Sigmund Freud would’ve loved the first Dead Island 2 expansion

Deep Silver Dambuster announced the first Dead Island 2 expansion release date, and the horror game’s DLC sounds like something Sigmund Freud created

Deep Silver Dambuster announced the first Dead Island 2 expansion release date, and the horror game DLC’s emphasis on dreams and the nature of the soul sounds like something Sigmund Freud would be all over. The Dead Island 2 expansion is called Haus, and it launches on Nov. 2, 2023, for all platforms where you can play Dead Island 2.

“Lose yourself in a surreal, psycho-horror dreamscape,” Deep Silver said in the announcement. “Haus takes players to a completely new story, where a secret billionaire’s techno-death cult fights for survival amidst the Zompocalypse. Haus is a paragon of a new future, as prophesied by their enigmatic leader Konstantin.”

That new future doesn’t sound very nice, though. Deep Silver calls the techno-death cult’s HQ in Malibu a stylish, but nightmarish resort where the inmates push the boundaries of morality; a sanctuary; and a “machine to strip away flesh and harvest the soul.” Fun! Maybe it’s metaphorical, what with the dreams and all, but this is Dead Island, so it’s probably literal.

While you’re there, you navigate a “deranged labyrinth of biomes,” which seems a bit unfair at first glance. The press images show a swanky beach scene with poppy petals in the breeze and a cyberpunk-looking area, both of which look pretty normal. Then there’s pretty creepy room with dim lighting and weird vines growing in the middle and finally a neon-lit diner – in the middle of the woods, complete with a logo of a pig eating a hot dog. It’s truly the stuff of nightmares.

Whether the biomes of Haus are real or some delusional dream meant to reveal the core of your soul for harvesting remains to be seen. You’ll have some new toys to help you stay alive, whatever the nature of your trials are. These include a powerful new crossbow, the Hog Roaster BBQ weapon, and eight new skill cards to augment your zombie-splattering abilities.

The base game sold over 1 million copies just three days after launch, and Deep Silver has another expansion planned for a later date.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF

Dead Island 2 sells more than a million units in just three days

Zombie slaying is still a popular pastime, it seems.

Dead Island 2, the open world zombie-slaying adventure that was in development for over a decade, has passed one million in sales – yes, already.

On Monday, publisher Deep Silver announced that Dead Island 2 sold more than a million units in barely three days since its launch on Friday, April 21, 2023. Incredibly, players managed to accumulate 11 million hours in playtime and cut down roughly 1.1 billion zombies within the launch window. 

The numbers are quite staggering, mainly because Dead Island 2 saw numerous delays shortly before launch – it seems all that extra development time was well worth it, though.

Revealed back at PlayStation’s 2014 press conference, Dead Island 2 went through one of the most troubled development schedules in video game history. Initially, Yager Development led the project for three years but gave it up in July 2015. Then, Sumo Digital took over development in March 2016 before handing it off to Dambuster Studios sometime in 2019.

Many (understandably) thought the game would never come out, but it’s finally here – but it’s finally here – and pretty good to boot! It’s rare for a game to be in production for that long to come out at all, so the success is well-earned.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.

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Dead Island 2 is coming out one week early

The long-awaited zombie adventure arrives a bit earlier than expected.

If you’re one of the many looking forward to Dead Island 2, there’s good news – it’s coming out a week early.

On Monday, publisher Deep Silver announced that Dead Island 2 will now release on April 21, 2023, for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Yup, that’s seven days ahead of its original launch date.

The shift in dates is because Dead Island 2 has already gone gold, meaning development is already complete and physical copies can start printing. It’s pretty uncommon for this to happen with major AAA video games, and somewhat ironic, too – considering Dead Island 2 was revealed way back in 2014 and suffered countless delays.

Dead Island 2 takes place in a zombie-infested Los Angeles, where players can dispatch the undead in countless ways. Shovels, axes, beach umbrellas – almost anything you can think of can be a potential weapon. It’s all part of that low-key humor vibes that the game appears to be going for – that’s what the gameplay trailers suggest, anyway.

By several accounts, Dead Island 2 is shaping up well. Something that sets it apart from other open world zombie games is the breakable weapons and Amazon Alexa commands.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.


Dead Island 2 showcase highlights zombie-slaying fun

We’re now referring to it as ‘HelL-A’ from now on.

Hot off of Dead Island 2‘s recent revival, publisher Deep Silver has given us the most in-depth look into this zombie-squashing simulator yet.

On Tuesday, an all-new gameplay showcase for Dead Island 2 came out. It primarily focuses on the sights and sounds of LA – or rather, a pulpy version of the city affectionately referred to as ‘HelL-A’ overflowing with undead hordes. Loads of brutal, first-person combat is shown off here, along with some cheeky jokes that mostly land. 

Check out the Dead Island 2 showcase for yourself below. It’s certainly not lacking in the gore department – especially any snippet with the bear claws.

Dead Island 2‘s initial reveal came way back at PlayStation’s E3 2014 press conference before the game vanished for years. GLHF went hands-on with a build at Gamescom 2022, and much to our surprise, it was pretty great.

Unfortunately, Dead Island 2 was recently delayed to next spring. It’s only a short 12-week push, though – not a big deal for something that was originally supposed to come our years ago.

We’ll find out if Dead Island 2 lives up to the hype when it launches on April 28, 2023, for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.

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Surprise – Dead Island 2 is delayed again

Dead Island 2 is delayed again, as the survival horror game continues its long struggle toward completion

After Dead Island 2 made a surprise appearance at Gamescom 2022 with a release date and in-depth trailer, developer Dambuster Studio announced that the survival horror game is delayed once more. The new Dead Island 2 release date is April 28, 2023, three months after its original planned date.

Game delays are hardly uncommon, especially since the pandemic started, but it’s a bit different with Dead Island 2. The zombie game was first announced nearly a decade ago, in 2014, before being delayed, scrapped, and changing developers more than once and seeing just as many changes in creative vision. 

“The irony of delaying Dead Island is not lost on us, and we are as disappointed as you undoubtedly are,” the development team said in the statement. “The delay is just 12 short weeks and development is on the final straight now: we’re going to take the time we need to make sure we can launch a game we’re proud to launch. For those of you who’ve been waiting for years, thank you for hanging in there with us.”

It’s not all bad news, though. Dambuster will release a new Dead Island 2 trailer and gameplay segment on Dec. 6, 2022, on the studio’s official YouTube and Twitch channels, just days before The Game Awards 2022 airs.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF

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Dead Island 2 weapons will break to add realism in the horror game

Dambuster Studio wants to create an experience so realistic in Dead Island 2 that you can learn everything you need without a HUD

As if surviving the zombie swarms in a horror game wasn’t enough of a challenge, Dead Island 2 weapons will eventually break if you use them too much. The news isn’t all bad for fans of durable armaments, though. Dead Island 2’s design director, Adam Duckett, told VG 24/7 that the goal is encouraging players to step out of their comfort zones and experiment with the game’s wildly diverse range of weapons, which even include Amazon’s Alexa AI.

“Ranged weapons have ammo, so melee weapons have degradation,” Duckett said. “[But] we’re generous with it; we want players to explore the full arsenal of weapons – so we have so many great mods, and so many perks, and so many other things in this game that we want players to cycle through.”

Unlike some games, such as Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Dead Island 2 makes it plain when a weapon is about to break.

“You can quite easily turn off the HUD and be able to see the weapon degrade in front of you, in various stages,” art director Adam Olson told VG 24/7. “So players can look at their weapon and think ‘hm, that’s looking a bit crude’ and know they’ll need to switch it out.”

Players can switch between eight weapons at a given time and keep another eight in reserve. Duckett also said that, aside from guns, axes, and the like, players will have access to a wide variety of tools they can use, which, presumably, won’t break, or at least not as frequently.

This emphasis on detail is part of the team’s broader goal to make Dead Island 2 as realistic as possible, including a unique visual system that shows how much damage your zombie targets have suffered just by looking at them – no health bars required.

Dead Island 2 launches Feb. 3, 2023, for consoles, excluding the family-friendly Nintendo Switch, and PC, and if it’s anything like the Dead Island 2 preview version we played earlier in 2022, it’ll be worth the wait.

Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF

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We’ve played Dead Island 2, and it’s actually really good

Dead Island 2 actually exists, we’ve played it, and it’s actually really good.

Forget about how long ago Dead Island 2 was announced, or how many developers it has gone through since then. The original game launched in 2011, and regardless of how much you may have liked it at the time, it’s hard to deny that it is little more than a rotting corpse now. It was never built to be a precise military shooter or tactile action game, it was a unique experience built on a relatively small budget compared to many triple-A games of the day.

If Dead Island 2 was just a shinier version of the game we played over a decade ago set in a new environment, it would be a disaster. So it’s honestly a good thing that Dead Island 2 feels like an entirely new experience. Taking place in an open-world Los Angeles, Dead Island 2 is more precise and rewarding than previous games in the series, and as long as it can keep up the intensity, it might be 2023’s first essential.

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GLHF spoke with narrative designer Ayesha Khan and creative director James Worrall at Gamescom 2022, who explained why Dead Island 2 no longer takes place on an island.

“The first game was set on a fictional island resort, which is a really clear vision of paradise for a lot of people. But in the modern world, Los Angeles is a bit of a paradise, not just in terms of sun, sea, and palm trees, but it’s an aspirational kind of paradise,” Khan explains. “People in L.A. want to be influencers, rock stars, movie stars. So, that paradise, gone to hell, has been really interesting.”

The demo we played at Gamescom 2022 takes place at a fairground out on a pier, complete with carousels and a ferris wheel. Like everywhere else in the world of Dead Island, it has become an abandoned hub for zombies. You’ll find dozens of them hiding in stairwells, lurking in the corners of buildings, or ready to crawl through a gap in the door of a garage where legions more will spawn in shortly. This isn’t like Dying Light and lacks the flashy parkour, but it does give you an excellent sense of motion and impact.

You’ll be dodging under enemy swings with sidesteps and returning blows with your own heavy weaponry, or even parrying strikes if you’re good enough. Dead Island 2 feels incredibly weighty, and the damage you inflict on enemies with a charged strike of a big hammer reflects that weight. Enemies literally burst and are sent flying by the impacts your swings create, and that’s incredibly satisfying. Unfortunately, those first-person firearms aren’t quite as tactile, but you won’t need them when melee combat is this strong.

The ability to attach mods that imbue weapons with elemental affinities adds an extra layer, and you’ll quickly be able learn which types of zombie are affected by which weapon and elemental combinations.

“There are workbenches, you can add mods and perks to them, you can add the kind of damage you like best,” Khan adds. “We want you to really experiment with the weapons and find the style that suits you best.”

This works in the form of hazards and traps too. For example, a pool of water can now conduct electricity, meaning you can either disarm these hazards so you can pass through areas safely, or leave them intact to take care of pesky zombies.

“With a puddle of water you can use an electrical weapon and you’ll see arcs flaring, or a fuel pump or a jerry can be used to create a funnel for zombies, and then you can set it on fire,” Khan says.

The feedback is fed through layers of viscera. Each enemy is built from layers, from the innards to layers of fat and skin, each of which can be torn away in combat.

Observant players will see more there than meets the eye, as Worrall explains: “You will find organs on zombies that aren’t necessarily human organs…”

“Pre-installed,” Khan adds.

While we haven’t been told exactly how the story will play out in Dead Island 2, we know it’s set chronologically after the first game, and in the same universe, though we’re unlikely to see many callbacks to the original with this new team. Instead, Dambuster Studios is creating its own unique take on the themes Dead Island laid down, and Dead Island 2 just might be far better for it when it launches in 2023.

Written by Dave Aubrey on behalf of GLHF.

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Dead Island 2 will let you smack talk zombies with Amazon’s Alexa

New technology from Amazon will let players speak directly to the undead.

Amazon is releasing an all-new feature called Amazon Game Control which lets anyone use voice commands in video games. One of the first-ever titles to utilize this functionality is Dead Island 2, The Verge reported Tuesday.

Set in a post-apocalyptic Los Angeles, Dead Island 2 is all about battling the undead with whatever melee instruments are lying around. It’s a pretty familiar formula, but with an exciting twist — Amazon Game Control will let you taunt zombies in battle. Finally, an excuse spout off Bruce Campbell-like one-liners during heated brawls. 

Zombies aren’t the only in-game elements that’ll respond to voice inputs either. Non-playable characters (NPCs) can interact with you through Amazon Game Control, and there’s no need to say activation commands like “Alexa” beforehand. Furthermore, devices like Amazon’s Echo won’t be necessary either. Game Control works with any microphone connected to a console or PC.

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According to an Amazon Blog post, players can also use voice commands for various actions in Dead Island 2. For example, saying “swap to my best weapon” will make your avatar do that without navigating any menus. 

“We are excited to debut Alexa Game Control in Dead Island 2,” Steve Bernstein, director at Alexa Games, said. “Gamers will enjoy a more immersive gaming experience by using their voice to goad zombies, ask for help, activate special abilities during combat, and more.”

Dead Island 2 is coming out on Feb. 3, 2023, for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Google Stadia, and PC.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.

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