The Napkin: Week 0 betting recap includes a surprising SEC team

Our Week 0 dress rehearsal wasn’t nearly as bad as Scott Frost’s special teams decisions.

Last week, I made sure to emphasize how Week 0 was our trial run for the season to come. I wasn’t going to be perfect in any week, let alone Week 0 after months of not seeing college football be played.

Alas, the games were played and the results can’t be changed. At the beginning of every week, we’ll look back on The Napkin results from the previous week and see how well (or probably, poorly) we did on Saturday.

If you’re new to The Napkin, welcome! You can click here for all my betting rules.

Given that Week 0 had a very limited slate of games, the selection wasn’t my first choice of games to bet on. Regardless of that, I have a duty to make my gambling picks. Well, it’s not really a duty, per say, but more of an “Editor Adam will get mad at me, and possibly fire me, for not getting my assignments in on time” type of duty.

It’s almost like Editor Adam expects the people he brings on to be reliable and consistent. Who would want that?

Anyway, here’s a recap on what my Week 0 picks looked like.

And now, let’s see how we did.

5 reasons why you should care about Florida’s Orange and Blue game

Here’s why you should care about the Orange and Blue game, in case you were looking for reasons.

In some ways, when Florida takes the field for its annual spring game on Thursday this one will feel like one of the most important in a long time for the Gators.

Which says something about spring games, but that’s another story.

Florida fans with a little bit of history remember the one in Jacksonville in 1990 that paved the way for [autotag]Shane Matthews[/autotag] to be Steve Spurrier’s first starter.

That was a big one. [autotag]Tim Tebow[/autotag]’s first spring game as a starter in 2007 resulted in a huge crowd (47,500 estimated) and we saw a glimpse (three TD passes) of a Heisman season to come.

This one feels different than most spring games because it is different. In the first place, Florida fans have been deprived of spring games for the last two years because of the pandemic.

In the second place, it’s a Thursday night, a move made by [autotag]Billy Napier[/autotag] to hopefully enhance recruiting.

And thirdly, this is our first look at Billy Ball.

So, it does feel important. Just don’t get carried away. Here are five things that really matter about this spring game.