What ‘Avengers: Endgame’ got wrong about the end of the world

The truth is, people can’t wait to move on. 

“Some people move on. But not us.”

In one of the opening scenes of Avengers: Endgame, after the Avengers have righteously chopped off Thanos’ head to no avail, Natasha and Steve sit across from each other in the now empty compound and sadly contemplate their failure to bring back half the world’s population.

Natasha cries into her dinner, while Steve tries to be encouraging, before he eventually drops the facade. Both are still rattled by the events of Infinity War, their failure to stop Thanos something that looms over them constantly, even five years later.

It is one of my favorite scenes in the entire franchise, not just the film, for the real, delicate way it portrays grief and trauma. Yes, you’ll be unspeakably sad, but you’ll also carry on with your work. Yes, you’ll cry, but do it while biting into a peanut butter sandwich.

It’s clear from their short conversation, that neither Steve or Natasha have moved on, and what Endgame takes pains to establish early on, is that neither has the rest of the world.  After the quick prologue, the film flashes forward to five years later, and shows a world that seems stuck in an iteration of what it used to be. Streets are empty, buildings are unmaintained, Citi Field has practically crumbled into ruins. A child rides a bike down a suburban street, but not without glaring suspiciously at a stranger.

The world, Endgame establishes, is mired in a kind of unrelenting grief, refusing to let go of what happened. Sure, some people are trying to move on, but it’s narratively clear that their lives are a shell of what was once possible.

The entire premise of Endgame is built on the belief that, actually, the world can’t move on from Thanos’ snap, that is is actually impossible to get over that magnitude of loss, that the only choice in moving forward is to somehow set things to right.

In hindsight, that seems like a fantasy.

Endgame was released into a very different, pre-pandemic world, and what a year of real world context has exposed is the glaring, narrative flaw at the heart of the movie.  The truth is, people can’t wait to move on.

There is (thankfully) no direct comparison in scope between what we’re going through now and what happened in Endgame, but there are parallels that strip away the veneer of the film.  We didn’t lose billions of lives in an instant, but rather we’re going through a slow and prolonged loss that is filled with uncertainty. Still, the coronavirus has been an unprecedented seismic shift in how we live our lives, and has consumed everything we do.  Our cities are empty, and we’re shuttered in doors away from loved ones, the economy is in ruins.  This time, right now, is as close as we’ve ever gotten to an apocalyptic scenario.

A year ago, no one anticipated that we’d be struggling as a nation through a health crisis that exposes the fundamental flaws in our highly stratified society. Here we are, two months into a global pandemic and, we, as a nation, have basically had enough.  States are reopening, bars are crowded, beaches are packed. Though there is no vaccine in sight, no reliable way of controlling the transmission, our society is hellbent on surging back, because the truth is that there’s no only so much people are willing to take. We can’t flipping wait to move on.

In Endgame, the shot of an empty Citi Field conveys that professional sports have basically come to an end.  In reality, pro sports, even during a pandemic, are hell bent on coming back. There is simply too much money at stake to think about not playing.   It’s naively sweet that Endgame thinks we’d all still be so sad five years later.

Coronavirus deaths are continuing to rise across the nation, and, instead of deferring to the reality of what it would take to stop those deaths, we have all decided to make concessions on human life moving forward. No one knows who’ll get it, but the chances are they’ll be poor and of color, but those are all risks we’ve decided to take.  It is what’s acceptable to keep up our way of life.  We barely made it two months trying to put the welfare of others above our own. It is the height of Hollywood make believe then, that as a population we’d still be reeling from so much senseless loss after all that time.

The truth is that humans long to be amnesia machines, and what we can forget, we will.  What we can’t forget, we’ll do our best to re-write and revise, painting history with a more favorable brush.

Superhero movies represent utopian ideals, showing us bolder, better versions of ourselves. Yet, through the prism of what we’re all living through at the moment, perhaps the other biggest fiction in Endgame is that the people responsible for the world’s tragic circumstances would not just step up and take responsibility for them, but work to actively to set things right.

Avengers Endgame screengrab

All six Avengers in Endgame are haunted by their failure to defeat Thanos, which they viewed as their burden.  Forget the fact that we do not have a Tony Stark or Steve Rogers to help right the ship. We don’t even have a functioning federal government that is willing to work to mitigate the affects of the coronavirus. What we’re left with is a societal free-for-all, every man for himself, where even the most basic concession to safety (wearing a mask) is now a highly political act.

A lot of people will rush to spin our return to normal as a sign of the country’s resilience, but it’s closer to the truth to say we are simply willing to put those that will inevitably die in the rearview mirror.  In Endgame, overwhelming loss made everything screech to a halt. What we’re seeing now is that society refuses to mourn for too long. Modern life simply won’t stand for it.

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Take a peek inside Hollywood’s most exclusive fantasy football leagues

There’s a great equalizer between us mere mortals and Marvel’s mightiest heroes, and that’s fantasy football.

Right around early September, when many die-hard fans were stressing over their fantasy football rosters for the season ahead, 14 of Hollywood’s most famous actors were also similarly hunched over their devices,  frantically trying to lock in their picks.

“We had a real online draft,” said Guillermo Lozano, an Army vet who was working security in LA when he bonded with Chris Evans over their love of sports, eventually leading him to run the AGBO Superhero League. “Everyone got online at the same time and we had a snake style draft, with everyone putting in their picks. It was like any other draft.”

The 14-team AGBO Superhero League has too many celebrities to list, but it includes three out of the four Chrises (Evans, Pratt and Hemsworth), Robert Downey Jr., Tom Holland, Ryan Reynolds. Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Mackie and more.

Despite the sheer amount of celebrity crammed into it, the league runs pretty much like any other league, complete with trash talk, text chains and yes, people sliding in under the wire with their picks.

“You should hear some of the excuses I get,” Lozano said with a laugh. ” ‘I’m on a glacier, I’m on set, I don’t have internet access right now, can you put my picks in for me.’ ”

The league was founded by Lozano and Joe Russo, who named it after the production company he runs with his brother Anthony. The Russos, of course, are the directors of four tentpole Marvel films, including Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers Endgame.  They are also huge football fans and dedicated fantasy players.

To understand the genesis of the AGBO Superhero League and what goes on in there, we’ve first got to use some Pym Particles and travel back in time a little bit and talk about Bloodsport. Bloodsport is the ultra-exclusive, long running fantasy football league made up (mostly) of actors who starred in Marvel movies. It is, if you will, the OG of the Marvel superhero fantasy football leagues.

As anyone who plays fantasy knows, every good league needs a good commissioner, someone who can keep the participants in line and on task. For Bloodsport and the AGBO Superhero league, that’s Lozano, a man who mostly prefers to work behind the scenes.

After five years in the Army, Lozano, a lifelong Angeleno, got started in the movie security business and through there, made a few connections. Around 2004, he struck up a friendship with Evans.

“We’ve known each other for 15 years,” Lozano, who also works as a producer in Hollywood, said. “I think the Lakers were playing the Celtics, so we bonded over that.”

When Evans wanted to start a fantasy league in 2015,  Lozano was happy to take the reins. Thus, Bloodsport was born. Lozano won’t reveal all the celebrities in that league, but it does include Evans, Paul Rudd, Pratt, Mackie and Jeremy Renner.

Quickly, the league grew in popularity and notoriety.

“It got crazy really quickly,” Lozano added. “There was a lot of interest.”

As word started to spread, more people wanted in. ESPN’s fantasy guru Matthew Berry was one of those trying to secure a coveted spot. “I kept bothering Guillermo about it at the Endgame premiere,” Berry said.

But, the Bloodsport league hasn’t and won’t swell in size, and Lozano runs it with an iron fist, with no room for slackers.

“Everyone takes Bloodsport really seriously,” Lozano said. “The trash talk in there is epic. Those guys want to beat each other every single week.”

Just how brutal is Bloodsport? Like a lot of leagues, they are not above hazing.

“We had a new guy come into the league that we got pretty good,” Lozano said without revealing names. “We made him think that there was a last place penalty and that it was very severe. It was a thing he really did not want to do. Everyone was in on the joke and it was funny to see him increasingly freak out.” The Bloodsport crew kept the gag running for a few days, before finally letting the actor in on the joke.

Because of its reputation as the elite league, and with so many people clamoring to be let in, Lozano thought about just starting another fantasy football league. He took the idea to Joe Russo and from there, things began to spiral.

“Anytime you have an idea and you take it to Joe or Anthony, they’re going to make it bigger and better,” Berry said.

The idea for a second league quickly spiraled into something more public and fun. Russo wanted the league to have some purpose, aside from just another fantasy league. Since superheroes are all about making the world a better place, the two decided to add a charity aspect to it. Every celebrity in the AGBO league is playing for a chance at a $100K donation to the charity of their choice, courtesy of the Russos and their production partners. From there, they looped in Berry and things really got rolling.

“The most important rule for joining was that you have to play,” Berry said. No one who wasn’t willing to commit was allowed. With that in mind, one weekend before the season kicked off, a flurry of texts were sent, schedules coordinated and all 14 crazy popular celebrities were online for the AGBO draft.

Lozano and Berry demure about who might have needed some help with their picks, but are open about some of what went down during the event.

“You don’t usually draft quarterbacks first so I was surprised Rudd took Mahomes as his number one pick,” Berry said. “But, he’s a huge Kansas City guy so it kind of makes sense.”

There were also disappointments, like noted New England Patriots super fan Evans not being able to snag quarterback Tom Brady.

“He ended up with Rodgers, which, for anyone else, is a good pick, but no, he was not happy about that,” Lozano said.

The league also goes in on trash talk, which is another holdover from the Bloodsport league.

For AGBO, the celebrities have all committed to weekly trash talking videos meant to not just sweeten the pot, but also draw attention to the charities they’re playing for.  Take for example, Paul Rudd’s extensive take down of Chris Pratt, or Ryan Reynolds going after Karen Gillan.

While Bloodsport has a thread that’s not for the faint of heart (“Those guys go hard,” Lozano said.) AGBO is kinder and gentler between their very public takedowns.

“It might be because it’s just the first year, and people are still feeling each other out, but everyone is too nice,” Lozano said. “It’s all like, ‘Wow, that video was really good.’ No real hard shots.”

Still, there’s one player in the AGBO league that gets dumped on more than anyone, and that’s Evans.

“I don’t know if you picked up on this or not,” Berry said, “But almost everyone who made a trash talk video found a way to make fun of Evans.”

There’s a little bit of history there that, again, goes back to the Bloodsport league.

“Here’s what you have to understand,” Lozano said. “Chris won the Bloodsport league two years in a row. Back-to-back. In my 20 years of playing fantasy, I’ve never seen that happen. It’s rare.”

Evans has also been known to crow about his triumph.

“He’s not shy about bringing it up,” Lozano said. “And he talks a lot of trash, so it’s only fair he gets it back.”

The trash talking though, is just another part of what makes the fantasy experience special and fun. For actors who are in the limelight all day, the fantasy league is, for a lack of a better word, a safe space for them to just be themselves.

“A lot of it is about trust,” Lozano said. “There’s trust between everyone in the league, and that allows people to just have fun with it and get to know each other better.”

It turns out, there’s a great equalizer between us mere mortals and Marvel’s mightiest heroes, and that’s fantasy football. Sure celebrities have better hair and better teeth and cuter dogs, but they too must suffer through the particular agony of watching someone they were eyeing for a fantasy slot get snatched out from under them, or seethe as a player they started hopelessly implodes during a game. That’s what makes it so fun.

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