Amy Earnhardt, wife of NASCAR legend Dale Earnhardt Jr., in images
Amy Earnhardt is the wife of NASCAR icon Dale Earnhardt Jr.
Sports blog information from USA TODAY.
Amy Earnhardt is the wife of NASCAR icon Dale Earnhardt Jr.
“It worked!”
Dale Earnhardt Jr. is a hero in the eyes of his wife, Amy, after he recently rescued her from “bad” pain as the result of a jellyfish sting, according to a story the NASCAR driver turned broadcaster told on his podcast this week.
On the latest episode of the Dale Jr. Download, Earnhardt shared this story — which ended exactly how you think it did — after repeatedly explaining he had Amy’s permission to do so.
Dale Jr., Amy and their eldest daughter, Isla, were at the beach one day, and, as he tells it, Amy accidentally stepped on a jellyfish and was stung. And a popular theory for alleviating the pain of jellyfish stings — likely with some help from a famous episode of Friends — is to have someone pee on it.
“She was in bad pain, and she said, ‘Do you think that’ll work?'” Dale Jr. explained.
Would you help your spouse with a jellyfish sting??
— Dale Earnhardt Jr. (@DaleJr) August 14, 2021
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But of course, the Earnhardts weren’t alone on the beach. So they rearranged their stuff to shield themselves from the other beachgoers, dug a hole for some privacy, and after Amy put her foot in the hole, Dale Jr. did his thing. And according to him, Amy said he “saved her life.”
“She was in so much pain, and she said it worked immediately,” Dale Jr. said. “She was hurting! No, no, no. You can’t understate the pain of a jellyfish sting. You can’t understate this.”
He continued to explain:
“We have these chairs that are flat on the ground, all right? And so I dug a hole in the sand in front of me, and she stuck her foot down in it. I didn’t even have to move. I peed on her foot, and then I filled the hole in. …
“No one saw anything. We maneuvered all of our things around to where there was not anybody in our line of sight. I’m literally sitting almost ass on the beach; we’re low to the ground. Our chair bottoms sit on the dirt. … We’re laughing like hell, yes. I was probably laughing a little more. Amy was hurting but laughing and crying. She was hurting and laughing. It worked! I’d never done it, never tried it. You hear about it.”
While Dale Jr. urinating on Amy’s jellyfish sting helped her, that course of treatment isn’t recommended, according to the Cleveland Clinic, which notes that peeing on a sting could actually release more venom and cause more pain.
Here’s what the medical center actually recommends for jellyfish stings:
So how do you manage a jellyfish sting, then? If do you get stung by a jellyfish, remove the tentacles right away. You can use seawater to wash off the tentacles, but avoid any vigorous rubbing because this can cause the jellyfish’s nematocysts to fire, which means the barbed part of the tentacles would release more toxin into your skin. …
If you see any barbs still in your skin, use tweezers to carefully remove them. If you don’t have tweezers on-hand, you can gently scrape the area with a credit card or similarly-shaped plastic object.
Once you remove the tentacle, treat the pain by applying apple vinegar or rubbing alcohol to the affected area. This can also help release the toxin.
The good news is that the Earnhardts’ solution didn’t cause any more pain for Amy. But the story is awfully reminiscent of this scene from Friends.
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Like father, like daughter for the Earnhardt family.
Dale Jr. and Amy Earnhardt’s oldest daughter, Isla, only just turned three years old Friday, but it looks like the family might have it’s newest racer already.
The Earnhardts helped Isla celebrate her birthday in style, surprising her with a red go-kart that she clearly could not wait to test drive.
In an adorable and super sweet video Amy shared on Instagram, Dale Jr. opens the door to surprise Isla, who had the most delightful reaction upon seeing her new ride: “I love it! It’s a new car.”
And when her dad asked if she wanted to try it out, little Isla didn’t flinch and firmly said, “Yes!”
And as her dad helped her put her helmet on and strapped her into the go-kart, Isla was asking all the right questions, including repeatedly asking, “Can we go to the race track?”
Like father, like daughter, and then she hit the gas like a pro.
New episodes of The Sneak: The Disappearance of Mario Rossi are out now
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“We’ve got a healthy little baby girl, and her name is Nicole Lorraine,” Dale Jr. said.
Dale Earnhardt Jr. announced on his weekly podcast that his wife, Amy Earnhardt, gave birth to their second daughter, Nicole Lorraine, on Monday, October 12 — just two days after Dale Jr.’s birthday.
On the Dale Jr. Download, which was released later than usual because of the big baby news, Earnhardt explained that their second daughter’s name comes from both Amy and his late mother, Brenda Jackson.
“It is awesome,” Dale Jr. said on the podcast. “Amy had a pretty good pregnancy, and she said it felt like it was a long one because of COVID and all that. But we’re not gonna complain because we’ve got a healthy little baby girl, and her name is Nicole Lorraine. Nicole is Amy’s middle name, and Lorraine is my mom’s middle name.”
The Earnhardts’ first daughter, Isla, celebrated her second birthday in April. They announced they were having a second child back in March, and Dale Jr. explained why he was elated to have another daughter.
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“I can’t even hardly put it into words,” Dale Jr. explained.
Days after Dale Jr. and Amy Earnhardt celebrated the gender reveal for their second child due in a few months, the retired NASCAR driver opened up about having another baby and what that means to him and for his family.
On the latest episode of his podcast, the Dale Jr. Download, Earnhardt explained not only why he’s ecstatic to have another girl but also why he said he “was a little nervous” about the idea of having a boy. He said he’d assume there would be astronomical expectations in life for a boy, presumably to have a career in racing that would draw constant comparisons to Dale Jr. and Dale Earnhardt Sr.
(Podcast co-host Mike Davis asks Earnhardt about their gender reveal at the 13:50 mark in the video below.)
Earnhardt said on the podcast:
“You go through a lot of emotions about, you know, I know a lot of people were hoping that we were going to have a boy. So you think about those things. And I’ll be honest with you, and I don’t know how people will receive this. I was worried — I’ve gotta choose my words wisely here — I was super worried about having a son.
“The expectations and people’s hopes of who he would become or might become were gonna be just really unrealistic and challenging and, at times, even unfair maybe. And so there was a part of me that was a little nervous about that, about having a son and being the focus of how I raised him and who he was and who he was going to be. And I’m sure I’m overthinking the hell out of that.”
But his tone quickly shifted.
After detailing why he had some nerves about a hypothetical son, he touchingly explained why he’s overjoyed that they’re having another daughter. Fans of the podcast recently got a taste of Earnhardt’s life as a dad when Isla joined the show a few weeks ago for a predictably adorable appearance.
More from the Dale Jr. Download:
“There is a love and a feeling about being the father of a daughter that I can’t even hardly put it into words. Isla is now, just in the last probably several weeks, is constantly saying how much she loves me. She loves her daddy and loves to be up against her dad and wants her dad to tuck her in at night.
“It’s just the most amazing thing, and to have another dose of that ingredient in the household, I’m all about it. So Amy’s great, Isla’s great, and we’re going to add to that. We’re going to bring more of that into our home, and I just can’t wait.”
More good news: They already have a name picked out after struggling to decide on Isla the first time around.
“We have a name. It took us forever to figure out Isla’s name. It was like the very last few weeks of Amy’s pregnancy is when we finally decided on a name. But now we have a name, and it came really easy, and I feel great about that.”
Of course, he didn’t share what that name is yet. He and Amy also haven’t mentioned what their due date is, but considering they announced they’re expecting back in March, we’re guessing the baby will be born in September or October.
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Dale Jr. was so excited to surprise Amy with some baby news.
When Amy Earnhardt told Dale Jr. she’s pregnant with their second child, her husband was delightfully stunned (and she captured it on video for the rest of us to enjoy). So when the time came for the couple to learn if they’re having a boy or girl, he wanted to return the favor.
Dale Jr. — with a huge assist from their toddler, Isla, who will celebrate her second birthday on April 30 — found out the baby’s gender before Amy, and he had a special pair of baby shoes made to give to her for their reveal. The shoes are just like ones Amy gave him a couple years ago to tell him they were having a girl.
“She got to surprise me with the pregnancy, so I get to surprise her with the news!” Dale Jr. said in the video he recently shared on Instagram. “I’m so excited!”
And he wrote in the caption:
news to share. It’s a…
The Earnhardts announced in March that they’re expecting their second child, also with some adorable help from Isla, who was so excited to celebrate becoming a big sister.
Recently on the Dale Jr. Download, NASCAR’s 15-time most popular driver’s weekly podcast, Earnhardt opened up about expecting another baby. He said:
“I’m looking for forward to going through that role process again and to have another human in our house. The first two years with Isla have been incredible, and I can’t wait for that experience all over again and to see them two together, interact with each other, will just be so much fun.”
Dale Jr. and Amy have not mentioned a due date publicly yet. However, Amy wrote on Instagram that the video of her telling him that she’s pregnant was a few weeks old, so if we had to guess, we’d say the newest Earnhardt will be born around October.
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Dale Earnhardt Jr. opens up about he and Amy expecting their second baby.
For the first time since Dale Jr. and Amy Earnhardt announced last Wednesday on social media that they’re expecting their second child, the retired NASCAR driver spoke about his family’s big news. They already have a daughter, Isla, who will be two years old on April 30.
On Instagram, Amy shared the video she took of the moment she told Dale Jr. she’s pregnant, and he was in total disbelief, describing himself as “every dad right there.”
“I’m looking for forward to going through that role process again and to have another human in our house,” Earnhardt said on this week’s episode of the Dale Jr. Download podcast, which was recorded via Skype. “The first two years with Isla have been incredible, and I can’t wait for that experience all over again and to see them two together, interact with each other, will just be so much fun.”
But with everything that’s happening in the world related to the global coronavirus pandemic — which also led to NASCAR postponing seven races through May 3 — Dale Jr. said he has to remind himself that he and Amy are having another baby.
He explained on the Dale Jr. Download:
“With all that going on, it’s almost been impossible to really even think about the fact that Amy’s — I’m sure Amy’s not having a problem thinking about it — but for me and everybody else around here, honestly, like we haven’t been able to think about expecting and having another child. So it’s been weird. Almost have to remind myself that we’re months away from being able to be parents again because there’s so much going on that you forget everything that’s going on.
“I don’t want that to sound cold or like I’m not plugged in. I’m just trying got make sure we’ve got all the [expletive] we need here and make sure that when we get up in there morning that everything’s where it needs to be and trying to stay on top of what’s going on in the world and what to believe and not to believe and just making sure we’re prepared for what might be coming our way, good and bad.”
Because of social distancing recommendations and some limitations on where people can and cannot go if they leave the house, Earnhardt — who finished second in NASCAR’s pro iRacing event Sunday at the virtual Homestead-Miami Speedway — said he and Amy aren’t able to go to the doctor for basic checkups.
So like just about everyone else, the Earnhardts are taking precautions in their lives and adjusting their expectations. But understandably, it’s made them “a little bit nervous” during this pregnancy.
More from Earnhardt on his podcast:
“Due to the restrictions on all nonessential visits, we can’t really go and do the check-ups like we typically would. It’s making us a little bit nervous. But other than that, I just tell Amy, ‘Well, it’s kind of like the old days. This is just going to be a different process, and we can just hope that everything’s going the way it needs to be going.’
“At this point, we’d be finding out the sex of the baby and all the other things that you learn throughout the process, but we’re going to have to be patient and wait on that. So it’s been a little bit different than the first experience when Isla was still inside Amy’s belly.
“And I don’t know that it’s sunk in either because we’re going through this thing with the virus and the whole world, and we’re sort of caught up in that and trying to entertain Isla and make this as normal as we possibly can for her.”
Earnhardt also explained that while he and Amy had decided when they were going to try to get pregnant again, they hadn’t quite reached that point yet.
“So this was a surprise. It wasn’t something we had meant to happen just yet, but we were not very far away from starting that process. It was very close. So it was really neat ’cause I just didn’t know we would get pregnant unless we really put in the work. And so that was interesting, I was just surprised because of how it went the first time. And I’m 45. We’re not young pups.”
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Dale Jr.’s daughter Isla is going to be a big sister.
Dale Jr. and Amy Earnhardt are expecting their second child, Amy announced on Instagram on Wednesday with the help of their first child, Isla. In an adorable video, Isla, who will celebrate her second birthday on April 30, told the world that her parents are expecting an addition to their family.
Considering Dale Jr. was voted NASCAR’s 15-time most popular driver — he’s now retired from full-time racing but competes once a year in the second-tier XFINITY Series — fans were beyond excited for Isla’s birth in 2018. And their second child should be no different.
Paired with the video on Instagram, Amy wrote: “Isla has some news!#gonbabeaseester”.
Although Amy did not mention her due date, in a second Instagram post, she shared the video of her telling Junior the good news: “And this is how Dad reacted when I told him a few weeks ago ”.
In the replies, Dale Jr. said: “Shocked and confused me was very happy”.
In 2018 when Isla was about five months old, she “saw” her father race for the first time. It was his once-a-year race, this time at Richmond Raceway, and Dale Jr. said he was just so happy to have her be part of his racing life, however brief.
“I was thrilled to have Isla there,” he said. “She won’t remember what happened today, but if I never run another race, I got to have her at one event and we got a picture at the car before the race that she’ll be able to have the rest of her life. It doesn’t matter to me if she ever thinks that’s a big deal, but I want her to have some understanding, I guess, of what I did before she was born.”
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