Now Dawkins, who has started a new …

Now Dawkins, who has started a new career representing artists in the music industry, is willing to say a few things. The film is told through his viewpoint — from his upbringing as the son of a high school coach in Saginaw, Michigan, to becoming in his early 20s a confidant and dealmaker between star players, shoe companies, college programs and agents. It also contains a number of never-before-heard audio recordings of FBI-intercepted phone calls between Dawkins and LSU coach Will Wade and Arizona’s Miller.

Dawkins made a joke about Wade …

Dawkins made a joke about Wade overpaying for recruits. Dawkins: “And Will Wade — I told Book, I said, ‘Will Wade is like driving up the price of [players]. Cause he’s not even doing like real numbers.’ ” Miller: “I tell you what, ‘I’ll give him credit. He’s got a big set of balls on him.’ ” Dawkins: “No, Will Wade doesn’t give a [expletive], Sean.”

At the time, Dawkins says he was just …

At the time, Dawkins says he was just trying to help Miller figure out how to win the recruiting battle. “Sean wanted Nassir really badly,” Dawkins said in the film. “He knew I had a relationship with the grassroots coaches who at that time I think we were all under the impression had the juice with the situation. I basically told him that it basically was going to come down to Miami and Arizona. And what I think needed to happen for the kid to come out to Arizona.”