Laura Dern said she saw Baby Yoda at an NBA game and we have questions

So. Many.

Actress Laura Dern, who knows a thing or two about Star Wars since she starred in The Last Jedi, says she saw Baby Yoda at a basketball game, specifically an NBA contest.

That’s it. That’s the post.

Okay, seriously though. While speaking to Variety, that’s the answer she gave to the question she was asked about seeing the little alien that’s super popular on The Mandalorian and has become the most meme-able thing in pop culture lately.

But, uh, with all respect to Dern … when did she see Baby Yoda at an NBA game? And she saw it “just today”? I have so many questions.

Here are a few:

1. Did she mishear the question?

I actually doubt this, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of other people around.

2. Did she really think she saw Baby Yoda at a game that day?

Also doubtful, she laughed, she’s clearly kidding.

3. Did she carry on the joke on after that, if she was kidding?

The answer is … YES! Thanks to the Clippers for a great tweet:

4. Is she perhaps referring to a Baby Yoda meme that she might have seen on social media?

I think this is the answer. Maybe she saw a tweet like this?

[jwplayer rfrVUksM-q2aasYxh]


‘Baby Yoda Russell Wilson’ has taken over Seahawks social media

A bizarre crossover between the NFL and Star Wars, a photo of Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson as “Baby Yoda” has gone viral.

Of the handful of universally beloved things in this country, two are NFL football and “Star Wars” movies. It’s not often these two pillars of American pop culture intersect, but when they do, it’s usually a big hit.

One of the most popular images trending on social media is “Baby Yoda,” an adorable little character from Disney’s new streaming series, “The Mandalorian.”

On Monday before the Seahawks’ primetime showdown with the Vikings, a new version of the popular “Baby Yoda” was edited to resemble quarterback Russell Wilson.

To encourage Pro Bowl votes for Seattle players, the Seahawks official Twitter account issued a dare to fans . . .  with 33,333 retweets, “Baby Yoda Russ” would become the team’s new profile picture.

Of course, it’s not just the fans who have gotten into this social media phenomenon. Wilson himself also changed his profile pic to “Baby Yoda Russ.”

Even the NFL’s official Twitter account is getting in on the fun as well. This year after major primetime games, the NFL tweets out a graphic from “The Checkdown” depicting players from the winning team.

In this image showing Wilson, Bobby Wagner and DK Metcalf enjoying coffee in the Space Needle, fans should zoom in on Wilson’s phone.


Seahawks Twitter is a lot like this year’s version of the team – a little bizarre at times, but more than fun nonetheless.

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Baby Yoda: The funniest memes from ‘The Mandalorian’

Rounding up the greatest Baby Yoda memes in the galaxy.

New Star Wars series The Mandalorian is midway through its first season on Disney+, and since the show debuted in early November, breakout star Baby Yoda has dominated the internet. You seemingly can’t scroll through Twitter or Instagram without seeing a Baby Yoda meme popping up, and a new wave of Baby Yoda mania follows the release of each episode. We’ve collected the funniest Baby Yoda memes through episode 4 of The Mandalorian. If you haven’t made it that far in the series, some memes could be considered spoilers.

The Mandalorian does not want to Get Low

Baby Yoda drinking

Baby Yoda loves fruit snacks

Baby Yoda > other mascots

Baby Yoda looking up

Who is the father?

Baby Yoda’s pod

Please don’t break the window

Russell Wilson is Baby Yoda

Cate Blanchett meets Baby Yoda

[opinary poll=”which-is-cuter-baby-yoda-or-porgs_forthe” customer=”forthewin”]

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The newest Baby Yoda meme is the best thing about ‘The Mandalorian’


It’s obvious the best thing in The Mandalorian is Baby Yoda, but a close second is all the Baby Yoda memes that have come from recent episodes of the Disney+ hit.

The latest one comes to us from episode No. 4, “Sanctuary,” in which our masked hero transports Baby Yoda in his ship to Sorgan. While flying there, little Baby Yoda does what any little baby alien would do on a super-awesome ship filled with buttons: he presses them.

That, of course, annoys Mando, so after a button push while looking Mando straight in the eye (a moment every parent can sympathize with) he grabs him and — awwww — puts him on his armored lap.

That scene has turned into a hilarious meme in which Baby Yoda turns on songs by pressing those buttons, and here are some examples:

[jwplayer mH6wR2qE-q2aasYxh]

It’s clear the real star of ‘The Mandalorian’ is Baby Yoda

Cute, he is.

If you’re a person on the internet, you’ve no doubt been aware of the launch of Disney+, the new streaming service that, along with Netflix and Hulu and Amazon Prime and HBO Go and whatever else is out there, is coming for your dollars and your eyeballs.

The Disney+ programming slate includes a bunch of stuff, but the most popular of its offerings so far is the Star Wars spin-off,  The Mandalorian.  It stars Pedro Pascal as the namesake bounty hunter, but, after two episodes, it’s clear the real star of the series is the Baby Yoda.  An unexpected twist, the Baby Yoda revelation has basically flipped the show on its head and given the internet so much cute Baby Yoda content, no one quite knows what do with themselves, except make gifs and memes to declare their love.

The fans fall into a few camps.  There are of course, the people that would die for Baby Yoda.

The people that want/need a Baby Yoda.

And of course, the ones that would fight for Baby Yoda.

It’s clear that the little guy is a hit, but with any hit, comes a bit of controversy. In this case, it’s about what to call the 50-year-old green baby. As our own Henry McKenna pointed out, the baby is not actually a baby version of Yoda, but rather of Yoda’s species. Since little is known about that species, like what they’re even called, the shorthand Baby Yoda was coined. If any pedantic, gatekeeping Star Wars fan tries to correct you, well, just use the force to obliterate them. I’m sure Baby Yoda wouldn’t mind.

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