Mariners centerfielder Billy Hamilton just made one of the most ridiculous catches you’ll see all year


Yes, it’s early. I mean, actually, it’s earlier than early. Major League Baseball’s regular season hasn’t even started yet.

But, I promise you, what you’re about to see is going to go down as one of the best plays you’ll see all season long and will almost certainly be one of the best catches you’ll see all year long.

Mariners’ centerfielder Billy Hamilton made an absolutely spectacular over-the-wall catch completely robbing Elias Diaz of a home run during this spring training game.

I don’t care if it was a spring training game. An amazing catch is an amazing catch, y’all. He climbs the wall!

Just look at this, man.

SHEEEEEEEEEESH. This man just evoked shades of Bo Jackson and Spider-Man all in one single moment. Incredible.

Hamilton is trying to make the roster at this point and it’s going to be an uphill battle to get it done with the Mariners potentially carrying 3 catchers on their roster to start the year.

But, uh, Billy just made his case with that. And it’s a pretty compelling one that I’m sure some team will hear out. Even if it’s not the Mariners.

MLB fans everywhere were impressed with this.

Even Billy Hamilton laughed after he accidentally hit a single off a bouncing pitch

Hey, it worked!

It’s been quite a past 24 hours for Chicago White Sox outfielder Billy Hamilton.

On Tuesday night, Hamilton robbed the Twins’ Max Kepler of extra bases when he made a leaping, full-extension catch with a dive right into a muddy warning track. Come Wednesday afternoon, Hamilton was basically playing cricket.

While facing Twins reliever Derek Law in the eighth inning, Hamilton tried to check his swing on a 2-2 breaking ball that bounced a couple feet shy of the plate.

Hamilton, though, did not fully check his swing. In fact, he made contact, which turned into a perfectly executed (and accidental) swinging bunt for a single.

You know things are going your way when those pitches are turning into hits. And just check out Hamilton’s reaction:

He was laughing!

Hamilton, who is an elite fielder and among the fastest players in baseball, has never been known for his hitting. So, you best believe that he’ll take some luck at the plate wherever he can find it.

The White Sox would go on to win, 6-1.

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Billy Hamilton made the most incredible catch in the rain and ended up with a muddy uniform

What a catch!

Billy Hamilton has serious wheels, which you might have known already.

But if you don’t? You might need to be reminded that he’s made some absurd defensive plays thanks to his speed.

That was on display Tuesday night in a Chicago White Sox win over the Minnesota Twins. In the ninth inning and with one out, Twins slugger Max Kepler hit a ball to deep center with rain coming down. Hamilton leaped, made a catch and then slid to the wall on the warning track, ending up with a muddy uniform for his efforts.

You have to watch this thing, it’s unreal!

Tigers’ Eric Haase legs out three-run inside-the-park home run off White Sox misplay

Eric Haase had the wheels on this play.

You won’t find a more gift wrapped inside-the-park home run than the one Eric Haase just hit out to center field for the Detroit Tigers.

In the bottom of the fourth between the Tigers and the Chicago White Sox, Haase stood up to bat with men on first and second with one out looking for a way to get Detroit out of a 2-0 hole early. On the second pitch of the at bat, Haase lined a ball out to center field that jumped past the diving Billy Hamilton and went all the way to the wall.

Both base runners for the Tigers scored with ease, and even Haase himself crossed the plate standing for a stunning bases-clearing inside-the-park home run.

Talk about incredible speed from Haase — who is a speedy player to begin with — to leg out the inside-the-park home run to put the Tigers on top 3-2 just like that.

On the other hand, what a misplay from Hamilton, who should have just fielded the ball off a hop instead of trying for the high-risk, high-reward desperation dive. Even a regular slide could have very likely stopped the ball from rolling all the way to the warning track, but instead Haase took full advantage of the whiff for the rare inside-the-park homer.

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