Watch this former Game of Thrones star easily deadlift 1,104 pounds

Lifting this much shouldn’t look this easy.

Former Game of Thrones star Thor Björnsson has never skipped a single leg day at the gym in his life.

How do I know? Because I just watched this man deadlift 1,104 pounds to set a world record in the same way that a normal person like you or me would lift up the couch while looking for the remote. And I have never felt more meager in my life.

Seriously. This man picked up half a ton like it was nothing. And these are deadlifts! Deadlifts are hard. Especially as you keep going up in weight. And, uh, 1,104 pounds is as “up” as it gets.

Just look at this.

Oh, of course he didn’t just hop right into that deadlift cold. He warmed up a bit first…by deadlifting…1,025 pounds…wait…THAT’S THE WARM UP!?!?

He lifted a half ton. TWICE. That’s, like, the same weight as three offensive lineman or a teenage cow. That’s crazy.

The crazier part? He said he could’ve done MORE.

“I believe today, I could’ve done more. But what’s the point? I’m happy with this. My family and friends were happy with this.”

“What’s the point?” is what you say when you think about whether it’s actually healthy for me to eat that extra slice of pizza on a Friday night. At least, you know, when you don’t have superhuman strength. When you do? This is what you ask yourself when you think about lifting a whole ton instead of a half.

Anyway, shoutout to Thor. This was cool. And, no, I’m not just saying that because I don’t want him to track me down and rip me in half. It’s legitimately cool.

Also, this was way better than the actual ending to Game of Thrones. So there’s that.