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Gear: Odyssey Ai-One, Ai-One Milled Putters
Price: $299.99 (Ai-One), $349.99 (Ai-One 2-Ball Jailbird Cruiser), $449 (Ai-One Milled)
Specs: Milled stainless steel head with co-molded aluminum insert with grooved urethane coating (Ai-One) or milled titanium face insert (Ai-One Milled)
Available: Oct. 25 (Pre-Sale), Nov. 1 (in stores)
Who it’s for: Golfers seeking precision and forgiveness with improved distance control on off-center strikes.
What you need to know: Odyssey is adding more putters, head styles and options to the Ai-One and Ai-One milled lineups to allow golfers more choices while still getting the benefit of enhanced distance control.
The deep drive: Last year, Odyssey’s Ai-One and Ai-One Milled putters brought artificial intelligence to the world of precision putting. Both lines featured a face insert designed to boost distance control, particularly on off-center strikes, a challenge most golfers face when it comes to consistency on the greens.
The Ai-One putter family was launched with five popular heads, including the #1 blade and the Rossie S, but now the 2-Ball Jailbird, Wingback Mallet and 24 Mallet are being added.
Like the original Ai-One putters, the new releases are built around a co-molded aluminum insert with Odyssey’s famous White Hot urethane material that was created using artificial intelligence (A.I.). The combination ensures golfers experience the classic soft feel and feedback White Hot putters are known for, while the AI-designed contours on the back of the insert help maintain consistent ball speed—even on less-than-perfect strikes. According to Odyssey, putts hit with an Ai-One putter finish an average of 21 percent closer to the hole, and that can mean not only more made putts but also fewer three-putts.
A Panlite window in the back of the heads not only adds to the modern look of these clubs but also allows golfers to see the intricate design contours behind the insert.
- 2-Ball Jailbird: The tour-winning Jailbird mallet shape, combined with the popular 2-Ball alignment system.
- Wing Back Mallet: A forgiving, high-MOI mallet with a double bend hosel for golfers with a straight stroke who prefer a face-balanced putter.
- 24 Mallet: The S-neck hosel on this mallet creates toe hang for golfers with an arched putting stroke.
Four new Ai-One Milled putters are also being made available, and like the original Ai-One Milled offerings, they feature a milled titanium face insert.
This advanced material offers a firmer feel and a sharper sound compared to the softer Ai-One models, catering to golfers who prefer more feedback from their putter. Like its Ai-One counterpart, the Ai-One Milled models also benefit from AI-designed contours behind the face that expand the sweet spot and reduce speed loss on mishits. According to Odyssey, putts struck with Ai-One Milled putters finish about 10 percent closer to the hole
- 2-Ball T: featuring the iconic alignment system that’s proven popular on tour.
- Jailbird Mini T: bringing the Jailbird’s stability in a smaller profile mallet head.
- Rossie V T: a major-winning shape redesigned for this lineup.
- One Wide V T Blade: a more forgiving version of a traditional blade, with a wider sole and V-shaped hosel.
Below are several images of the just-released Ai-One and Ai-One Milled putters.