Laughter turns to screams after man dives into water, gets blindsided

A tourist in Puerto Rico dove into the water to cool off and, in a moment of terror, was blindsided by what shot out at him from behind like a torpedo.

A tourist in Puerto Rico dove into the water to cool off and was blindsided by what shot out at him from behind like a torpedo in a moment of terror off Cayo Icacos Island.

Laughter turned into loud screams as witnesses for an instant probably thought a shark was attacking him.

Maggie Clark was videotaping him and reported on TikTok that it was a barracuda, and that it did not injure the man only bumped him.

Watch on TikTok

“I would have had a heart attack,” one commenter wrote.

“This is all so hilarious and scary at the same time,” another wrote. “The fact it didn’t bite him makes me lol.”

As soon as the barracuda made a U-turn and all breathed normally again, the laughter surely returned.

“No barracudas were harmed in the making of this video,” Clark wrote.

Watch: Angler smacked in ‘kisser’ by airborne barracuda

The accompanying footage shows why anglers should not stand too close to other anglers as they’re hauling barracuda over the rails.

The accompanying footage shows why anglers should not stand too close to other anglers as they’re hauling barracuda over the rails.

Phil Friedman, a well-known figure in the Southern California angling community, was capturing video with his phone earlier this week as his son, Patrick, announced that he was about to bounce a barracuda onto the deck.

As viewers can see, the barracuda is flung directly into the face – and camera lens – of the elder Friedman.

“Is this any way to treat your father?” Phil joked in the video description, which shows the episode in regular and slow motion. The video title: “Phil Friedman gets a barracuda right to the kisser.”

RELATED: Kayak angler reacts to fast approaching tiger shark

Barracuda boast extremely sharp teeth and sport a thick coat of slime. Phil was not injured, but told For The Win Outdoors that he spent several minutes in the galley trying to remove slime from his phone.

His sons, Patrick and Philip Jr., founded Bass Bros Fishing and frequently post about their adventures via Instagram and YouTube.