In the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s “Avengers” series, unlimited power could be wielded by collecting all Infinity Stones. However, not every sentient being in the universe can handle the sheer energy from all six stones as the absolute power could be crushing.
In the same way, an NFL coach taking on the role of general manager, as Bill O’Brien has with the Houston Texans, is a tremendous burden. However, there have been some coaches who have handled the GM role and had success. Here are nine coaches in NFL history who were able to win while being in the front office.
Andy Reid
In 2001, the Philadelphia Eagles coach became the “executive vice president of football operations.” In essence, Reid was the Eagles’ general manager until they hired one officially in 2005. During that span, the Eagles had their most successful run in the Reid era with four straight NFC Championship Game appearances and a three-point loss to the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XXXIX. Reid still had the final say on football matters after the Eagles hired a general manager, but the results on the field were never the same.