Mike Perry’s mother on night of alleged domestic violence: ‘I’m scared for my life’ | 911 audio

Listen to Mike Perry’s mother describe a nerve-racking situation on the night he allegedly assaulted his then-wife, Danielle Nickerson.

Listen to Mike Perry’s mother describe a nerve-racking situation on the night he allegedly assaulted his then-wife, Danielle Nickerson.

Ex-wife of UFC’s Mike Perry speaks out on alleged domestic violence | Full interview

Danielle Nickerson, the ex-wife of Mike Perry, breaks her silence on a tumultuous final few months of marriage to the UFC fighter.

Danielle Nickerson, the ex-wife of Mike Perry, breaks her silence on a tumultuous final few months of marriage to the UFC fighter.

Report: Former Seahawks safety Earl Thomas held at gunpoint by wife

Former Seattle Seahawks safety Earl Thomas was held at gunpoint by wife, Nina, in April in an alleged domestic violence incident in Texas.

Former Seattle Seahawks safety Earl Thomas was held at gunpoint by his wife during a violent domestic incident that allegedly occurred on April 13, according to a report Wednesday night by TMZ.

“When cops arrived, they say ‘we observed that a black female wearing an orange sweater with a knife in her hand, later identified as Nina Thomas, was chasing a shirtless black male, later identified as Earl Thomas, with a pistol in his hand around a vehicle,'” TMZ reports.

According to TMZ, Thomas had wrestled the gun away from his wife after she confronted him about her suspicions of his infidelity.

“Cops also spoke with Earl, who essentially corroborated the story . . . adding that Nina repeatedly hit him while he attempted to take the firearm away,” TMZ continues. “After speaking with everyone, cops ultimately arrested Nina and both members of her posse. Nina was booked for burglary of a residence with intent to commit aggravated assault with a deadly weapon – family violence, and later bonded out.”

Thomas, aware of the impending TMZ story, issued the following statement on his Instagram account along with the following video.

“I guess I’ll be on TMZ in the morning somehow they got a police report with details …” Thomas wrote. “Obviously this is not how I wanted my birthday breakfast to start out or my birthday but it is what it is ..”

This story is continuing to develop.

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Claressa Shields hits back at B.J. Saunders’ joke with self-defense video

Claressa Shields has a message for Billy Joe Saunders and all the women in abusive relationships around the world…

Claressa Shields didn’t find it funny when Billy Joe Saunders joked about hitting women in a viral video clip that prompted the British Board of Boxing Control to suspend his boxing license for the foreseeable future. 

So Shields clapped back at Saunders on Sunday in a video of her own on Twitter. In the video, Shields purports to show “all women in abusive relationships” how to respond to violent men. You aim for below the belt, apparently. 

“You see this bag here? Women, we may not be as strong as men, but we are smarter,” Shields said, as she faced a punching bag. “What I want you girls to do is when a guy goes here – a right hand and tries to come back with a hook, tries to put your lights out – what I want you to do: You duck, and when you duck, you hit him right there.

“You see where that’s at? That’s not the stomach ladies. That is the nuts. Hit him as hard as you can in the nuts.That should make him hit the ground and fall like that. And then you can get away from him. A tutorial for all the women in abusive relationships.”

Nate Diaz could take legal action against Miami Herald

Nate Diaz could take legal action against a major newspaper after a published story incorrectly linked the UFC star to a domestic violence case.

Nate Diaz could take legal action against a major newspaper after a published story incorrectly linked the UFC star to a domestic violence case.