Andre Pederneiras, coach of Jose Aldo and others, announces he’s tested positive for COVID-19

Andre Pederneiras, the longtime coach of the likes of Jose Aldo and Renan Barao, announces he’s tested positive for COVID-19.

[autotag]Andre Pederneiras[/autotag] has faced many challenges inside the cage as a fighter and cageside as a coach.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Pederneiras now faces a different sort of challenge. A lengthy Instagram post from the legendary Nova Uniao coach posted Monday announced he’s self-isolating after a positive test for the novel coronavirus currently wreaking havoc on the globe. He initially revealed the news in an interview with Combate.

The post from Pederneiras reads (translation via Google Translate):

“Good morning everyone!

“I took the Covid-19 test and it was positive. I am well, fulfilling my isolation at home, and my biggest concern at this moment is to continue our fundraising campaign, because the hunger of the less fortunate cannot fail to be quenched due to a MOMENTARY low medical in the middle of this war that we are fighting, to feed the less fortunate.

“Regardless of whether I am unable to go to the street, our army of ATHLETES AND COLLABORATORS will continue to distribute the basic food baskets at the scheduled times – and as soon as I am free, I will be back in front of everything, buying and distributing the food TOGETHER WE WIN THIS WAR.

“Every week I go to the bank to get the statement to account for the campaign. Unfortunately, this week I will have to post the cell phone statement (which I don’t like to do because it doesn’t show the name of André Pederneiras Institute and the value together), but as soon as I’m released to leave, I’ll post the statement the way it came making.

“The motto of my life has always been FIGHTING TO WIN, and it will be no different now!! My thanks to everyone who is donating and helping these people in need in some way.”

Pederneiras, 53, is perhaps most well-known for his perennial presence in the corner of former UFC featherweight champion Jose Aldo and former UFC bantamweight champion Renan Barao. Throughout his career, Pederneiras has coached dozens of other MMA notables including B.J. Penn, Junior dos Santos, Claudia Gadelha, Gray Maynard, and Eduardo Dantas.

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Bom dia a todos! Fiz o teste da Covid-19 e deu positivo. Estou bem, cumprindo meu isolamento em casa, e minha maior preocupação nesse momento é continuar a nossa campanha de arrecadação, porque a fome dos menos favorecidos não pode deixar de ser saciada por conta de uma MOMENTÂNEA baixa médica no meio dessa guerra que estamos travando, de alimentar os menos favorecidos. Independentemente de eu estar impossibilitado de ir à rua, nosso exército de ATLETAS E COLABORADORES vai continuar a distribuição das cestas básicas nos horários marcados – e assim que eu estiver liberado, estarei de volta à frente de tudo, comprando e distribuindo os alimentos PARA JUNTOS VENCERMOS ESSA GUERRA. Toda semana tenho ido ao banco tirar o extrato para prestar contas da campanha. Infelizmente, essa semana terei que postar o extrato do celular (o que não gosto de fazer porque não mostra o nome do Instituto André Pederneiras e o valor juntos), mas assim que for liberado para sair, voltarei a postar o extrato da forma como vinha fazendo. O lema da minha vida sempre foi LUTANDO PARA VENCER, e não será diferente agora!! Meu muito obrigado a todos que estão doando e ajudando essas pessoas tão necessitadas de alguma forma.

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