Seahawks coach Pete Carroll willing to delay start of camp to be safe

Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll is more than willing to delay the start of training camp to ensure all COVID-19 protocols are in place.

Most states are experiencing rises in COVID-19 cases and businesses are once again starting to shut down. The National Football League, however, is pushing full-steam ahead, planning for the start of training camps at the end of the month.

While everyone wants to see sports back in action in some form or another, safety for all involved should be the number one concern.

Seahawks coach Pete Carroll is willing to wait out a delay to the start of training camp to ensure the proper protocols are in place.

Carroll joined 710 ESPN Seattle’s John Clayton on Friday and explained his stance on the issue.

“We want to be as smart as we can when we make these choices in the season as we go forward and if we need more time to get it done, I hope that we’ll take it,” Carroll said. “If we need to postpone the start of camp coming up and we could use that to our advantage, I think we should do it.”

But as of now, Carroll hasn’t heard differently from the league and will plan for the July 28 start date as safely as he can.

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