Time for Yellowstone grizzly bears to start waking up

Spring is just around the corner, and in yellowstone National Park that means it’s time for grizzly bears to start waking up.

Spring is just around the corner, and in Yellowstone National Park that means it’s time for grizzly bears to start waking up.

If the past few years are an indication, the first grizzly bear sighting of 2022 could occur any day, despite cold temperatures in the park.

In 2019, the first known sighting occurred March 8. The bear was spotted between Canyon Village and the Fishing Bridge. Paw prints from another grizzly bear were discovered days later between Mammoth Hot Springs and Norris Junction.

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In 2020, the first sighting was logged March 7 near Grand Prismatic Spring in the Midway Geyser Basin.

“Now that bears are emerging from winter dens, visitors should be excited for the chance to view and photograph them, but they should also treat bears with respect and caution,” Kerry Gunther, the park’s bear management specialist, said after the sighting was announced.

In 2021, the first sighting was logged March 13 by a pilot participating in a wildlife study over an undisclosed location. The bear was interacting with wolves that were feeding on a large animal carcass.

“When bears first emerge from hibernation, they look for carcasses at lower elevations and spring vegetation in thermal meadows and south-facing slopes for nourishment,” Gunther explained.

Male grizzly bears are typically first to emerge from hibernation, beginning in early March. Momma bears with cubs leave their dens in April and early May.

Although wintry weather might persist in and around the park for the next several weeks, visitors are urged to exercise caution.

“Hikers, skiers, and snowshoers should travel in groups of three or more, carry bear spray, and make noise,” Gunther cautioned.

According to Yellowstone National Park, the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly bear population is an estimated 728 bears. About 150 grizzly bears occupy territory inside or partially inside the park.

–Grizzly bear images are courtesy of Yellowstone National Park

Watch: Tiny antelope evade predators in ‘a real cliffhanger’

Tourists at a game reserve in South Africa witnessed a tense confrontation this week between wild dogs and klipspringers, which are a type of dwarf antelope.

Tourists at a wilderness reserve in South Africa witnessed a tense confrontation this week between wild dogs and klipspringers, which are a type of dwarf antelope.

The accompanying footage, shared to Facebook by MalaMala Game Reserve, shows several dogs surrounding three klipspringers that had positioned themselves just out of harm’s way on a nearly sheer rock face.

“This was a real ‘cliffhanger’ of a sighting but these klipspringers had played the game before,” MalaMala wrote. “They remained calm and stuck to their game plan – despite coming within inches of death.”

Viewers will note how still the klipspringers remain as one dog approaches within sniffing range of the closest klipspringer. The dog repeatedly backs off for fear of falling.

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It was not clear how long this confrontation lasted but the klipspringers were said to have survived.

Klipspringers, which weigh between 20 and 40 pounds, are incredibly nimble and swift, and spend most of their lives in rock formations known as kopjes.

They “spring” from rock to rock as they browse edible vegetation, but are capable of standing motionless, even on sheer faces, for hours.