“We had a meeting this summer with the …

For what it’s worth, Rose revealed …

For what it’s worth, Rose revealed Monday that he’s up for more playing time. “I feel good, but it’s not up to me with the minutes; it’s up to the coaching staff and the (training) staff to come up with it,” Rose said. “Of course, I want to be out there, but I guess they see something I don’t, and they’re worried about it — just being cautious with me.”

“It is a lot going on,” Pistons head …

“It is a lot going on,” Pistons head coach Dwane Casey said. “First, (Bruce) has got to figure out what (the defense) is doing to us pick-and-roll wise. Are they switching? Are they blitzing? Are they showing? Then, he’s got to get the play call, or whatever it is … understand the action. If it’s a dead-ball situation, he’s got to be looking over at me to see what the call is, and then he has to make sure he gets it down under pressure and duress. “It’s like an NFL quarterback trying to read what coverages (defenses) are in. It’s one of the toughest jobs, along with being an NFL quarterback, in sports.”