Watch lions go from ‘lazily walking to laser-focused stalking’

Several lions were captured in video on a leisurely stroll in Xai Xai, Botswana, until they spotted a giraffe drinking from a watering hole.

Several lions were captured in video on a leisurely stroll in Xai Xai, Botswana, until they spotted a giraffe drinking from a watering hole.

The change in their pace was instant.

“They went from lazily walking to laser-focused stalking, slipping into hunting mode,” David Sher told LatestSightings.

Sher captured footage of the encounter as his group drove along a sandy road by the Chobe River.

The lions crept up very quietly and spread out to surround the unsuspecting giraffe as it drank. Suddenly, the giraffe noticed the lions and the race was on, a pride of lions chasing a lone giraffe.

“It was amazing to see how it all happened right there!” LatestSightings wrote. “Lions hunting giraffes is really interesting to watch. When lions hunt giraffes, they have to work as a team because giraffes are not only big, they’re also strong and can kick hard. They have to be smart and quiet as they sneak up on the giraffe. Then they rush out all at once to try to surprise it. Giraffes can defend themselves by kicking really hard, so the lions have to be careful.”

In this instance, the giraffe successfully escaped, leaving the lions to lie down in the river bed to reflect on a missed opportunity.

“It was just beautiful to witness the sheer will to live from the giraffe and the lions’ natural instincts in play—even if they didn’t result in a kill,” Sher said.

Watch: Hippo attacks lion as pride attempts gutsy river crossing

Three lions attempted to cross a river in Botswana with a fourth lion hanging back, apparently waiting to see if it was safe. It wasn’t, as video footage shows.

Three lions attempted to cross a river at the Selinda Reserve spillway in Botswana with a fourth lion hanging back on the bank, apparently waiting to see if it was safe to cross.

As it turned out, it wasn’t.

A hippo immediately charged the trio and attacked one of the lions in the water in an apparent show of strength and territorial dominance.

Field Guide Parks from the Great Plains Conservation shared the video with Latest Sightings, calling it a sighting of a lifetime.

“It was exciting at the beginning, as it’s always great to see animals, especially cats crossing the river,” Parks told Latest Sightings. “When the hippo started chasing the lions, our excitement grew as I thought it would stop. I was very sad and worried that one of the lions were going to be killed by the hippo! Especially with how close and serious the charge was.

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“It wasn’t a great feeling at all. The coalition got separated with two lions on our side and the remaining two on the other side. They had to take a long walk around the pool and used a shallower crossing to get to their partners. Luckily, none of the lions were severely injured.”

Parks called it a “lifetime experience,” saying “I have been working in the business for over 10 years and this was a first for me…I consider myself super lucky to have seen a sighting like this in real life.”

Photos courtesy of Latest Sightings.

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