Watch: Yellowstone elk turns tables on wolf after stirring chase

Dramatic video footage shows an elk running for its life while being chased by a wolf in Yellowstone National Park, but the elk’s odds of survival suddenly improve.

A Wyoming-based guide has captured dramatic footage showing an elk running for its life while being chased by a wolf in Yellowstone National Park.

Bo Welden’s footage (posted below) begins with text informing viewers to prepare for an “expected outcome.”

While that’s a vague hint of what’s to come, viewers can see from the outset that this is an emergency situation for a cow elk that appears to be on her own.

Several seconds pass with the wolf, exhibiting remarkable stamina, attempting to catch the elk as both animals sprint across the rugged landscape.

But soon the elk reaches its herd and the dynamic changes. The elk that was fleeing, now with the herd’s support, begins to chase the wolf, which barely escapes.

Welden, who guides for Jackson Hole Wildlife Ecotour Adventures, explained the “expected outcome” statement via Instagram:

“Have you ever tried to catch and kill your food with your face? Plus your food runs 30+ miles an hour, one stomp from a powerful hoof kills/injures you, and has a fierce motherly instinct! It’s no easy task.”

Gray wolves (some are black) typically require the strength of a pack to take down a healthy adult elk.

Welden told FTW Outdoors that the chase occurred in Hayden Valley and that the black wolf in the footage is a member of the Wapiti Lake Pack.

–Generic black wolf image from Hayden Valley courtesy of Scott Thomas

Watch: Rare sighting of a black wolf caught on a trail camera

The Voyageurs Wolf Project posted video of the sighting, much to the delight of wildlife lovers who marveled over the footage.

An organization studying wolves in northern Minnesota captured the rare sighting of a black wolf hanging out in front of its trail camera.

The Voyageurs Wolf Project posted video of the sighting, much to the delight of wildlife lovers who marveled over the footage entitled “Stunning rare black wolf in northern Minnesota.”

“We rarely see black wolves in our area so seeing this black wolf with its seemingly shaggy coat, especially around its legs and feet, was pretty neat!” The Voyageurs Wolf Project stated on Facebook.

“The wolf hung out in front of the camera for a while before heading on its way. This wolf was a lone wolf just passing through our area. None of the ~19 packs we are currently studying have black pack members in them.”

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Among the comments on Facebook:

“He’s absolutely gorgeous.”

“What a magnificent catch on camera.”

“Looks like he was trying to make a decision about which direction to go. Great short video! Thank you!”

“So precious and wonderful.”

The Voyageurs Wolf Project at the University of Minnesota is a research project designed to understand a gap in wolf ecology: What do wolves do during the summer? Its goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the summer ecology of wolves in the Greater Voyageurs Ecosystem in Northern Minnesota.