Australian Man Hilariously Reacts to Seeing College Football Entrances

“Is that a bison!?!?!”

If an alien were to land on Earth and come out of its spaceship and ask to be taught about what makes college football so great in the United States, what would you tell them?

We didn’t have an actual alien come from outer space but a recent series of YouTube videos by the account Patrol Nation touches close to doing exactly that.

In the videos a man from Australia sees some of the most famous team entrances in college football and reacts to them.  He’s got a few of these videos out but we’ll focus on the second in his set because it features his reaction to Notre Dame entering the field in their 2018 opener against Michigan.

Check out the video below (Notre Dame’s checks in at the 2:45 mark):

“Not a stitch of green on it. Why’s it gold and blue if Notre Dame is all green and Irish?”

I love how the host not being familiar with the Notre Dame Victory March being easily the most iconic of sports fight songs, regardless of college or pro, and thinking the song isn’t “Irish enough”.

My favorite part of the whole thing comes at about the 4:50 mark when our friend tries to comprehend the idea of a live buffalo running onto a playing field just before a game.

Welcome to college football, my man.  We’re a sick twisted bunch here and our game isn’t without major flaws, but it is the single best sport in the world and I’m glad you’ve found us.

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