Watch: Notre Dame cheerleading video from 1991

Let’s go into the past of Notre Dame cheerleading.

So much goes into the fan experience whenever a game takes place at Notre Dame Stadium or Purcell Pavilion. You obviously have the game itself, but you also have the band and, of course, the cheerleaders. Whether they’re dancing with pom-poms, shouting cheers out through horns or simply doing Irish jigs, the cheerleaders have been an integral part of Notre Dame athletics for a long time.

It goes without saying that the select few who have been Notre Dame cheerleaders are just as tight-knit as the athletes. In fact, the cheerleaders have hosted reunions before. We know this because this video from 1991 exists:

The most interesting part about this by far is the use of “One Shining Moment” as the music. Sure, there are far worse songs that could have been used for this, but it would be very nice to know what the thought process was behind this decision. If you had a hand in making this video and are reading this post, please reach out.

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Chiefs WR Tyreek Hill fined by NFL for pom-pom celebration vs. Steelers

Being an honorary member of @ChiefsCheer was expensive for #Chiefs WR Tyreek Hill. . .

The no-fun league is at it again, this time dishing out a fine for a celebration in the Kansas City Chiefs’ wild-card tilt with the Pittsburgh Steelers.

According to a report from NFL Network’s Tom Pelissero, Chiefs WR Tyreek Hill will be fined nearly $13K for a celebration during last Sunday’s game. After scoring a touchdown against the Steelers, Hill ran to the sideline and swiped a pair of pom-poms from a Chiefs cheerleader before doing a little dance. No flags were thrown on the play, but the league clearly took the fun moment as taunting and sought to enforce the rule after the fact.

Hill’s quarterback did try to save him some money. Patrick Mahomes pulled Hill away from the celebration and back onto the field, but too little too late apparently.

This is the first time a player from Kansas City has been fined since Week 11 against the Dallas Cowboys, back when two players were fined for taunting. This is also the first time that Hill has been fined this season, which is a bit surprising.

We expected that the NFL’s new emphasis on taunting Hill would fetch more fines from the league. This will likely serve as a reminder that the league is always watching, even if he’s not flagged for a penalty on the field. He’s being a good spot about the situation, though.

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