Great white shark breach catches scientist by surprise

A Massachusetts scientist has discovered that it pays to be quick on your feet while trying to capture footage of great white sharks.

A Massachusetts marine biologist has discovered, for the second time in as many years, that it pays to be quick on your feet while trying to capture footage of great white sharks with a pole-cam.


The accompanying footage, released Tuesday by the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, shows a 9-foot white shark breaching directly beneath Greg Skomal as he stands on the pulpit of a research vessel off Cape Cod.

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Skomal jumps and shuffles his feet in a startled attempt to distance himself from the shark, which was ultimately tagged as part of an ongoing scientific effort by the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries and the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy.

Great white shark breaches at feet of Greg Skomal. Photo: Atlantic White Shark Conservancy

The footage, captured Nov. 11, shows the primary breach from both sides of the vessel and somebody, perhaps Skomal, can be heard shouting, “Jesus Christ!”

The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy stated on Facebook:

“While encounters like this one are rare, this video shows that they can occur. White sharks are wild and unpredictable animals. This is a good reminder of the importance of following safety tips and always staying vigilant when in or on the water.”

Greg Skomal moments before 2018 close encounter. Photo: Atlantic White Shark Conservancy

That’s the same statement issued in June 2018, when a large white shark breached directly beneath Skomal, who exclaimed moments afterward, “Did you see that? Did you see that? It came right up and opened its mouth right at my feet!”

Skomal, who works for the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, and fellow researchers have tagged more than 50 white sharks this season as part of a longterm behavioral study, according to the Cape Cod Times.

–Video and images are courtesy of the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy