asked what comes next.

“Something new and big,” Bjornsson said. “Core Sports [Nutrition] just offered me a seven-figure contract, the biggest contract of my life. I’ve signed it already. Hall has been running his mouth for some weeks, and I know he got the same deal, same contract.

“So Eddie, I just knocked out your record, and now I’m ready to knock you out in the ring. … Time to put your fists where your big mouth is and sign the Core Sports contract. I’m ready.”

Bjornsson, a 31-year-old former basketball player who has won a number of strongman competitions, demonstrated in a friendly sparring session with none other than Conor McGregor that he can move well for such a big man. (See video below.)

He won’t be as cordial to Hall, with whom he appears to have bad blood. Hall, also a strongman champion, quickly accepted Bjornsson’s challenge. No time or place was discussed.

“1,000 per cent I’m going to sign those papers,” Hall said in a Facebook video. “And you know why I’m going to sign those papers. … It’s not the money, it’s not the dead lift feud we’ve got going on, nothing to do with that. It’s because you called me a cheat at World’s Strongest Man 2017. I can’t put that to bed, I can’t forget it. People may forget it, but you’ve never apologized.

“You think you should’ve won that year, regardless of the trophies or not, and you let people know that.”

Hall is a mere 6-foot-3, 410 pounds, making their combined weight 835 pounds. The fans probably won’t see an artful display of the sweet science if they actually meet in the ring but it will be hard to look away.