Get up close and personal with African animals in these stunning photos

See these creatures up close.

Among the Living: Where You Belong” is one of the heaviest books I’ve ever picked up. This is not a vacation read — it’s a serious photo book you’ll want to display on your coffee table for years, thumbing through and sharing with wildlife-loving visitors. Photographer Guadalupe Laiz shares six years of traveling in Africa to capture intimate portraits of endangered animals.

Laiz is firmly allied with the elephants, lions, and rhinos. The book is dedicated to “the innumerable souls who have died at the hands of humans. And to all humans who fight with their lives to protect them.”

In the introduction, Laiz further explains what drives her to get close to her subjects. “Yes, I hope that one day we humans will finally see animals as our equals, and understand that they can experience joy and suffering just like us. But until then, I will dive deeper, get closer, and put light into those without a voice,” she writes.

A lion laying down and facing forward in black and white.
Photo by Guadalupe Laiz

What follows is a huge collection of African animal portraits. Most of the photos are up close, so you can see each animal’s face as an individual. Photos taken at a wider angle tend to show relationships — such as an image of an elephant herd where you can pick out individual family groupings. Readers see every fold in an elephant’s skin and the bristles around a hippopotamus’ wide-open mouth. Most photos are in black and white, though some are full-color. Others use limited color to highlight details like green leaves against an otherwise black-and-white composition. Many of the images have very dark or very light backgrounds, squarely keeping the focus on the faces of the animals in a way that gives them extra dignity and individuality.

African elephant herd in black and white.
Photo by Guadalupe Laiz

Laiz spent so much time in certain locales that she got to know some of the animals. One of these animals was a lion known as Bob, Jr., King of Serengeti, who had a fan following among guides and tourists. “There is no feeling like finding Bob Jr. in the morning and trying to understand what he went through the previous night. Sometimes I couldn’t believe the amount of ground he covered in one night. Some mornings there would be blood on his face, he’d look exhausted and be sporting a couple of new scars, but it was also clear that he was satisfied to have a full belly for a few days,” Laiz writes. She grew attached to the lion and often wondered what and how he was doing.

A gorilla amid greenery.
Photo by Guadalupe Laiz

The book is almost entirely photos, with a page of text introducing each section. The main animals Laiz features are gorillas, elephants, lions, giraffes, and rhinos — but some of my favorite photos are her portraits of leopards. Animals are so front and center that Laiz’s author photo shows her from behind, mostly giving readers a look at her ponytail.

A leopard sitting in a shady alcove.
Photo by Guadalupe Laiz

Laiz was born and raised in Argentina. German publisher Teneus published her book “Horses of Iceland” in 2019. Australian Images Publishing Group put out “Among the Living, Where You Belong.” If you’re in Aspen, Colorado, you can visit Laiz’s gallery space.

A lioness sleeping on a tree branch in black and white.
Photo by Guadalupe Laiz

Ultrarunner documents experience running world’s most mysterious marathon

Uncover the mystery.

In 1977, James Earl Ray and six other convicts escaped over the wall of Tennessee’s Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary. For about two days, Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassin fled bloodhounds, battling steep and densely overgrown slopes. When the convicts were caught, Ray had only managed to put eight miles between himself and the prison in 55 hours.

The prison break of one of the U.S.’s most notorious criminals wouldn’t sound inspiring to most people. But Gary Cantrell, better known as Lazarus Lake (or just Laz), has a taste for extremes. The endurance race designer and director lives in Bell Buckle, Tennessee. His most famous race is the Barkley Marathons, held annually since 1986 in Frozen Head State Park, just a few miles from the aforementioned penitentiary. Legend has it that Ray’s pathetic mileage inspired Laz, who figured he could have made it at least 100 miles in the same amount of time. Laz designed a race where runners would complete a 20-mile loop over extremely tough terrain five times in 60 hours. One of the Barkley’s mottos would become: “Meaningless suffering without a point.”

Runners can’t just decide to enter the Barkley. Ever since the race’s inception, it’s been shrouded in mystery and bizarre traditions. Dutch ultrarunner Michiel Panhuysen first heard of the Barkley around 2010 and was instantly intrigued. Part of the appeal was the strange application process, which included writing a cover letter about why you wanted to participate.

“The application procedure is kept secret and the exact time and date of the race start are not announced beforehand,” Panhuysen writes at the beginning of his new book, “In The Spell of The Barkley.” “Participants also run for miles off-trail through the forest, and they frequently get lost. In 2010, only one participant finished the race! Only one!” Some years, that number is zero.

A gray book cover with black and yellow illustrations of runners in a California forest. Overlayed white text reads "In the Spell of the Barkley."
Image courtesy of Bloomsbury Sport

Panhuysen’s book details his growing fascination with the Barkley, his multiple times running the race (never getting beyond the second loop), and the characters involved. He recounts his own history of extreme sports and ultrarunning. In an interesting and simple-to-follow account, he tries to explain the sport’s appeal to the 99.99% of people who think running 100 miles straight sounds completely nuts, not to mention impossible.

In addition to chronicling the Barkley, Panhuysen takes readers on other ultraruns around Europe. He explains odd details like sleep strategies during an ultramarathon and the fact that runners must simply accept the fact of hallucinations and learn to deal with them. He also charts how his own ultrarunning grew into a compulsion, leading him out of a 27-year relationship. 

“Everything revolved around ultra races. Before a race, I would be preparing for it for weeks. I changed my work, sleep rhythm, eating and drinking habits to accommodate the race.” After an ultra, it took him weeks to recover — just in time for the cycle to start again.

Author Michiel Panhuysen standing outside against a rock background.
Author Michiel Panhuysen. / Photo courtesy of Bloomsbury Sport

The races sound so incredibly miserable — a broken finger here, a terrifying middle-of-the-night descent down a dark rock face there, hunger, cold, exhaustion. Readers will want to know why ultrarunning becomes so important to participants in the sport. Ultrarunners are devoted to the idea of mind over matter. The book reminded me of people with anorexia who are proud to thwart the needs of the body and survive without food. Ultrarunners do that and more — going without sleep, shelter, and rest.

Ultrarunning taught Panhuysen how to react to all this lack. “Extreme running might have cost me dear, but I got something important back in return: an indestructible positive attitude with which I can process bad things in my life in a simple way.” This book probably won’t turn you into an ultrarunner, but it’s a fascinating peek into an extreme sport.

Writer received a free copy of the book for review.